The questionable photo

Police, saying they were responding to citizen complaints, carted away two large promotional photographs from the Abercrombie & Fitch store in Lynnhaven Mall on Saturday and cited the manager on obscenity charges. The citation was issued under City Code Section 22.31, Bernstein said, which makes it a crime to display “obscene materials in a business that is open to juveniles.” He did not say what was being done with the pictures and when the manager, whose name was not released, is scheduled to appear in court. The manager, reached by telephone, declined to comment on the incident Saturday, saying that he was conferring with and waiting for guidance from Abercrombie corporate officials.

Bernstein confirmed that one depicts three shirtless young men from the back, walking through a field. The man in the lead appears to be about to pull up his jeans, which have slipped down enough to reveal his upper buttocks. The same image is displayed on the Abercrombie Web site. The other image is of a woman who is topless and whose “breast is displayed with her hand covering just the nipple portion,” Bernstein said. “You could still pretty much see the rest of the breast.”

Well done guys, I’m thankful the police were able to get the situation under control. We cant have our teens corrupted by bare breasts.

  1. BubbaRay says:

    [still off topic]

    Darn, I forgot to plug page 2. Great photos. There go the big bucks.

  2. jescott418 says:

    Yes, I think this business is exploiting sex for profit. They must be laughing all the way to the bank! Their cloths have got to be the cheapest quality out there. But talk about our stupid youth and the parents who give money to their kids to buy such crap.
    Its no wonder our country is slipping into recession. Ethiopia makes our cloths, China makes our electronics.

  3. dvorak fan says:

    gquaglia, who hasn’t participated in little homoerotic group sex with a chick in a grassy field when you were a teenager?
    Let he who is without sin…

  4. ultramannick says:

    I was in a local mall about a week ago and saw the very same “ad” (actually a huge photo mural just inside the entrance to the A&F store). I thought how far “ads” and marketing of “upscale” clothing stores have come by not marketing the actual clothes, but by marketing the people and lifestyle represented. I’ve seen countless ads for clothing—and the articles aren’t even featured in the ad! It’s “if you wear our brand, you’ll look like this” or “if you look like this, you need to wear our brand.”

    As for A&F, I think the “ad” is a little much. Yes, it is extemely super gay. Looks like these young men were caught doing something in the field and are running to escape. Oh, and wearing A&F jeans, too. You too can look like us.

    I’d be interested to see if our local stores pull the ad after being advised by their legal team.

    The other store in the mall that I would always see was GUESS (I think–maybe I’m wrong), but their windows were plastered with huge photos of Paris Hilton. After her (ongoing) shenanigans with DUI, sex tape, whatever, does this company really want her to represent their brand?

  5. Dany Fox says:

    Look out Virginia Beach Plumbers.
    You’re next on the Virginia Beach PD’s hit list.

    P.S. Is this really the 21st century??

  6. Rick Cain says:

    If there’s a law that needs to be passed, they should pass a law stating that A&F has more than one dressing room and more than one bathroom!

  7. Rick Cain says:

    Wow I just noticed the chick in the photo. Ah that brings back my younger days when I participated in underage gang bangs with my buddies girlfriend.

    Abercrombe & Fitch makes me remember those more wholesome innocent times…


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