Clinton Won’t Commit to Renew Constitution

Illinois Senator Barack Obama has finally signed the American Freedom Pledge, joining his fellow Democratic presidential candidates in encouraging the restoration of basic Constitutional principles after the battering they have taken during the Bush-Cheney era.

All the Democrats, that is, except New York Senator Hillary Clinton.
The pledge is anything but radical. It simply asks candidates to affirm a statement that reads: “We are Americans, and in our America we do not torture, we do not imprison people without charge or legal remedy, we do not tap people’s phones and emails without a court order, and above all we do not give any President unchecked power. I pledge to fight to protect and defend the Constitution from attack by any President.”

  1. Steve-O says:

    You really expected her to sign it? How the hell do you think she and Slick Willie got to where they are today?

  2. Dallas says:

    It’s a useless, baiting “pledge”. I would not sign it either. How many of these stupid things are you suppose to sign and who is authorized to create one, anybody?

  3. Cinaedh says:

    If they’d added, “In English, we never put a comma in front of the words and and but“, she probably would have signed it. 🙂

    Seriously folks, it’s obvious she’s the only candidate unwilling to lie about this particular issue because she’s the only candidate ever likely to have to deal with it in real life.

  4. rhinodj says:

    I read the whole article… Regardless of what this “pledge” means, which is probably nothing, the article fails to differentiate if Clinton HASNT signed, or WONT sign. The level of significance between the two is quite large.

    Its obvious that she hasnt signed YET, but a totally different story if she WONT sign. I suspect that since Obama has done so, she will soon follow.

  5. Esteban says:

    I’m rooting for Obama. Too bad Texas isn’t part of Super Tuesday, though. I wish we’d just hold all of the primaries on the same day so everyone could vote.

  6. jccalhoun hates the spam filter says:

    meet the new boss same as the old boss…

  7. Eideard says:

    To expand on #5, I just wish all these primaries, etc. were Open. I’ll be heading out into the snow, this afternoon, to vote in the NM Democrat Caucus – having had to register as a Democrat instead of keeping my usual Independent status.

    If we had an Open Primary, I could show up and vote to support a couple of candidates for local office who I happen to respect. Once we get past this part of banal American politics, I’ll re-register as an Independent, once again.

  8. Improbus says:

    I live in Missouri which has an open primary today. As a registered Independent voter I plan on voting for Obama. As a added side benefit I get to stick it to Hillary. At this point I am writing off the Republicans. There is no one worth voting for in the Republican primary that has a chance of winning.

  9. Improbus says:

    I mean writing. D’oh!

    [Actually, that was a good pun. It’s fixed. – ed.]

  10. Matt Garrett says:

    Why should she? NO RIGHTS HAVE BEEN TAKEN AWAY? That’s just some special interest group politically posturing their way around the Koss Fever Swamp.

  11. MaxMars says:

    Dear Matt Garrett,


    Perhaps you have decided that certain aspects of American life are not rights. I can’t say for sure, since I don’t know you (nor do you know me).

    I assure you, rights HAVE been abrogated, removed, nullified, and otherwise spindled and mangled by the (oxy)-moronically named ‘Patriot Act’

    People can rest assured they are being listened to, watched, and monitored as never before. At what point do you think someone could ‘decide’ you were a ‘potential’ terrorist and sequester you away without any legal review, without any moral restraint, and no accountability? You cannot express your discontent with government policy within earshot of any TSA employee without being immediately detained and help until they ‘feel’ like it. You cannot expect to maintain any privacy – it is no longer guaranteed – which means anyone – ANYONE – can label you as they see fit and proceed to repress you without you having the ‘right’ to address the charge. Are you like, asleep or something?

  12. Cinaedh says:

    #9 Improbus

    I preferred the originial ‘righting’. I thought you were being clever. You were, right?

  13. Improbus says:


    I haven’t had enough coffee yet this morning to be clever.

  14. Cinaedh says:

    #13 Improbus

    If you had, you’d have put the word ‘right’ at the end of that sentence, right?

  15. livvidd says:

    Hillary is nothing else than a “Bush in sheep’s clothing”.

  16. jccalhoun says:

    Indiana’s primary isn’t until May. And people wonder why no presidential candidates spend any real time here… (that and the state has gone republican in every presidential election since Johnson…)

  17. RBG says:

    I think we can prove Obama watches midget pr0n if he refuses to sign a declaration stating otherwise.


  18. PaybackTime says:

    …and that’s why I’m voting for her. I can’t wait until she gets into office. With the way Bush has ‘relaxed’ our laws and the constitution, payback to Bush and his supporters will be easy and legal. She’ll probably need eight years just to get them all. Don’t think of it as waterboarding, consider it to be a personal spa experience.

  19. McCullough says:

    #18. Kool Aid taste great, doesnt it!

  20. RtBWA says:

    I think it’s a good move for to wait – The changes that the Bush made was mostly used as a batagainst the Democrats. Now the tables will soon be turned….

    You don’t need a slide rule to figure this out…

  21. Raster says:

    Other than Ron Paul, any word on whether any Republicans should sign this?

    Oh, that’s right, only Democrats are expected to care about that irritating Constitution thingie.

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #21 – Only Democrats and old school Republicans.

    I’m a liberal and a Democrat, but I’ll give the credit where it is due. Yesterday’s Republican Party was very adamant about constitutional protections and civil liberties. These new neo-con Republicans are the insidious force that is ripping politics apart.

    Paranoid and loony as he was, I think even Nixon would shudder to think of what Bush has done to damage this country.

  23. Stars&Bars says:

    Hillary is a NeoCon too. Ron Paul will sign it. Even better, Ron Paul will follow through with it. Is it any wonder Ann Coulter endorsed Hillary over McCain?

  24. Stars&Bars says:

    #18. Yes, I’m sure Hillary will go after Bush an Co. Just like Nancy Pelosi lead the charge to impeach Bush et al after the 2006 elections. You should pull you head out of your a** and have a look around. Bush’s handlers are doing everything they can to get Hillary elected. Fox News and Rupert Murdock are her biggest supports. Stop being fooled by labels.

  25. DeLeMa says:

    Cripes, #24, you ain’t just shitting campaign champagne there…as was said above and by the Who, “same as the old boss”. I REALLY want to see ANYONE elected who can take on the powers that be and get some back for the shit-heads who don’t really deserve it but, who happen to be the majority of those who voted to re-elect the monster and his cadre after he not only came in our mouths’ but, sent the check in the mail to the corporate types who ARE the powers that be..damm but I wish had the money to do nmore than cast a vote. It’s not nice to feel frustrated but, I guess it’s ok ’cause I don’t work for the Postal Service….

  26. Rick Cain says:

    Come on now, all you liberals and conservatives know that Hillary is “playing the game”.

    What is playing the game? Well first of all to win a presidency you must:
    1)be religious
    2)pander to special interests
    3)promote war and american arrogance
    4)never be clear on your economic policies.

    Hillary will turn off the iraqi war spigot the moment she takes power, she will kick out every neocon in power right now, and will start prosecuting civilian contractors and terminate the licenses of all those mercenary armies in the USA like Blackwater and Titan.
    She will bring back economic geniuses like Robert Reich and rescue our economy from certain doom.

    Obama will do the same if he wins, and the GOP morons in Congress will fight it all the way to the bitter end.

    Two candidates who refused to “play the game” and got dismal showings in the 2008 elections.
    1) Ron Paul
    2) Dennis Kucinich
    3) Mike Gravel

    I’m so glad a democrat is coming back to the white house, I fear America is doomed if McCain wins. The GOP has caused more damage to us than Osama and the Taliban.


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