Director Oliver Stone, who has made movies about Presidents John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, is developing a project about the current occupant of the White House, but promises it will not be a hatchet job.

He is shopping the script to financiers and hopes to start production by April, with a release date in time for the election in November, or the inauguration of Bush’s successor in January.

Stone told Daily Variety that he planned to make “a fair, true portrait” of Bush, focusing on such areas as his relationship with his father, President George H.W. Bush, his wild youth, and his conversion to Christianity.

“It will contain surprises for Bush supporters and his detractors,” said Stone.

Telling the truth will be embarrassing enough!

  1. jpz says:

    It’ll be interesting to see how Stone will depict eight minutes of book reading.

  2. Greg Allen says:

    I think Bush WOULD make a good movie — someone so ABYSMALLY HORRIBLE but who has the amazing ability to delude both himself and millions of others. It’s quite a story, really.

    Historians will marvel for a long time that one of the WORST PRESIDENTS in US history managed to get millions of people to re-elect him.

    And it was no secret that he was absolutely awful — but somehow that didn’t matter. The cons idealized him.

    Even more amazingly, HE BETRAYED EVERY CONSERVATIVE CORE VALUE AND EVEN THE USA ITSELF and he was able to get the vast majority of conservatives to cheer him each step along the way and keep claiming that he’s was a fantastic president doing a bang-up job.

    That’s the stuff of good movies. But Oliver Stone is not the right guy to make that movie.

  3. TIHZ_HO says:

    #33 jpz – That is something even Bush-fanboys can’t dispute it, huh? Bush didn’t exactly jump into action then, did he?

    It does not matter at the time it was thought to be accident – an airliner slamming into the WTC. Bush didn’t seem to care enough to do anything and kept on reading to the kids.

    What other conclusion is there? I could understand if Bush was in the middle of something important. But…it was a bunch of kids!


  4. Mister Catshit says:

    Why so much suggestion about conspiracy? Ooohhh riiiight, Bush !!! Neo-con !!! Cheney !!!


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