It may be wishful thinking, but a Canadian government ministry has sent out a directive to its employees urging them to relax and not to use their BlackBerry smartphones at night or on weekends and holidays.

Trying to re-establish a proper balance between work and life, Citizenship and Immigration Canada is starting by trying to cut the chains to what some have called CrackBerries…

Fadden also asked employees not to use BlackBerries during meetings and also not to schedule meetings over lunch.

Try something new. Talk to your family.

  1. eyeofthetiger says:

    Don’t hate the playa hate the …oh, I agree with this in theory.

  2. Don Coyote says:

    Y tok whn u can txt?

  3. Cinaedh says:

    I wonder how long it’s going to take before someone on the ‘Net organizes a Throw Away Your Blackberry Day?

  4. Seth says:

    It’s a good idea but I think it should be something people do on their own. I leave my Blackberry in the car or at home all the time. If I’m out and not on call what do I need it for? It just distracts me from my activity.

    A few hours of being disconnected is good for all of us IMO.


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