Our old friends of Fred Phelps are back. OK, so they never actually said what is in my headline, but listening to them it sure sounds like being dead would help their cause. In their f_’d up minds, anyway.

Check out the Westboro church’s website. Click on their Contact link and let them know what you think of their progressive views on life here in the 14th century. Also, check out their blog where you can find out about Rancid Reno Girly-Men [who] Need To Stop Lying

Anti-gay group promises Denison picket

The Kansas-based church that protests at the funerals of U.S. soldiers, claiming the servicemen are dying because God hates gay people and America’s tolerance of them, has decided that God hates Reno too.

“Reno is a dangerous place to be, with the curse of God upon Reno,” the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., said in a news release this week. “God hates Reno, Nevada.”

Police Chief Michael Poehlman called the church’s statement “despicable,” especially because it begins with references to Brianna Denison, a 19-year college student who has been the target of a search since police believe she was abducted from a Reno home on Jan. 20.

“If Brianna Denison dies, blame the corrupt Reno Police,” the church’s statement said, adding that church members will “picket her funeral, in religious protest & warning.”

Now, check out the church’s response.

Found by Gary ‘the dangerous infidel’ Marks

  1. Angus says:

    The reality series Reno 911 clearly shows how inadequate the Reno Police department is.

    But, seriously, this isn’t a church, it’s the family business. They’re all lawyers in the same family. They do outrageous things, and anyone that denies them that ability, they sue then settle out of court. The last thing they need is more publicity.

  2. TIHZ_HO says:

    I agree why give them the publicity they crave?

    No matter what we would say to them they would continue. Who’s more the fool? The fool or one who argues with one?

    We all know the bible is all fucked up and you can find support for anything you want to do in the holey scriptures. So what’s the use to go on and on with these ‘enlightened’ ones.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a starship we could pack all these religious types into and send them on their merry way…be sure to leave room for the lawyers.

    On another note I caught the Republican debate on CNN the other day and I got to admit the only one that seemed to make any sense was Huckabee. DAMN!


  3. James Hill says:

    #2 – And that would be one more person making sense than in last night’s debate.

  4. Calin says:

    Phelps gives me the creeps. There are quite a few interviews with him in “Small Town Gay Bar”. Put that in your Netflix queue when you get a chance. That guy was creepy.

  5. Degenx says:

    Here is a link to an expose that was done on Fred Phelps and his family.

    This shows how sick and twisted Phelps truly is.

  6. GigG says:

    Not a huge Baptist fan myself but this guy makes them look bad and I’m really surprised somebody hasn’t blown his head off yet.

    #2 I want to know who is running the Huckster’s campaign. I live in Arkansas and he isn’t this smart. My bet is Rove is in there somewhere behind the curtain.

  7. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This episode takes crassness and insensitivity to a whole new level. At a time when the friends and family of the abducted college student are still hopeful that she will be found alive, the fine folks of the Westboro Baptist Church are already publicly discussing their plans to demonstrate at her funeral.

    They’re just another group of Christians lacking the moral courage to stand up to a vengeful god who, by their own admission, kills innocent people for the sins of the guilty. I’d prefer not to take a full tour of the religious asylum today, thank you.

  8. gregallen says:

    I hate to say it, but don’t the Phelps have a point here?

    Wasn’t Reno built by organized crime with the sole intention of exploiting vice to take away families’ milk money and college funds?

    I suspect God isn’t too enthusiastic about that.

  9. Calin says:

    Then why wait 50 years? If God wanted to rain judgment on Reno because of it’s sinful ways, why not do it in the ’50s? Why demonstrate by causing the death of a college student that wasn’t even alive when the Mob moved into Reno.

    Oh, I can understand people who say some natural disaster was God’s wrath. I don’t agree, but at least I can understand the twisted logic. This crap? I don’t think so.

  10. Steve-O says:

    The scum sucking vermin from his church plan on demonstrating at Marine LCpl Maria Lauterbach’s funeral tomorrow.

    I volunteered to protect the family from Westboro’s crap so if I make the news I’ll be the one choking the shit out of a demonstrator.

    Before I get flamed for not liking demonstrators let me say I have marched in protest before and am vocal about some things. I just don’t like the idea of taking it out on a family while they are grieving.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    You know what they say, the biggest homophobe is always a closeted homo.

  12. ashembers says:

    TIHZ_HO – the Bible is not fucked up. Peolple just don’t read it as intended:

    For example: the godhatesfags.com website brings up Leviticus on the banner, an Old Testament/Torah reference that doesn’t get ANY play in the New Testament. Sure, there is 1 Corinthians, but at the Catholic Bishop’s website (http://www.usccb.org/nab/bible/1corinthians/1corinthians6.htm#v9), they make a footnote mention that is very telling:

    “3 [9] The Greek word translated as boy prostitutes may refer to catamites, i.e., boys or young men who were kept for purposes of prostitution, a practice not uncommon in the Greco-Roman world. In Greek mythology this was the function of Ganymede, the “cupbearer of the gods,” whose Latin name was Catamitus. The term translated Sodomites refers to adult males who indulged in homosexual practices with such boys. See similar condemnations of such practices in Romans 1:26-27; 1 Tim 1:10.”

    So really, this is a reference to Sodom and Gomorrah, which was more about abuse than anything else. The people who need to take this to heart are EVERYONE – the God-Hates-Fags people and the people who are so quick to ruin the message of the New Testament.

    The moral is simply: Don’t throw stones.

  13. eyeofthetiger says:

    #1 is correct. Though, the majority of their claims are through such fame as slip and falls.

  14. Shadowbird says:

    Igh…idiots. It’s amazing how anyone can think they speak for Christians in general, when really, they’re an isolated group of moral-supremist jerks.

  15. QB says:

    Don’t forget God hates Sweden and Canada according Phelps, a disbarred lawyer. Actually, we Canadians passed our same-sex marriage act to keep Phelps south of the 49th parallel.

    And yes #11, Fred Phelps does look pretty snappy in a pair of toreador pants and pig skin loafers.

  16. Mister Catshit says:

    #1, Angus,

    I don’t like Phelps, his family, or his church. What I dislike more though is when someone just throws out some crap they made up.

    But, seriously, this isn’t a church, it’s the family business. They’re all lawyers in the same family. They do outrageous things, and anyone that denies them that ability, they sue then settle out of court. The last thing they need is more publicity.

    The Westboro Baptist Church is a church. It is not a business. Many in the congregation are lawyers. That is their personal life. So please tell us, how many cases has the Church initiated then settled out of court.

    BTW, it is everyone’s right to go to court to settle a dispute or gain compensation for being harmed.

    #5, Desinex,

    What have you been smoking??? Your link is a piece of fiction and a “legal” complaint. This doesn’t rise to “evidence”.

    #13, Eyeofthetiger,

    Another fucking asshate. Please link some FACTS to back up your statement.

  17. Homerthegreat says:

    Im not sure what would have happened if these shitheads tried showing up at my friends funeral, he was a captain in the Army who died in 2003, Before IL had a law against this sort of thing or the Motorcycle honor guard started up. John was a good friend and fraternity brother. Im just glad these yahoos didn’t start their BS. Im a vet of Desert Storm I made it ok, Unfortunately, My Brother did not.

  18. Swdragoon says:

    Everybody hates Reno why should god be any difrent

  19. bobbo says:

    As anti-church/religion/
    god/ignorance/superstition as I am, I do think “on balance” even when its “technically true” it is misdirecting to include any notion of a “church” when mentioning Phelps.

    It would be like saying he drives a Chevy and so claiming Chevy drivers are whacko==or maybe substitute “lawyeer” for wacko, but that becomes very difficult to distinguish (smile!!).

    Passing up a free shot at religion shows just how wacky Phelps is.

  20. marthy says:

    Are you serious?

  21. Uncle Dave says:

    #18: Have you ever been there? Recently? It’s nothing like it used to be in the dim, dark past.

  22. Greg Allen says:

    # 21 Uncle Dave said, >> Have you ever been there? Recently? It’s nothing like it used to be in the dim, dark past.

    I’ve heard it is one of the new hot spots on the west coast. I have a relative who has made a killing selling real estate in Reno.

    I just have a problem with gambling — I’ve personally seen the destruction it’s had in people’s lives.

    That being said, I think it was BETTER when the vice of gambling was kept in Nevada. I’m enough of a realist to understand that popular vice is probably better regulated and restricted rather than outright banned.

    Now that nobody in America is more than a short drive from a casino, it’s no surprise that gambling addiction rates are way up.

  23. Greg Allen says:

    I did check out their web sit — I was surprised by the technical quality by it.

    That doesn’t come cheap. Where do they get their money from?

  24. TIHZ_HO says:

    #23 Greg Allen

    Where do they get their money from?

    Where does any religious group get their money from?



  25. TIHZ_HO says:

    #12 ashembers said

    TIHZ_HO – the Bible is not fucked up. Peolple just don’t read it as intended

    Oh really?

    That just proves my point. For a divinely inspired work which shall not be added to or taken from sure is sloppy.


  26. TIHZ_HO says:

    #12 ashembers How do you explain how all four of the gospels disagree with each other on many points about Jesus?

    Mistranslations? Missing parts? Well both have been acknowledged by biblical scholars.

    Messiah means anointed one which means King. There have been many messiahs – Solomon, David even Jesus’ brother James…next in line.

    Christ also means king…

    Even Jesus’ name is wrong – its really Joshua! Jesus comes from the Greek translation.

    Christians follow Paul’s teaching of what he thought Jesus / Joshua meant – so called Pauline Christian thought. This was at odds with Jesus / Joshua’s teachings and his brother James who was the next Messiah or king of the Jews after Jesus / Joshua.

    Should I stop – is that enough? 😉


  27. ashembers says:

    Dude, what do you expect? This is oral tradition committed to paper somewhere between 30-100 years post-hoc Jesus’ actual time. Of course there are inconsistencies with facts, and naturally there is a lot of metaphoric language that we also cannot confuse. Noted. The real question is – what is the meaning of it? Your use of 4 gospels “disagreeing” is more on matters of trivia than the main point of Jesus being crucified for the sake of all people. Saying that the gospels “disagree” is like saying that because Jesus didn’t chastise one group in one Gospel, he must have thought they were okey dokey. You CAN make reasonable inference on his character without thinking that the whole thing is simply untrue. That’s the choice you’re challenged with, and it’s more complicated when you stop to think about it.

  28. TIHZ_HO says:

    # 27 ashembers

    “What do I expect? This is oral tradition committed to paper somewhere between 30-100 years post-hoc Jesus’ actual time.”

    You just proved my point. The bible is NOT the word of god at all its a twisted myth of what and who Jesus was and it is all screwed up – with out a doubt and the Catholic church even admits editing and tampering it.

    Your use of 4 gospels “disagreeing” is more on matters of trivia than the main point of Jesus being crucified for the sake of all people.

    Trivia!? TRIVIA? According to one gospel Jesus lost his faith on the cross – “Father why hast thou forsaken me?” Damn, that’s the sake for all people?

    What you are talking about Jesus being crucified for the sake of all people? That is completely wrong – unless you are following Paul’s teachings or so called Pauline Christians (Paul or Saul as he was known never met Jesus).

    Incidentally there are about 80 gospels all dated back to the same time. Paul made up the entire virgin birth Jesus myth. He ‘borrowed’ religious myths of the day (Syrian) and grafted unto the story of Jesus so it would be better accepted. Jesus was never born on Dec 25th and not even close – April / May is the time. Well hell we have to change Christmas then!! DAMN!

    James who was Jesus’ brother was at odds with Paul for this and they split. You and others are the followers of Paul’s version of Jesus. The goof is this is historical not religious.

    Jesus was not from Nazareth he was a Nazarene which was a Jewish sect such as the Essenes, the Sadducee and others. Historically it is very doubtful the city of Nazareth existed in Jesus’ time.

    Jesus was not even his name. We got Jesus from the Greek translation of Aramaic. His real name is Yeshua or Joshua in English. That is an easy fix so why not start there and put it right? Think of all the new bumper stickers that can be sold!

    Joshua Saves! Praise Joshua!

    Well at least you can keep the JC.

    Joshua the Messiah was the rightful heir to the Jewish crown like David the Messiah and Solomon the Messiah before him. Messiah means “anointed one” which refers to the king. As Joshua was descended from David the Messiah this put the screws on Herod the false Messiah as he had no royal blood and was a puppet king of Rome.

    This is how the term ‘Messiah’ got corrupted to mean saviour as Joshua was meant to save the Jews from the false king Herod.

    And on and on it goes…I would have to write a book here…so I won’t.

    My advice is don’t try to argue about something you have little knowledge on. If praising Jesus and thinking he died on the cross for everyone makes you happy and secure then so be it.

    One day you discovered there is no Santa Clause. I would suggest however if you are going to believe in Jesus as is taught today then why not Santa Clause too as both are equally a myth.


  29. Yourawhacko says:

    Religion makes me fart, and this family should be targeted for assassination…even the little satan spawn kidlets that believe what shit comes from the parents faces.

  30. heidi says:

    For poster # 1 As a proud citizen of RENO, NV I can guarantee you RENO 911 does not portray this city’s law enforcement, while the show is funny it is NOT TRUE and is not even filmed here! They came for 2 days and shot footage of downtown and the Reno arch. This city is over 75% Christian and what “that church” says about our “filthy way of life” is very incorrect! I do not gamble or drink or go get hookers, there is much more to do here, this is an outdoor town, with skiing, hiking, fishing, the beautiful lake Tahoe and many other outdoor recreations. Yes, we have gambling, and alcohol but not everyone chooses to gamble and drink! Most people that live in Reno DO NOT GAMBLE! Tourists from other states come her,hang out downtown drinking and spending all of their money, the only good things about casinos are their food and they pay our State Income Taxes. As for prostitution it is ILLEGAL IN WASHOE COUNTY (Reno)! The only place it is legal is in the middle of the desert in-between Reno and Las Vegas. People may think that all of our citizens run out and get a hooker every night and this is not true! For Post # 8, the reasons this city was built has no bearing on today’s society, before you start saying things about something you know nothing about you need to do your research, Reno is a beautiful place with great people in it! EVERY CITY HAS BAD PEOPLE, you can not judge a whole city on the actions of a few people, there is not a single place in the US with no crime! I do not approve of this “church’s” views or actions, I can guarantee you if they come to protest this young girls funeral there will be thousands of people standing in front of them so there crazy rants can not be heard! We had over 2,000 volunteers, police offices, fire fighters and search and rescue crews looking for her non-stop, this has truly saddened this community and all of our hearts go out to Brianna’s family…!


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