I take a break from the news and discuss my preoccupation with sound effects and clips. Enjoy!

click ► to listen:

  1. Les says:

    What no Wilhiem scream?

  2. Goster says:

    Who’s the crankiest? I CAN’T STAND the stupid bubbles in the background and I’ve stopped listening. I’d be forever grateful if you’d put all the crap in Stereo Left where we can CHOOSE to hear it or not, AT OUR OWN DISCRETION.

    Can your bloated ego stand to give your listeners that much control?



  3. timw077 says:

    Goster, you have control of where you go on the interwebs. You have control over the play/stop button. Stop whining and use your control.

  4. browng says:

    Hi John,

    I too enjoy the sound effects. If you’d like any of mine I can send you a 300 kb .zip file with the list.

    If you e-mail me, just place


    in the subject line so it gets through the filter.



  5. Riker17 says:

    John, keep it up! I love your sound effects. You know what would be very helpful, would be if you would post links to the sites from where you picked up the sounds you use. Or, better yet, post the files themselves.

    Loyal Listener #258

  6. crazyguy says:

    Goster – Speaking of jerks… you’re a pretty screwed up person if that faint bubbling sound bothers you to the point where you piss and moan about it. It’s hardly noticeable.


  7. Badcam says:

    Dvorak! When are you going to get your kind-a-captcha to send the user back to the page they were viewing?

    Likewise, put the comments option at the bottom of the story.

  8. ECA says:

    I have WES HARRISON…2 albums..
    I think I have copies in digital..

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    I love the sound bites, but under the new dictatorship of the RIAA and MPAA where fair use no longer exist, aren’t you now technically breaking the law?

  10. Syngensmyth says:

    I like ’em. What can I say.


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