
Dream Date from Hell

Hey-hey, ho-ho, the Marines in Berkeley have got to go. That’s the message from the Berkeley City Council, which voted 6-3 Tuesday night to tell the U.S. Marines that its Shattuck Avenue recruiting station “is not welcome in the city, and if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome intruders.”

In addition, the council voted to explore enforcing its law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation against the Marines because of the military’s don’t ask, don’t tell policy. And it officially encouraged the women’s peace group Code Pink to impede the work of the Marines in the city by protesting in front of the station.

In a separate item, the council voted 8-1 to give Code Pink a designated parking space in front of the recruiting station once a week for six months and a free sound permit for protesting once a week from noon to 4 p.m. The Marines have been in Berkeley for a little more than a year, having moved from Alameda in December of 2006. For about the past four months, Code Pink has been protesting in front of the station. “I believe in the Code Pink cause. The Marines don’t belong here, they shouldn’t have come here, and they should leave,” said Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates after votes were cast. An employee of a nearby business who asked not to be identified said Wednesday the elderly Code Pink protesters are aggressive, take up parking spaces, block the sidewalk with their yoga moves, smoke in the doorways, and are noisy. “Most of the people around here think they’re a joke,” the woman said.

A Marines representative did not respond to requests for comment.

So Berkeley, when Al Qaeda storms the beach in the Bay area, who ya gonna call?

  1. Phillep says:

    Fascist leaders, Dictators, Tyrants, etc are usually populist leaders. They may not have the majority, but they do have the vocal and violent supporting them.

    “When the President is popular and ruling as the people wish, the military has all the volunteers it needs.”

    Popular with who?

  2. bobbo says:

    #31–Phillep, you ask: “Popular with who?” Why not ask what does popular mean?

    In context, surely there is no other meaning than “the American Public?” Or if you want to get slightly more contextual==popular with enough people so that the military has all the volunteers it needs without resorting to mercenaries?

    I assume you are trying to make some subtle point that eludes me?

  3. Calin says:

    If the law of the land is you cannot discriminate against gays==why then again should the military get an exception?

    I would agree…if there was a federal law protecting said group. There is no federal law blocking discrimination on sexual preference. That’s why private universities can ban gays legally.

  4. Mister Catshit says:

    #32, bobbo,

    Philleep, does have a very strong point. Only it is hard to notice when he wears a hat.

  5. busdriver320 says:

    Berkley Town motto-

    ‘We here in Berkley are all for tolerance and differing viewpoints, as long as we agree with them.’

    What a bunch of hypocrites!

  6. Mister Catshit says:

    #5, Angus,

    What happens if another group comes into town that code pink or city council doesn’t like? … They’re creating a mob mentality and a dangerous precident.

    Wrong. They are living within the spirit and bounds of the Constitution. That is the right to protest and let it be known they object. If some group decides to move to, or build in, Berkeley or any city, people have the right to protest that move. You don’t have to agree with the protesters. You do either have to agree to their right to protest or admit you are a fascist asshole.

  7. Mister Catshit says:

    #35, busdriver

    Please explain how Berkeley is being hypocritical? I would have thought the hypocrites are those who claim to be “Red Blooded Americans” yet want others to be denied the protections and rights afforded by the Constitution. People like you. So why is the town and the protesters hypocrites again?

  8. Phillep says:

    Mugabi is certainly popular some of the citizens and is ruling the way some of them want, and he does get a lot of volunteers for his Army.

    He calls himself “President”.

    How democratic is Zimbabwe?

  9. Gyrene34 says:

    re #27. I would venture to guess that a lot of the Berkley PD are military veterans and probably Marines.

  10. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    It’s not called ‘Berzerkly’ for nothing…

    You gotta love the fried ’60s throwbacks and their present-day spiritual descendants. Best recruiting force the Repuglicans could dream of, they make all sane progressives and moderate liberals look like flaming loonies by mere association.

  11. Jim K says:

    As a former Marine officer and a Vietnam veteran I know and detest war.I am also the proud parent of a Cal Berkeley graduate. During my visit to your city I was often struck by the acceptance of many diverse opinions and practices. On one corner you could have a 60’s era protest and the next block a sorority event similar to a scene from the Andy Hardy movie series.The recent event against the Marines is ridiculous and stupid. You cannot win against the Marines. We are stronger more organized and committed. The Marines are out of your class.This makes your city look like a “has been that never was”.

  12. Don Coyote says:

    “So Berkeley, when Al Qaeda storms the beach in the Bay area, who ya gonna call?”

    Coast Busters.

  13. bobbo says:

    #33–Calin==are you supersure about that? Its been awhile and I’m not going to look it up because basically I take the article as accurate when it says that is the political position of Berkley.

    Other than that, I think Title 9 and/or Equal Protection is a Federal prohibition against discrimination based on sexual orientation WITH an exception for the military. While I think that applies to private organizations as well (how else could the boyscouts get sued and lose regarding gay scouts??) maybe there is an exception for some types of private institutions==again, just doesn’t apply to Berkley.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    # 17 Jeff said, … those liberal types (especially the women) are really freaky in bed.

    Clearly, we’ve learned, they are not as freaky as “family values” conservatives.

    Now THOSE guys are FREEEEEEAKS!

  15. Smokehouse says:

    Time for the final earthquake in Berkley.

  16. MikeN says:

    And they say liberals don’t hate the troops.

  17. GordyMI says:

    Haha, let the stupid liberals think what they want. That office isnt going anywhere, Marines dont back down from cowards. They dont realize what the Army, Marines, Navy, and the USAF, what we do on a daily basis, what I do during my work week to make sure that council and that stupid Code Pinko idiodic group can exist!

    Our military doesnt back down from cowards, or naive people who cant handle looking at the world how it really is.

    I hope all the Federal funs get swept away from that pathetic place.

  18. Tim says:

    We, the silent majority stand behind the Marine Corps. We don’t have time to protest against the protesters, we are too busy working to make a life for our families. These Berkeley protesters have too much time on their hands. We, the silent majority make ourselves heard during the elections, where we can act like adults, unlike the people that were chained in the doorway. Grow up Berkeley! God Bless the Marine Corps.

  19. lou says:
    90 West Afton Avenue
    Suite 190
    Yardley, PA 19067

    News Release
    For Immediate Release: February 2, 2008 Media Contact: Lou Lozano
    Phone: 215-431-8012

    Berkeley City Council Receives Tickets to Hell

    Philadelphia, PA (February 2, 2008) Philadelphia based website; has sent each member of the Berkeley City Council a ticket to hell. Although this is offered as a gift that will bring chuckles, giggles, and maybe even hysterics that turn to tears, there are times, like this when the message is clear: Your actions may bring you more that you ever dreamed.
    The reservation and tickets were sent anonymously. The council will received:
    • Each council member’s name entered into The Complete Book of Damned Souls.
    • A Certificate of Reservation for the council.
    • A One Way Ticket to Hell on the Express One Stop Hellevator™ for each member.
    Although designed as a novelty gift and to be sent without malice, this reservation to hell has provided an outlet for pent up emotion and frustration., although somewhat controversial believes laughter is a great way to diffuse anger and reservations to hell will provide humor to both the sender and the receiver while reminding those who receive it that individual opinion may not be the best for the greater good.
    “The gift is perfect for anyone, especially former spouses and significant others, politicians, lawyers and generally rude and nasty individuals” explained Lou Lozano site founder.
    For more information regarding please contact Lou at

  20. bobbo says:

    #46–tspaff==ok, your post touches upon the subject here.

    The military certainly implements public policy–they make all kinds of discretionary decision in how they implement it all the time.

    I think “don’t ask, don’t tell” is a violation of what non-military organizations must/cannot do?

    Free speech is “ALL ABOUT” being, and saying, and demonstrating stupidly. I actually can’t tell who is worse, what do you think==the retards campaigning against the miltary recruiting post, or the retards here supporting the military without appreciation for the underlying first amendment rights at issue?

    Congress creates and passes the laws. President can’t change them other than by asking for certain provisions or vetoing the bills.

    While a bit vague and erroneous in its purpose, thanks for the contribution none the less.

  21. Mister Catshit says:

    #46, tspafford,

    If you don’t like the law, demonstrating against the Marines is stupid, contact your Congressional representative and/or vote for a Presidential candidate who would change it.


    What is stupid is the suggestion that the representation of a policy may not be protested and there is only one specific way to protest. Regardless of who made the policy, the Marines have a discriminating policy. This makes them a legal, and proper place to protest.

    What makes this situation even more idiotic is it is quite reasonable expected that any legislation along these lines would certainly be vetoed. To wait for another President is even more idiotic as it leaves a discriminatory policy in place without comment.

    If the Marines don’t like the protesting then they may move elsewhere. Or put up with it. If the building landlord disapproves of the problems the Marine Recruiters bring, then they may terminate their lease. Or lose tenants.

    As I said above, REAL Americans uphold the right of someone to protest. Assholes and traitors want to throw out the Constitution. You decide which camp you belong in.

  22. Mister Catshit says:

    #48, Gordy Fascist,

    Haha, let the stupid liberals think what they want. That office isnt [sic] going anywhere, Marines dont [sic] back down from cowards. They dont [sic] realize what the Army, Marines, Navy, and the USAF, what we do on a daily basis, what I do during my work week to make sure that council and that stupid Code Pinko idiodic [sic] group can exist!

    Whether the office goes anywhere is not the point. It is the right of all Americans to free speech.

    You sir, contrary to your suggestion, are not a member of any American military. I realize they have lowered the standards, but not enough to allow traitors to join.

    NOTE: The Boy Scouts and Bumphuk Idaho Voluntears are not the military.


    #49, Tim

    God Bless the Marine Corps.

    I don’t think “god” will be helping the Marines. Besides, only a delusional asshole would trust our nation to “god”. But then, if there is a “god”, and you ordered him to Bless someone, I wouldn’t blame “god” if he smote you. The proper way would be to ask, not tell.


    #50, lou,

    What an asswipe.

    The reservation and tickets were sent anonymously. The council will received:

    There is no point to your post except show everyone you are an asshole. What you have done is gone pass protest and into harassment. Harassment of a political official is a felony in most states.

    Your post is also a commercial post and should be deleted under posting guidelines.

  23. sic semper tyrannus says:

    Swine. We are in a time of war. Berkley is guilty of treason. What a bunch of ignorant and fickle buffoons. Mob mentality at its textbook best. They accuse others of acting like NAZIS WHEN THEY ARE DOING THE SAME EXACT THING!! Flashback to 1933. Their hypocrisy is patently absurd….their knife-in-the-back actions comparable with such traitors as Benedict Arnold, Aldrich Ames, and Eric Hansson.

    They obviously have no conception of the immeasurable sacrifices borne by those who wore this country’s uniform and suffered the blood, pain, and tears that it took to form this nation and to keep this nation together as one during our bloody civil war.

    Anybody with a 7th grade education in Civics knows that if you have a problem with a law or a policy of the US Govt., then you seek legislative or executive branch change….Play by the rules! …you go after the Queen Bees not the worker bees. I have never heard of a city council acting in such a vile and pathetic manner….i.e.: “you’re not welcome United States Marines, but we’ll give Code Pink their own town-council approved parking space!” Bravo Sierra!!

    Welcome to the new paradigm: good is bad and bad is good.

    Gutless cowards. How short a memory span this country has. Have we forgotten that we were attacked by religious/political Islamo-facists with the singular goal off a one world religion/government. The mayor should be sent to Gitmo, given an orange jumpsuit, and he can be with some fine upstanding members of the Taliban and Al Qaeda that he’ll feel more comfortable with. Over a cup of tea, they can debate and politely discuss the merits of the friendly, neighborhood principles of Islamo-Facisim. I’m sure they’ll welcome Mr. Mayor with open arms. Then the mayor should be tried and sentenced by a military tribunal.

    To blame individual servicemembers for the political problems perceived by this so-called Code Pink collection of aging and stuck-in-the-past hippies, is like blaming the the dog for eating your homework….it just doesn’t make logical sense and it’s a weak excuse for the person’s shortcomings.

  24. LeatherNeck says:

    I thought Berkley was all about free speech?
    Marines are the ultimate defender of that right. Berkley get a clue.

  25. Mister Catshit says:

    #54, toddler,

    What you don’t understand is the protesting is NOT aimed at any specific sacrifice made by any Marine. It is against the policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell”.

    (Effen wannabe)

    Where do these pseudo soldiers come from?

  26. Alan says:

    Petition to cut off Berkeley’s federal funding:

  27. Mister Catshit says:

    #55, Leatherneck,

    I thought Berkley was all about free speech?
    Marines are the ultimate defender of that right. Berkley get a clue.

    The city is about a place to live. The action of protesting is all about free speech. Marines are not the “ultimate” defender of that right. When someone makes the error you have, it is so easy to see you are a phony. Leatherneck, ya right.

    I just wish for once that the morans that insist on Marines being the defenders of our civil rights could point out one, just one fucking example of where the Marines defended our free speech. Or any part of our military. C’mon, just one example.

    Oopps, I should have known that would have been too much to ask for.

    Ok, let’s make it a little easier. Any military branch that defended ANY right enumerated in the Constitution of the United States of America. C’mon, just one example. ONE LITTLE FUCKING EXAMPLE of any branch of the military defending a civil right of the Constitution !!!

    So why is it so hard for the military to defend any Constitutionally protected right? Simply because they are beyond the protections themselves of the protections of the Bill of Rights. It is in their interest and nature to diminish personal civil rights. The idea of “free speech” is anathema to the military command structure and purpose.


    “Well, they freed the slaves, isn’t that something”? Well, duh !!! The Military didn’t free the slaves. It was first an executive order by the President, then a bill passed by Congress, then a Constitutional amendment approved by the Congress and the States.

    Well, what about when the Ohio Militia protected the free speech rights of those opposed to the Viet Nam War and property rights at Kent State University? Alright, so shooting Americans is a pretty good way to protect them. I’ll give you that one. (fucking sick way, but if that is how you see the world …)

    And the time that the WW I veterans marched on Washington to speak to the Congressmen. There was something about their veterans and disability checks being held up in Congress. When ordered to protect government buildings by President Hoover, General Douglas MacArthur sent bayoneted soldiers to move the peaceful veterans out of the Capitol. I know, MacArthur didn’t know about the part of the first amendment that allows every citizen to the right to petition his representative.

    Aahh, but what about how they protect us from saboteurs? Like whom? The protesters that are monitored and have their activities recorded? Those who point out the illegalities of training foreign right wing dictatorship militarys? Remember the School of the Americas?

    Well, there are the military lawyers that have been assigned to defend the Guantanamo detainees. The same lawyers that have been told what to say and what they may present during the trials. I know, they are all reserve officers. The officers in charge of the tribunals are really doing their bit to protect the judicial system.

    Yup, I’d like to see just one fucking example of any American military personnel defending just one civil right.

  28. Ryan says:

    To take action on this, please visit us at where we have been hammering away on it with responses, graphics, and more. Please sign the petition to the city council which we will hand deliver at the next meeting on 2/12.

  29. bobbo says:

    #59–Ryan==I feel compelled to ask you what you have against free speech, but after visiting your wacko website, I’d rather know what you have against accurate speech?

    “Berkeley Attacks U.S. Marines”–they did? I haven’t seen that.


    Terrible jingoism on display here. Makes me almost want to protest agains the marines just to show you jingo’s how disturbing I find your goose stepping freedom sundering non-think. Dolts.

  30. espirit de corps says:

    disgusting revolting behavior that is unfortunately predictable. The city of san francisco is a bad joke gone awry.


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