Our old friends of Fred Phelps are back. OK, so they never actually said what is in my headline, but listening to them it sure sounds like being dead would help their cause. In their f_’d up minds, anyway.

Check out the Westboro church’s website. Click on their Contact link and let them know what you think of their progressive views on life here in the 14th century. Also, check out their blog where you can find out about Rancid Reno Girly-Men [who] Need To Stop Lying

Anti-gay group promises Denison picket

The Kansas-based church that protests at the funerals of U.S. soldiers, claiming the servicemen are dying because God hates gay people and America’s tolerance of them, has decided that God hates Reno too.

“Reno is a dangerous place to be, with the curse of God upon Reno,” the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., said in a news release this week. “God hates Reno, Nevada.”

Police Chief Michael Poehlman called the church’s statement “despicable,” especially because it begins with references to Brianna Denison, a 19-year college student who has been the target of a search since police believe she was abducted from a Reno home on Jan. 20.

“If Brianna Denison dies, blame the corrupt Reno Police,” the church’s statement said, adding that church members will “picket her funeral, in religious protest & warning.”

Now, check out the church’s response.

Found by Gary ‘the dangerous infidel’ Marks

  1. Randy says:

    heidi is correct about Reno and the surrounding areas. And to call Reno 911 a REALITY SHOW, is beyond laughable. Reno is currently a sea of blue ribbons, (In memory of Brianna), and I wouldn’t be surprised to see the reaction of the locals to THAT “CHURCH” hit the national news. In fact I look forward to it. I hear they will have children as shields. How brave!

  2. GP_Paladin says:

    I grew up in Reno and was there in the old days and Reno was NOT raised by the mob. The biggest little city in the world was a great town to grow up in. Although one fellow, Fitzgerald, is said to have stolen money from the mob to open his original casino there but got his legs shotgunned for his efforts.
    The WBC just uses religion as a cover and real Christians all denounce them loudly. The vast majority of the WBC congregation consists of Phelps and his family with several law degrees in support. They have supported their efforts by way of numerous civil suits for assault/battery or simply interfereing with their first ammendment rights. They also lost a harrassment suit not long ago and the plaintif was awarded about $12mil in damages.
    I’ve been with the Patriot Guard Riders since it’s inception and have watched them (WBC) closely. We know their game and just how to deal with them. For the most part, they have been renderd moot, in regards to military funerals, due to state and federal legislation, so now they have to find a new venue to spew their nonsense.
    You’ll likely see a large number of “bikers” with their flags at Brianna’s funeral to block the WBC out. Let me also reccommend that if in fact they do bring their children to “hide behind”, just call Child Protection Services to have the children removed from what is certain to be a dangerous environment for them. It is very much against the law to put children in harm’s way, regardles of the message

  3. John Torch says:

    The WBC definitely has it coming to them. Sooner or later they will get screwed over. They are definitely attention whores, so the more active protesting against them you try to do, the more they love it.

    Checkout http://Anarchology.org. There is a whole section devoted to ways to truly get under the skins of those sorry excuses for human life!

  4. Hannah says:

    It truly saddens me to see some of the comments left on this page. The root of this discussion was the article about this horrible family (WBC) protesting at an innocent girls’ funeral. I went to school with Brianna and know what kind of person she was. There should not be comments on here arguing about this bible verse or that. I am a Reno native and Christian and I realize that Religion is based off beliefs and not really facts. You can argue all you want about what is true in the bible, but I know what is true in Reno. Sure we have some horrible people here (like the jerk that killed Bri) but we also have a very large community that is full of good people. We have proved this with the array of blue ribbons around our town supporting Bri and we will not stop supporting her. To #8, that money that our citey takes is out of mainly tourists pockets. People who gamble here choose to spend their hard-earned money on our offered entertainment. Those casinoes and events we have, help support our community and even help put me through college. I do not think God supports the WBC, but we can not say who God supports because we don’t have the direct laws from Him.
    To comment #18, have you ever visited Reno? You may be part of the idea that all Reno has to offer is casinoes and hobos, but actually Reno is an outdoor city as Heidi pointed out and if God hated Reno, we would probably not be here. I don’t believe God hates anyone. I don’t want this to be too long of a comment but I wanted to let you know how much these previous comments upset me. I can garauntee Brianna’s family will not see your horrible comments, but if they were to, they would surely disagree. I feel sorry for the people of WBC who choose to judge others and spout hate, and I equally feel sorry for the above rude people for the same reasons. RIP Brianna.


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