German authorities were able to pin a burglary committed in April on a suspected serial thief after he left a half-eaten slice of salami carrying a sliver of his DNA at a crime scene.

The 37-year-old Romanian man is accused of breaking into a workshop office in the western city of Darmstadt, stealing cash and two locks and causing damage worth around 3,400 euros ($5,055), Suedhessen police spokesman Ferdinand Derigs said. “He didn’t bring the salami with him — it was just lying around in the office,” Derigs said.

Wrong time for the munchies.

  1. god says:

    What! No picture of a salami that looks like the Virgin Mary?

  2. erik says:

    I beat Angel to the punch.

    The burglar should have done a better job at – hiding the salami. 🙂

  3. Winston Smith says:

    The Germans do DNA testing for minor burglaries???

    Our police don’t even respond to burglaries any more, they just give you a case number over the phone so you can make an insurance claim.

  4. James Hill says:

    #2 – That’s OK. She’s had plenty of salamis slipped into her.

  5. Todd Henkel says:

    #3 – My thought too. Leave it to the Germans to be perhaps even closer to Big Brother than we are.


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