The questionable photo

Police, saying they were responding to citizen complaints, carted away two large promotional photographs from the Abercrombie & Fitch store in Lynnhaven Mall on Saturday and cited the manager on obscenity charges. The citation was issued under City Code Section 22.31, Bernstein said, which makes it a crime to display “obscene materials in a business that is open to juveniles.” He did not say what was being done with the pictures and when the manager, whose name was not released, is scheduled to appear in court. The manager, reached by telephone, declined to comment on the incident Saturday, saying that he was conferring with and waiting for guidance from Abercrombie corporate officials.

Bernstein confirmed that one depicts three shirtless young men from the back, walking through a field. The man in the lead appears to be about to pull up his jeans, which have slipped down enough to reveal his upper buttocks. The same image is displayed on the Abercrombie Web site. The other image is of a woman who is topless and whose “breast is displayed with her hand covering just the nipple portion,” Bernstein said. “You could still pretty much see the rest of the breast.”

Well done guys, I’m thankful the police were able to get the situation under control. We cant have our teens corrupted by bare breasts.

  1. phiend says:

    you forgot the police state banner

  2. gquaglia says:

    Hmm, three shirtless dudes, one pulling up his pants. Sounds very gay to me.

  3. fuzzball963 says:

    I’m going to assume you were being sarcastic there :). The very idea that police would respond to a public indecency complaint in a picture where a women shows a tiny bit of breast or a man shows a little crack is absolutely absurd.

    Gotta love the good ole US of A and our insane Puritanical obsession with all things moral.

  4. McCullough says:

    #1. Thanks, I think Nanny State is more appropriate since unfortunately no one was tazed.

  5. Holly says:

    Sex sells. Is it really so different than the cleavage that’s been put to use in the marketplace for decades?

  6. Eideard says:

    Even living in a community that’s had significant arts presence for decades, we get the wingnut morality brigade assaulting freedom of expression from time-to-time.

    My all time favorite was an arrest of a gallery owner for displaying a replica Colt .45 – 10 times life-size – and the barrel was morphed into a penis.

    Of course, he won. Of course, the gallery did a massive increase in business after the local Catholic wing of the Taleban had filed charges of public obscenity.

  7. Dallas says:

    Outrageous pornography here and glad watchful citizens fingered the perpetrators to authorities. This is NOT how bluejeans should be worn.

    We need to build more prisons.

  8. eyeofthetiger says:

    Free ballin’ is over rated. Really, I’m not sure the meaning of this picture? Farm boys too can make their pants fall like ganstas when chased by police, but only when police are petite blond’s trotting through a grassy field???

  9. jesus hates says:

    jesus HATES bare breasts. His dad HATES ass cracks. Together they HATE HATE HATE.

  10. Les says:

    Associate Justice Oliver Wendel Holmes stated “You can’t define obscenity without being obscene.”

  11. pat says:

    I once went to Virginia Beach on a band trip in high school. Not one block from the strip of hotels did the neighborhood become pretty scary… Glad to see where their priorities lie.

  12. phiend says:

    Right on McCullough

  13. Brandon Bachman says:

    Oh gimme a break. I was lookin’ at breasts WAY before I was a consenting adult.


  14. deej says:

    I agree #5. I see the aforementioned mall has both a Frederick’s of Hollywood and a Victoria’s Secret… where is the outrage concerning the displays at those stores?

  15. Don Coyote says:

    They’re not jeans if they’re not Levi 501s.

  16. Jeff says:

    Gquaglia take your homophobia someplace else.

  17. Cinaedh says:

    For anyone who’s interested, there’s a discussion about U.S. prudery in the Cage Match, under the title: ‘A Set of Naked Knockers’:

  18. MikeGunn says:

    Hmmmm……. butt cracks are porn. Just think of all the plumbers that are going to be arrested!

  19. Jennifer says:

    They’re hitting Coppertone next, right?

  20. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I think this is actually quite innocent.

    After Sunday school, the kids all went down to the swimming hole at the river and went skinny dipping, faithfully keeping their promise not to peek at one another. They were having such a good time, they almost forgot they promised to go see old Mrs. Hutchins in the hospital, so they’re rushing off right now, to lift the spirits of a sweet elderly neighbor while she’s ill.

    Every picture has a story, but the suspicious people of Virginia Beach always assume the worst.

  21. BubbaRay says:

    Cage Match isn’t a “Cage Match” anymore.

    For not actually visiting Cage Match before posting the comment, #23 pedro receives the coveted BubbaRayDipDork Award.

  22. Pete says:

    #2 you can’t see the girl on the left hand side of the picture? Anything but gay…

  23. bobbo says:

    Obscene: Designed to incite to indecency or lust

    Remembering back, I can’t think of a single solitary thing between age 16 and about 25 that wasn’t obscene.

    I long for those days.

  24. joseph1949 says:

    [Message deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  25. Glenn E. says:

    Virginia Beach is somewhat noted for being the home of religious nutcases (extremists). Not only does Pat Roberson headquarter there. It also features the Edgar Casey (sleeping profit) museam. I’ve never been there myself, but a friend went there once. And he said it was super creepy how they follow you around, like they’re just waiting to convert you or something. So my theory is that if there’s at least two of something creepy, in one place, there’s bound to be a lot more of them.

    On the other hand, some of these business to push the limits of bad taste, in their promotional advertising. And you have to ask yourself, “just how does this help sell jeans?” I wouldn’t be surprised that more than a few gays are entrenched in the advertising game. And that they tend to photograph (or approve the filming of) subject matter that “turns them on”. So their choice of subject matter here, shows.

  26. jccalhoun hates the stupid spam filter says:

    To be fair, A&F ads are extra super gay. A lot of my gay male friends love their catalogs.

    I still don’t understand how the brand ever became popular among homophobic frat boys.

  27. TIHZ_HO says:

    #29 Glenn E

    My family moved to Va Beach when I was 13 years old and lived there for about 12 years. You are right it is the bastion of CBN Pat Robertson and Edgar Cayce’s Association of Research and Enlightenment (ARE) – both ends of the Wack-O-Meter there.

    It was in Va Beach where I formed my opinion that saved Christians and evangelicals are mostly Jesus Zombies and religons in general are no different than Santa Clause only most people don’t grow out of it.

    On the other hand Va Beach holds some great memories of mine. Rogues Gallery night club where I worked part time, first opened by Bill Deal and the Rhondels, where I once sang “King TUT” with Fat Ammon’s Band which was a spin off the Rhondells minus Bill. Ahhhh….


  28. Brandon Bachman says:

    That’s like asking how Uggs got popular.

    Somebody else saw it.
    Somebody seen the brand.
    Somebody wanted that brand.
    Somebody purchases it, albiet the fact they’re 25k in debt.

  29. Spiny says:

    Puritans & police power, bad cocktail 😉

  30. BubbaRay says:

    [off topic]
    #25 pedro has graciously accepted the coveted BRDDA and joins some elite company. Pedro, why don’t you give Cage Match a try? It’s changed a lot in the last half year. The editors KD, Hop, user999 and ECA come up with some wacky stuff.

    Is an elephant bigger than the Moon? I’m betting Pedro can add to this python-esque mess. 2 pages of madness.

    Of course, I get paid for this plug just visit for the “Pin-up of the day.” Thanks, Hop! 🙂


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