Building demolition in 40 seconds.

Ants digging tunnels.

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  1. Jake says:

    THAT’S how they demolish houses? I thought it was just like building a house, but in reverse. First, they take down the dry wall, then they pull all the nails out, remove the boards…

  2. Jake says:

    Ants are stupid. Why are they digging tunnels? They’re stupid.

  3. Cinaedh says:

    Those were cool videos, not something you see every day.

    For some reason, the ants reminded me of the game Sim City.

  4. chuck says:

    Ant#1: Hey, let’s dig a tunnel.

    Ant#2,3,4….101,102,etc: Yea! Great idea, let’s do it, woo, woo woo.


    Ant#2: Man, that was great! What an awesome tunnel! What will we do now?

    Ant#1: Hey, let’s dig a tunnel.

    Ant#2,3,4….101,102,etc: Hell, yes! Great idea, let’s do it, woo, woo woo.


    Ant#2: Man, that was sweet! What cool tunnel! What will we do now?

    Ant#1: Hey, let’s dig a tunnel!

    Ant#2,3,4….101,102,etc: Oh man, you always have such good ideas! Let’s do it, woo, woo woo.


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