New USS Arizona model shows blue paint scheme

The name of the American war plan in 1941 was “Rainbow Five,” but it’s unlikely this referred to the battleships at Pearl Harbor. Or did it?

According to a discovery by historians, the ships of Battleship Row were a bright kaleidoscope of colors, not the dull gray camouflage they were thought to have been for the last 65 years.

The information was announced last evening at an unveiling of a new model of the USS Arizona in the battleship Visitor Center at Pearl Harbor. Security was tight for the last week as the model was placed in location, and it was covered in shrouds before being dramatically unveiled by a group of USS Arizona survivors.

Found by my brother, Uncle Don

  1. James Hill says:

    This is very interesting, but why was this piece of knowledge lost? Did everyone just forget?

    Likewise, I buy in to the conspiracy theory that these ships were left in port to be fodder for the Japanese. One man’s colored identifier could be another’s target.

  2. TIHZ_HO says:

    I thought this was not a conspiracy theory any more.

    The Japanese code was broken well before hand, the carriers were put to sea and something like this was needed to turn Americans away from NOT wanting to get into the war into wanting to fight.

    On that note there is something regarding World War II that is quite interesting – and creepy as hell!

    “…and that the events of this war will have sunk into myth.”

    This is from “Das Jahr 2000,” Das Reich by Dr Joseph Goebbels. His prediction for the year 2000 written 25 February 1945. Its startling as hell!

    One can also predict with a high degree of certainty that Europe will be a united continent in the year 2000. One will fly from Berlin to Paris for breakfast in fifteen minutes, and our most modern weapons will be seen as antiques, and much more.

    John C Dvorak did a re-edit of one of Goebbels New Year speeches for his Quiz of the week Sept 2006 …commemorating 1938 and the German victories. I changed the dates and very few references so the speech was about America today. It didn’t need much editing I can assure you.

    Its very creepy when you read these Nazi propaganda speeches and do the same substitution game and makes you stop and think what we are being fed today.

    Well done John!


  3. TIHZ_HO says:

    Oh and why is the colour of the Arizona and other battleships such a surprise anyway? I am sure all the Pearl Harbour Veterans could have pointed that out years ago…if they didn’t WHY didn’t they when the old models were wrong?

    “…and that the events of this war will have sunk into myth.”- Dr Goebbels 1945

    Still creeps me out.


  4. Ben says:

    Sorry i think as I read this he is saying all of Europe will be occupied by the Russians in 2000… I think you better re-read. He is way off way way off actually. He talks of American running home and misses out on the whole Cold War which actually happened and I loved this one..

    “… In contrast to the USA, the Soviet system needs to take no regard for public opinion or its people’s living standard. It therefore has no need to fear American economic competition, not to mention its military.”

    Yeah really right on the button there….. There are way way way more wrong things said in that doc then right.

    Please re-read it.

  5. Esteban says:

    How could be so easily forget something that happened only 67 years ago? I mean, it’s not like we’re trying to remember the color of a Greek temple for something. (They were also rainbow colored, not the dull white we’re all used to.)

  6. GaryInMiami says:

    >>something like this was needed to turn Americans away from NOT wanting to get into the war into wanting to fight.

    True, FDR wanted America to get involved in the war. But he wanted to get us involved in the war in Europe. He had no way of knowing that Hitler would make the mistake of declaring war on the US right after Pearl Harbor, thus giving the US just what it needed to get into the European war. The agreement Hitler had with Japan was that Germany would come to Japan’s aid only if the US attacked Japan first. So how does an attack on Pearl Harbor help get the US involved in the European war? We didn’t want to go to war with Japan. We just wanted to cut off their oil supply so they would have to stop marauding through Southeast Asia.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:


    “but why was this piece of knowledge lost? Did everyone just forget?”

    Simple, to keep the public from finding out that the Navy is the gayest of the armed forces.

  8. Sean O'Hara says:

    @2: This is still very much a conspiracy theory. Gary in Miami’s assessment of why FDR and Churchill didn’t want the US at war with Japan is spot on.

    The US had broken Japan’s diplomatic cyphers and knew they were up to something, but we didn’t know when or where. The assumption was that the Japanese wouldn’t strike so far east, but rather go after the Philippines, Midway, or Wake — and indeed, the invasion of the Philippines started the day after Pearl Harbor. Intelligence did manage to decipher the declaration of war before the attack began, but there was a major cock-up transmitting it to the Pacific Fleet.

    The movie Tora, Tora, Tora is a fairly accurate docudrama on what went wrong leading up to the attack.

  9. RBG says:

    2. TIHZ_HO

    “I thought this was not a conspiracy theory any more.”

    As far as I know it still is. The sailors who died at Pearl Harbour along with those who survived – right up to the highest rank in Washington – all kept this necessary self-sacrifice silent for the good of the country.



  10. Colorful says:

    So this news was published over a year ago. Must be a slow newsday in blog land. Where is the Microsoft Yahoo rumor?

  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    Ben – Yes of course!! He wasn’t a prophet! 😆 Some things were on the nose yes…

    The part that is creepy is if you live in the US and think about Iraq and the war on terror and all the government rhetoric about it. “Mission Accomplished” et al.

    Bush kept everyone safe for six years. My family tells me that of course we must accept what the TSA and Homeland Security dole out “We are at war”.

    Do Europeans feel they are in a state of war (with terrorists) the same way as Americans? I do not think so. Not at the same fever pitch.


  12. TatooYou says:

    ” Pearl Harbor Ships Were Really Rainbow Colored ”

    <-Insert Gay Sailor joke here…

    Doh! #7 AHW beat me to it!

    “Simple, to keep the public from finding out that the Navy is the gayest of the armed forces”

  13. Angus S-F says:

    I spent some time hunting down pictures. Here’s one from 1936 that shows the Arizona turret tops as being grey:

    Battleship Photo Index BB-39 Arizona (BB-39)

    The last 4 pictures on the first link are oil paintings done in Nov. and Dec. 1941 and there is no hint of any color on top of the turrets.

  14. James Hill says:

    The Mayan calendar theories are a lot better than going off of Goebbels.

    Short of wanting to hide their sexual preference, this story doesn’t hold up to much of a litmus test. I still think they were making the ships easier to bomb.

  15. Mick Hamblen says:

    This is a RUST issue!!!!

    I was US Navy back in the 70s and a lot of time we would strip metal bare and do a first coat of blue or red lead to stop rust then the 2nd and 3rd coats would be haze or deck grey. Sometimes a deck would be painted white to reflect heat in tropical environs…

  16. Balbas says:


    DU isn’t about what’s topical. It’s what the various editors find interesting on the web.

  17. bobbo says:

    Re Propaganda==all events turn into myths. Just cross my palm with silver and I will delve deeply into your psyche. No==MORE silver. At least a dollar?

    You have overcome great disappointments in your youth. Someone close to you has passed on. Easy. Same with the future==great nations will fall etc–ho hum.

    Now figure this one out. I CAN CONTROL YOUR BODY WITH REMOTE SENSING!!!!—-Lift your right foot off the floor. Rotate it (just the foot–from the ankle) in a clockwise direction for 2-3 seconds. Now raise your right hand and make a figure 6 in the air (from the wrist). Immediately, I will detect this and cause your right foot to counter-rotate.

    Yes, the occult has much to teach us.

  18. RBG says:

    #17 bobbo. I don’t know about the counter-rotation but you did cause me to think about joining a gay Navy.

    #15 Mick Hamblen.

    Operation Petticoat (1959)
    “…they find a stranded group of Army nurses and must take them aboard. How bad can it get? Trying to get a primer coat on the sub, they have to mix white and red in order to have enough. When forced to flee the dock during an air attack, they find themselves with the world’s only Pink submarine, still with 5 women in the tight quarters of a submarine.” IMDB

    Trivia: “There actually was a pink submarine in the south-west pacific early in the war, for the reason described in the movie.”

    Directed by Blake Edwards. Actors included: Cary Grant, Tony Curtis, Dick Sargant, Gavin McLeod, Marion Ross.


  19. Mister Catshit says:

    #6, Gary,

    Very true. Conspiracy theorists seldom care about truth or facts when some ripe bullshit can do.

    #13, Angus,

    Nice link. The second link is dead, but, … .

    #15, Mick,

    I don’t know but your point sounds very plausible. I find it hard to believe the Navy would be so stupid to paint any color OTHER than grades of grey.

  20. Dex says:

    The Amercians could of won the war at pearl Harbour.Easily if they had ground attack

  21. ECA says:

    Dont be so sure.
    There wasnt that many military There.
    And if Japan had taken 1/2 its FULL forces, and raided. A full on Attack.
    there would have been NO PLACE in the pacific, that the USA could anchor, OR FUEL, that could not have been attacked.
    At the time, Hawaii was the FIRST Fuel stop across the pacific.

    And California was an EASY target from there. The next fuel location would have been OREGON, which has NO MAJOR HARBOR. And Seattle is ABIT FAR.

    any ships coming from the East coast would need FUEL SHIPS. and they NEED fuel, to give to the OTHER ships.
    All they had to do would be BLOCK the panama canal, and MONITOR S. California. NO major Fleets could get around the Cape(easily) without GREAT loss.


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