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The Billary Road to Republican Victory – New York Times — Frank Rich, as an essayist, uses some of the more powerful writing structures one can imagine and this column is a beauty.

As anyone who has listened to me on more generalized podcasts knows that for the past number of years I have been promoting the idea that McCain is the next President. I thought the whole thing was probably predetermined around 2001 to keep him quiet. Anyway, somehow the Times had to endorse this notion despite the fact that they will endorse the Democrat when the time comes. This column is key as the Clinton Library will be the undoing of Hillary becoming President. Obama is unelectable in 2008 but I will predict he will be the candidate in 2012 and win then (you’ll see why in a couple of years).

Meanwhile, consider this. Who actually wanted to push the timetable ahead for the 2008 elections? Who benefits the most? What it does is set the slate early so the media has more time to dig. This column clearly cites the target and challenges the media. (AND NOTE THE GRAPHIC OF A TARGET).

Remember Eagleton? He was the orginal VP candidate on the Democratic ticket in 1972. He had to give up his candicacy when it was discoverd he had electro-convulsive therapy. He resigned just before the election. The Democrats have been bunglers ever since. Now this.

Asked by Tim Russert at a September debate whether the Clinton presidential library and foundation would disclose the identities of its donors during the campaign, Mrs. Clinton said it wasn’t up to her. “What’s your recommendation?” Mr. Russert countered. Mrs. Clinton replied: “Well, I don’t talk about my private conversations with my husband, but I’m sure he’d be happy to consider that.”

Not so happy, as it turns out. The names still have not been made public.

Just before the holidays, investigative reporters at both The Washington Post and The New York Times tried to find out why, with no help from the Clintons. The Post uncovered a plethora of foreign contributors, led by Saudi Arabia. The Times found an overlap between library benefactors and Hillary Clinton campaign donors, some of whom might have an agenda with a new Clinton administration. (Much as one early library supporter, Marc Rich’s ex-wife, Denise, had an agenda with the last one.) “The vast scale of these secret fund-raising operations presents enormous opportunities for abuse,” said Representative Henry Waxman, the California Democrat whose legislation to force disclosure passed overwhelmingly in the House but remains stalled in the Senate.

  1. bobbo says:

    Holy Crap! I’ll give you one warmed over kudo for simply remembering what has been repeatedly reported in the press (but somehow never becoming an important issue) over the years,


    three Nostrodomuses for the future stuff.

    Don’t think any Repug can make it with the turn-out rates we’ve seen so far, and Reagan already made the youth joke, any other disarming comment will pale==but I take no Nostrodomuses for myself.

  2. SparkyOne says:

    Who cares about some building in Little Rock. I want a full copy of “The [Redacted] Barrett Report”.

  3. gquaglia says:

    The Clinton’s are as dirty as they come when it comes to politics. If anyone thinks government will be any different with Hillary then With George W, then they really have no clue of the way of things.

  4. Angus says:

    Hillary Clinton is a flawed candidate. Many people (me included) sorta look at her as ” America’s Ex-Wife”. Her only path to victory would be a Clinton/Obama ticket.

    It still makes the presidency since 1988 a joke in the mind of Future Historians, i.e. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton…

  5. bobbo says:

    #3–gquad==no difference huh? The problem is that there are real differences between all the candidates. We just can’t tell for sure what they are.

    Don’t we all believe that Hilliary would go for Universal Health Care and that no repug would? And if not an immediate withdrawal of troops, atleast not an indefinite stay–as all the repugs would, except as stated, all it would take is a few million to the Clinton White Trash Trailer, and we could be in Iraq for ever==they all lie, posture, and take bribes, its impossible to know for sure?

    Oh, to his gain, I would Assume McCain would stop pork-barrel pay-offs for something more secretive, whereas Clintons know nothing but pork.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Hubris! Beware of low voter turnout from the Republicans. Saying any Democrat will win because Rep’s are not turning out is wrong. Rep’s are not turning out just yet because there is no excitement choosing between the Rep’s candidates. OOOHHHH, but watch the excitement when it comes to Hillary and ANY Rep’s candidate. Then the Rep’s will get very excited and expect a huge turnout.
    Hillary cannot get elected, she is too politically dirty and mean spirited. Obama’s a better choice except he is too inexperienced.
    Get ready for another Republican president! (What about a McCain – Romney ticket?)

  7. bobbo says:

    Ah Yea–of course you could be right. Best evidence though is that McCain can’t stand born-agains, and born-agains can’t stand Romney.

    Can a Repug get elected without the brain dead vote?

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Probably not, come to think of it……

  9. Awake says:

    The “cancer dude” is behind this whole conspiracy, in preparation for the government being taken over by illegal aliens (the outer space kind).

    Who has been the most sought after donor for the upcoming “Dubya” Prezuhdential library? The Crayola corporation, so the current Prez can write his memoirs.

    I want my $600 tax rebate now! I am desperate to help the US economy by buying some made-in-China stuff! Or I could spend it on gasoline, since the Oil companies are hurting so much. Or I could ‘support our troops’ by giving the money to Blackwater to protect our people in Baghdad.

    Money being funneled through a presidential library… c’mon… can’t you come up with a better conspiracy?

  10. Phillep says:

    Hillary is the gift that keeps on giving, to the Repugs:

    “Clinton and the other Democratic hopefuls pledged not to campaign in Florida after the state’s primary was scheduled in January.”

    “She stood outside the bowling alley holding a homemade sign that read, in part, “We want a president that can keep a promise.” ”

    (end snip)

    Is she supporting one of the other candidates?

  11. gquaglia says:

    Bobbo, you of are clearly the no clue types I spoke of. So infatuated with their idealism, that they don’t understand that ALL politicians are the same no matter what side of the aisle they come from. The only reason your beloved Democrats are against the war is that the Republicans were for it. No other reason, plain and simple. Money and power are the only real thing that both sides agree on. Making more of it and staying in it. If your weren’t living in fantasy land, you might see that.

  12. Howard says:

    Do you seriously think that the US will ever get a President that will represent the majority of people? The lion’s share of everyone’s election expenses are paid by those who live off the bloated corporate insider economy. Democrats and Republicans alike seem to vote for legislation that puts guns and crappy stuff ahead of medical care, housing, reasonably priced drugs, infrastructure and safe, healthy food. Then, as if that isn’t enough, they take cash from the rest of us and see to it that it winds up in the pockets of corporate executives and big shareholders.


  13. Phillep says:

    Howard, do you want to expand the VA hospital system to include civilians for “public health care”?

    Oh, I’m sure /that/ will work real good.

  14. Raster says:

    Looks like a standard axe-job by that (so-called) liberal RNC shrill Rich.

    All the standard snarks: Missing references, blatant innuendo, putting useless things in “quotations”, “as if” to “somehow” make them seem “important”.

    The library is Bill’s. It’s not the national archive. This should not even be an issue, but anyone else think our compromised media will try and make it one?

    Can you hear them talking to you?: “Hey rubes!”

  15. Thomas says:

    So, if say members of the Chinese or Saudi Arabian government were major contributors to the Clinton library, you wouldn’t find that fact to cast any suspicions on Hillary?

  16. B. Dog says:

    I agree. She’s unelectable.

  17. Phillep says:

    Hmmm. We have the spouse of a candidate receiving huge piles of money “for a library”, and zero oversight on if it’s being used for the library or something else, right?

    Now, if that was a Republican candidate…?

  18. bobbo says:

    #11–gquag==no clue huh? Yes, I agreed they are mostly the same==they all lie and are greedy. So why the umbridge that regardless of how bad they all are, there is still nonetheless differences.

    Please address what was posted rather than a general detached rant.

    Hilliary most likely is for universal healthcare while all repugs are not. Is that true or false? Is that a difference or not? Did I say one was better than the other or do you just spasm uncontrollably when you read “democrat” and therefore you love typing it?

    McCain is most likely to stop pork barrel spending while all others will not. Is that true or false? Is that a difference of not? etc.

  19. Mister Catshit says:

    #17, Philleep,

    Now, if that was a Republican candidate…?

    They would be jumping up and down with high fives all over.

    Why? Because that would mean the donors are sending money to the Republicans.

    Bill Clinton has been out of office for seven years. The current occupant is already taking donations from a ton of anonymous donors. Although I’m somehow sure that doesn’t concern you.

  20. My Science! says:

    Tell us why is Obama not electable in 2008.

  21. Raster says:

    Who cares? Does it surprise you that Bill Clinton might have Chinese or Saudi friends?

    If so, this might shock you also: they might even be decent people.

    Point is, the library isn’t the point.
    Can you hear them?: “Hey rubes!”

  22. Phillep says:

    You intentionally misinterpret the post.

    Laura Bush is not running for any office that I know of.

    Hillary, the spouse of a prior President, is running for office. What sort of fuss would there be if a Republican Presidential candidate’s spouse was getting thousands of dollars by anonymous donors?

  23. Raster says:

    You still lost.

    Money is going to Bill’s library, not to Hillary’s campaign. This may surprise you, but there is a difference.

  24. gquaglia says:

    Hilliary most likely is for universal healthcare while all repugs are not. Is that true or false?

    Doubt it, she may say she is to get elected, but little will change after that.

    McCain is most likely to stop pork barrel spending while all others will not. Is that true or false?

    Again, he will say whatever he thinks voters want to hear.
    So the answer is NO, there is no difference between the current field of candidates.

  25. bobbo says:

    #24==Some similarities, even a majority of similarities does not equate to no differences.

    Thanks for playing.

  26. Phillep says:

    Raster, you are saying a politician’s sole source of income is political donations?

    The money is going to Bill’s ego trip, does any of it pass through to the couple’s bank account? Does any of it go to a “contractor” who does not do any work? Who gets paychecks? Bonuses? “Entertainment expenses”?

    How tight is the oversight on the money “going to Bill’s library”?

  27. raster says:

    One answer: no more, no less.

    And again, this may come as a surprise to you, but private accounts are allowed to be kept private.

  28. Phillep says:

    Raster, How would the Democrats react to a Republican candidate’s spouse receiving thousands of dollars in anonymous donations?

  29. raster says:

    read previous and add up, thx

  30. JimS says:

    John said “Obama is unelectable in 2008 but I will predict he will be the candidate in 2012 and win then (you’ll see why in a couple of years).”

    Please explain what we’ll see in a couple of years


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