We’ve previously written about NYC’s descent into dictatorship when it banned dancing and public photography without a license. Now in its infinite wisdom, NYC wants to ban private ownership of biological, chemical, and radiological detectors without a permit.

Whatever reasons the politicians are telling us, it’s really all about controlling information.

Village Voice – January 15th, 2008:

Damn you, Osama bin Laden! Here’s another rotten thing you’ve done to us: After 9/11, untold thousands of New Yorkers bought machines that detect traces of biological, chemical, and radiological weapons. But a lot of these machines didn’t work right, and when they registered false alarms, the police had to spend millions of dollars chasing bad leads and throwing the public into a state of raw panic.

OK, none of that has actually happened. But Richard Falkenrath, the NYPD’s deputy commissioner for counterterrorism, knows that it’s just a matter of time. That’s why he and Mayor Michael Bloomberg have asked the City Council to pass a law requiring anyone who wants to own such detectors to get a permit from the police first. And it’s not just devices to detect weaponized anthrax that they want the power to control, but those that detect everything from industrial pollutants to asbestos in shoddy apartments. Want to test for pollution in low-income neighborhoods with high rates of childhood asthma? Gotta ask the cops for permission. Why? So you “will not lead to excessive false alarms and unwarranted anxiety,” the first draft of the law states.

  1. JoaoPT says:

    NYC’s descent

  2. SN says:

    “NYC’s descent…”

    Thanks! Earlier I noticed I had “restrict” spelled as “restict” and and “counters” spelled as “conters.” I’m not having a good spelling day today!

  3. JoaoPT says:

    This one would negate your intent…

  4. Phillep says:

    Good lord.

    Are you sure this is not one of the Onion’s pranks someone is taking seriously?

    I can’t click on the link, firewall.

  5. SN says:

    “This one would negate your intent…”‘

    It wouldn’t be the first time my dyslexic pre-Alzheimer’s brain interfered with my intent! 😉

  6. Les says:

    In the mid 1990’s the government took our fire departments Geiger counters even though we have a reactor within an hour’s drive and I-85 runs through our town.

  7. Jack Flanders says:

    Man those New York politicians sure are crazy! 🙂 Yeah, isn’t the recent mayor of this city running for President of the United States, as a Republican? I’m sure he’ll do JUST as well as President as he did as mayor of New York. Er…

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I don’t trust people who count Geigers.

  9. Esteban says:

    Well, if they’re worried about people overburdening the fire departments, maybe they should ban smoke detectors, too. Hell, if they really want to ease their workload, they could even disconnect 911. That’ll drastically cut down on false alarms (and real ones too).

  10. Phillep says:

    The feds pulled all the “Nuclear War Survival Skills” books from the repository libraries, too. Some lame excuse about the improvised radiation detector not being properly calibrated.

    One of several places to get a free pdf download:


  11. Judge Jewdy says:

    What does it matter? If you peg the meter you are toast anyway.

  12. chuck says:

    I have a CO2 detector. Where do I register it?

  13. MikeN says:

    Where’s Scott to defend his beloved Mike Bloomie?

  14. Sying Flaucer says:

    When geiger counters are outlawed only outlaws will have geiger counters…

  15. jp says:

    Doesn’t it come to your mind that they don’t want NYers to realize part of the city is radioactive or already contaminated?

  16. JPV says:

    How else is the Mossad supposed to move WMDs into New York for the 9/11 anniversary false flag operation, that will allow Bush/Cheney to instate NSPD-51, suspend the elections and retaliate against Iran, which will certainly be blamed for the attack?

  17. Lou Bix says:

    Hi I’m here from the Gov and I’m here to help you/Not.
    When you here crap like this, you have to wonder if Bin L is winning.

  18. Mark T. says:

    Its a TAX, plain and simple. They can call it “registration” but it still comes down to you paying a fee.

    Damn, is there nothing that government WON’T tax?

  19. old waterman says:

    “you have to wonder if Bin L is winning.”
    He won the first time you took your shoes off.

  20. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    So buy your friggen Geiger counter, get it calibrated, and assure the DHS that you’re not going to start a national cable news panic over a crazy reading from the ambient gamma radiation in a piece of 100-year-old granite.

  21. Rabble Rouser says:

    If Geiger Counters are outlawed, only outlaws will have Geiger Counters!

  22. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #18 – The answer is NO. Someday we’ll have to buy the forms required to file out tax returns.

    SN – I’ve never misspelled anything in my life – typos however are another story…. 😉

  23. MikeN says:

    But what about the detectors for all the other types of WMD?

    “Think how many can be killed by just a tiny bit of anthrax, and think about how it’s not just that Saddam Hussein might put it on a Scud missile an anthrax head, and send it on to some city he wants to destroy. Think about all the other terrorists and other bad actors who could just parade through Baghdad and pick up their stores.”
    Bill Clinton as President

  24. National Geiger Assoiation (NGA) says:

    “They can have my geiger-counter, when they pry it out of my cold, dead, irradiated hand…”

    Didn’t NYC also band the serving of “sunny-side” up eggs in diners, to protect new yorkers from salmanila?

  25. Mister Catshit says:

    I’m not sure, but I do believe the City is overstepping its authority. Radiation detection is a Federal jurisdiction and thus outside the oversight of any municipal government.

    This was recently tested when the Boston airport tried to regulate WiFi inside the airport. The court said no as it was solely a Federal jurisdiction and outside the boundaries of any local regulation.

  26. @#7: Please notice that these are the actions of the CURRENT mayor of NYC who also set in motion such progressive ideas as paying kids to attend school regularly, ban “dangerous fats” from NYC restaurants and even send police to entrap potential good Samaritans (dropping wallets in subways and waiting for someone to pick them up) instead as the GOOD OLD NYC Mayor did – send police where the crime is. Neither did the old mayor waste any of city funds on such nonsense and social engineering.
    So, if Mr. Bloomberg runs for President: RUN away from him. And do consider Giuliani if he remains in the race to avoid similar idiotic ideas on a country scale.

  27. micromike says:

    Osama Bin Ladin didn’t do this to us. We did it to ourselves by being cowards and electing alcoholic adulteress crooks to run our government for us.

    We are NOT the Land of the Free or the Home of the Brave. Just a bunch of cowards wrapped in fear and willing to give up all our rights for the promise of safety that can never be delivered.

    We deserve it.

    I did get a geiger counter back in the 1970s though, so I would know if the lint in my navel was radioactive.


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