A choir that planned to sing a list of complaints about life in Singapore cancelled its performances after the city-state banned its foreign members from singing, organizers said Saturday.

The 60-member “complaints choir,” a concept that originated from two Finnish artists, was scheduled to perform at a weekend festival but authorities granted a performance license on the condition that the foreigners would not participate…

Some of the complaints that would have been sung included, “when a pregnant lady gets on the train, everyone pretends to sleep” and “when I’m hungry at the food court, I see people (reserve) seats with tissue paper.”

Not only Cranky Geeks – but, Cranky Singers!

  1. bobbo says:

    Chicken for the locals not to take the stage. Whats a little jail time for a good tune?

    BUT SERIOUSLY — what about this “saving seats” in public and crowded areas? Have almost gotten into several physical confrontations when I sit down in reserved seats. Normally I’ll say “This is a public area. I’ll move when your party shows up.” 90% of the time, 15 minutes later and I finish and leave with no one coming.

    Interesting–who is more “self involved?” Me for sitting there, or the people who think a napkin equals a person?

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #1 – Whats a little jail time for a good tune?

    Or even a vicious beating.

    Singapore is a barbaric 21st Century city.

  3. bobbo says:

    Uncle Ben–just the most vapid comment one could make. 100% ad hominem.

    Why are you so silly?

  4. jbellies says:

    If they had sung the lyrics in Finnish, nobody in Singapore would have known the difference.

  5. Mister Catshit says:

    Aahh, the joys of living in a benevolent dictatorship.

  6. morram says:

    My first trip to Singapore had me and a few others in my party being taken from deboarding directly to a barber where we all had our hair cut. Our agent hadn’t told us they had a “no hair touching collar” law for men.
    If you’re into forced civil civility it’s a great place and watching someone get a ticket or hauled off for spitting in public or, not sure if this is still in effect, chewing gum is somewhat enlighting. I’d have to say it’s not a good place for the ugly America or Mexican types

  7. Daniel Ho says:

    Now now, no FUD please.

    There use to be some silly no hair touching collar policy. But that was like what 30 years ago? It wasn’t law in any case, just policy. Ixnay on the perbolehae.

    No spitting by law – True, you can be fined if caught but you would be very unlucky
    No jaywalking by law – True, you can be fined if caught but you would be very unlucky
    No chewing gum by law – False
    No importing of chewing gum by law – True, although medical gum is allowed, such as nicotine gum
    Vicious beating as corporal punishment – False
    Caning as corporal punishment – True
    Death penalty for murderers and drug dealers – True
    Gay sex is illegal – True, but not enforced. Govt calls it “signposting” whatever that means
    Most punishments for crimes are very harsh by US and European standards – True
    Patriarchal government – True, indeed the Government is unapologetic about this
    Conservative society – Maybe, but much less conservative if compared to the Bible Belt
    Compulsory conscription of males – True, 2 years of service for all males
    Activism is as good as outlawed – True
    Independent workers unions are non-existent – True
    Internet is largely-censored like in China – False, only a miniscule number of sites are blocked. Signposting again, whatever that means. Porn sites are readily available albeit illegal.

  8. bobbo says:

    #9–Ben, you are entirely welcomed. Wear it well.

    Silly because nobody anywhere at anytime should be told to leave simply because they offer criticism of the status quo.

    I’m sure you actually agree with that statement, so you must have been just being silly. My own little ad hominem comment wrapped within a profundity.

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 – Vicious beating as corporal punishment – False
    Caning as corporal punishment – True

    Same thing. Thus true.

    It’s a controlling, overbearing, shame driven, Orwellian nightmare… and a good primer for America’s future.

  10. If you haven’t done anything wrong you have nothing to worry about.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #12 – You forgot the smiley to let me know you were being sarcastic. 😉

  12. morram says:

    Just my experience Ho@8, and yes my first visits were in the early 60s and into the 70s, usually as a guest of SEATO. I have to admit that all the Singapore girls I had the pleasure to meat were very satisfying and at least third or fourth on the Asian girl list!

  13. TIHZ_HO says:

    #8 Daniel Ho – You beat me to that…well metaphorically speaking. 😉

    I spent a lot of time in Singapore and I have to agree with you.

    #11 OhForTheLoveOf – America’s future??? 😆 If I had done something wrong needing caning or time in a GOUSA jail I’d take the caning hands down…metaphorically speaking – oh wait, the “hands down caning” was in Catholic School…”You made baby Jesus cry…whack!!”

    Jails in GOUSA right now would be an extreme form of “corporal punishment” wouldn’t it – don’t even mention Guantanamo Bay…right? I mean being someone’s ‘bitch’ and never being able to fart right again and the occasional inmate beatings seems rather harsh compared to caning, isn’t it?


  14. TIHZ_HO says:

    #14 morram Well I think that is so bad that in the US that coloured people are not allowed in White only schools…oh yeah, that was in the 60’s…

    See the point?



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