MySpace: No place for Atheists? – Social networking site,, panders to religious intolerants by deleting atheist users, groups and content.

Early this month, MySpace again deleted the Atheist and Agnostic Group (35,000 members). This deletion, due largely to complaints from people who find atheism offensive, marks the second time MySpace has cancelled the group since November 2007.

“MySpace refuses to undelete the group, although it never violated any terms of service,” said Bryan Pesta, Ph.D., the group’s moderator. “When the largest Christian group was hacked, MySpace’s Founder, Tom Anderson, personally restored the group, and promised to protect it from future deletions.”

It’s interesting to note that the Wikipedia entry for this group is being considered for deletion.

  1. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #29 3HC, when they look for “peers” to “review” their religious “data,” it helps when they seek out like-minded individuals from the same wing of their asylum. On Tuesdays, everyone gets to wear a lab coat 😉

  2. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    bobbo – think in terms of how many people have lived in the last, oh, couple millenia – then multiply that number by – shall we say 50 years each? – and whaddaya get?

    “Never in a million years.”
    “But who lives a million years?”
    “A million people every twelvemonth.”

    • • • • •

    Gary – Next week, they’re gonna be passing out Erlenmeyer flasks at the snake-handling ceremonies. Be there… :>

  3. floyd says:

    I’m an agnostic.

    The thing that always got me about religions is that they all believe there is some all-knowing, all-powerful being out there. Furthermore, they seem to believe that if you sing/burn incense/make sacrifices/perform ceremonies/knock on peoples doors/pray/ring bells/flatter the being in one way or another, that somehow they can get that all powerful being to change its mind about what’s going to happen next.

    What’s wrong with this picture?

  4. floyd says:

    3HC–good posts.

    Unitarians, which as a group don’t believe in anything, often have atheist members. A recently departed (2 years ago) atheist friend of mine attended the local Unitarian church with his wife because he liked the discussions, which weren’t just about religious issues. I met his friends at the funeral; no crying, just joy about his life.

  5. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    “Y’know, I’ve been thinking about it, and listening to your prayers and all, and I think I might’ve overdone it with the tsunami. Next time I get irritated with millions of my creations, I’ll send something nicer, maybe a typhoon. Yeah, that’s the ticket.”

    from God’s Autobiography, Chapter 6, ‘Being infallible doesn’t mean I can’t change My mind.’

  6. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #35… “from God’s Autobiography, Chapter 6, ‘Being infallible doesn’t mean I can’t change My mind.’”

    Sorry 3HC, I missed that section when I skipped ahead to Chapter 8, “I’m Omnipotent and You’re Not!”

    Of course, the whole book was reportedly ghostwritten by, you guessed it, the Holy Ghost.

  7. OmarTheAlien says:

    There is a certain rhyme and reason to the universe, snow falls, oceans heave and roll and uncountable stars give life to their retinue of rocks. There is a basic order to all things, and the deeper one probes the more rational it all becomes. There is an underlying scheme to the universe, but we, silly humans, have yet to probe deep enough to discover it. Is the intrinsic form factor of this order, the thing that orders the speed of light, or the flowering of a plant, the thing that many of us think of as “God”? Is this rational governance of the universe sentient, or just the sum total of billions and billions of evolutionary proccesses? And what effect, if any, will MySpace have on the greater scheme of things a billion years or so hence?

  8. Canuck47 says:

    Give it a break! Organized religion is nothing more than scams designed to extract money from stupid people. The Catholic church appears to have a secondary goal of protecting club members from charges of buggering alter boys. Other than that there does not appear to be another rational argument for “belief in God”.

  9. obnibolongo says:

    Jesus (upsie, cultural thingie), usually there are only 3 to 6 comments, but when the topic is religion…

    Anyway, just my two pennies (actually I use euros so it’d be cents but anyway).

    When I was a child I was an atheist. I couldn’t believe people would rule their lives for something which in the past had proven to bring more trouble than it’d solve and was so restrictive.

    Today I believe I was arrogant and declare myself an agnostic. Why? First, I don’t want to live my life according to the (possibly wrong, or not, I can NOT be sure) interpretation of a certain text written with a now unknown intent, or maybe applied to a different social context from the one exists today). Second, reducing the entire issue, stripping religions out of it, to the simple issue of “Is there a God?” I prefer to, not knowing if he exists, live my life in the best way possible, trying to be happy, running from false happiness and, in the end, I assume if I’m right and God just wants us to live to respect Him and ourselves, he created us with that innate talent.

    If He doesn’t exist, doesn’t matter, as I’ve only searched *my* happinnes and the happiness of the ones who are around me, for the simple reason I like to laugh and not to cry, and the only addendum I’ve done was to earn my place at the society, which was not to disrespect others the same way I don’t expect to be disrespected, a “clause” which I can declare voided if I’m disrespected and if I feel like it.

    Commenting the article itself, ban MySpace 😛
    Seriously though, who the h*** do they think they’re to do that? Why didn’t they ban Muslims groups as well? and Buddhist? and Scientologist (rofl)… No? Why not? Because they bomb you? 😛 It’s as stupid to ban an Atheist group as an Muslim group…

  10. marthy says:

    Yeah, they delete the atheist page, but wont clean up any of the other spam that flies around myspace on a regular basis. Genius…

  11. hatbatdsa says:

    Well I find christian groups offensive take all of their stuff of MySpace please.


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