Director Oliver Stone, who has made movies about Presidents John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, is developing a project about the current occupant of the White House, but promises it will not be a hatchet job.

He is shopping the script to financiers and hopes to start production by April, with a release date in time for the election in November, or the inauguration of Bush’s successor in January.

Stone told Daily Variety that he planned to make “a fair, true portrait” of Bush, focusing on such areas as his relationship with his father, President George H.W. Bush, his wild youth, and his conversion to Christianity.

“It will contain surprises for Bush supporters and his detractors,” said Stone.

Telling the truth will be embarrassing enough!

  1. Personality says:

    “and his conversion to Christianity.”

    …For political reasons.

  2. Animal Mother says:

    I wonder if any actor truely capture the depths of Bush’s stupidity. That would be Oscar-worthy.

  3. Rolo says:

    “Fair and balanced” That is the first lie. Many more to come I am sure

  4. Rabble Rouser says:

    Will the title be “Mission Accomplished,” or “Worst President Ever?”

  5. Cinaedh says:

    I understand they’re negotiating with Alfred E. Neuman to play the part of the President.

  6. bobbo says:

    What does “hatchet job” mean in this context?

    Actually, we all know how bad BushCo is. No movie needed for that.

    How about showing how drug addiction leads to religious conversion?

    How about showing how being given everything in life leads to a sense of entitlement?

    How about showing how avoiding military service leads to abusing our troops later in life?

    Thats three goods whacks from a hatchet I’d like to see.

    More to follow in the sequel.

  7. Animal Mother says:

    They could call it “The Decider” or “I Was a Lone Star Drunk, Cokehead, and Draft-Dodger.”

  8. the answer says:

    I’d watch it. Also i don’t think Oliver Stone would hide or sugar coat anything so it should be the truth.

    Of course now we worry about the government suppressing it like they did with that army movie poster ( the name escapes me ). So if anyone gets a picture of the poster, post it everywhere you can.

  9. RTaylor says:

    I’ve read James Brolin was tagged for the lead. Lets come up with a better suggestion .

  10. jbellies says:

    Title? Bush II. Begging for a prequel.

    I didn’t see his movie about JFK. I did see Nixon, which seemed fair and sympathetic to me. So why is he having to say it won’t be a hatchet job? The Stone movie that I thought did paint a bleak picture (especially the latter parts of the movie) was The Doors.

  11. moreno says:

    Interesting how Oliver Stone only wants to do movies about Republicans like Nixon and now Bush. Oh, and yes, although JFK was a Democrat President, he would never pass for a Democrat in today’s political arena. He would be more in line with Lieberman or hell, even Bush as he’s been pretty Liberal himself in many things.

    “Fair and Balanced”. Yeah. What a crock of shit! What about a “Fair and Balanced” movie about the Clintons and/or Jimmy Carter?

    Now let the bashing on me begin and don’t taze me bros.

  12. John Paradox says:

    Please, we already had two ‘Dumb and Dumber(er)’ movies, we don’t need a third.


  13. iGlobalWarmer says:

    It’ll be fair, balanced and fully truthful. I believe that as much as I believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.

    #11 – By today’s standards, JFK and even Hubert Humphrey would be considered reactionary extreme conservatives. Both of them were more conservative than GWB is today. That’s how far left everything has shifted.

  14. Pharaoh90 says:

    Most of the comments about left left right are nonsense… So any who.

    It is way too early to be going on about a movie about this joker. You have to wait ’til after all the people involved go to and get out of jail. Then start gathering up details of what they did.

    Then after GW gets old and drops off the twig. Thats when you make your movie.

    But unfortunately GW is and will always be just a fleck of something brown that stains our history that only we will be interested in. So whatever.

    Did ya catch my joke. Can you imagine the Democrats actually investigating and putting any of these people behind bars? Hardy, Har, Har!

  15. truthteller says:

    He does movies about Republicans and right wing nut jobs because exposing corruption, hatred and unbridled greed makes for good movies. JFK wasn’t a movie about a Democrat President; it was a movie about the right wing power brokers that murdered him.

    I damn well hope it IS a hatchet job, he deserves it.

  16. bob says:

    Wow. You guys are THINKERS! No echo chamber here, nosiree me!

  17. McCullough says:

    I would cast Beavis for the role, eh heh.

  18. Fred Mercury says:

    To expose corruption, hatred, and greed one only has to return to the Clinton administration. We must also add supplying nuclear secrets to the Chinese. That will be a national betrayal all will pay for.

  19. GregA says:


    Like Fahrenheit 911 the most devastating “hatchet job” will be a simple retelling of the facts.

    It is telling that the people most likely to object to the subtitle “fair and balanced” are the ones who have championed that particular catch phrase.

    I will probably partake in the midnight showing of this film;)

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    Uh, Oh! Let’s go straight to the bottom of this. Liberals will say the movie didn’t go far enough while Conserv’s will say it went too far. This movie will almost certainly evoke SYMPATHY for George either because he was not big enough for the job or because the Liberal elite were “out to get him”.

    Do we really need this movie?

  21. RockOn says:

    Stone is no dummy. We are so politically polarized in this country, just read the comments in this blog, Stone is gonna cash in on it. A better film would be about how silly our political polarization is because the two “sides” are not looking out for the majority of us.

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    Now that’s a movie worth seeing!

  23. RBG says:

    This isn’t the same Oliver Stone who made “a fair, true portrait” about the Clay Shaw homosexual thrill-kill of JFK, is it?

    Prosecutor Jim Garrison: “Dave Ferrie, homosexual. Clay Shaw, homosexual. Jack Ruby, homosexual.”…
    “(…+ Oswald) That’s six homosexuals in the plot,” Garrison said. “One or maybe two, okay. But all six homosexual? How far can you stretch the arm of coincidence?”

    “The scene where David Ferrie admits to Jim Garrison and his team that there was indeed a conspiracy against the president was entirely fictional. … The famous “Magic Bullet” scene has also been proven to be untrue.

    Indeed, the film is rife with inaccuracies and misrepresentations. Researcher Dave Reitzes has identified a hundred instances of what he considers an inaccuracy or misrepresentation in the film. The History Channel’s documentary, Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy also notes many of the inconsistencies of the film.”


  24. Ah_Yea says:

    I believe it’s a given the Oliver Ston(ed) can’t tell truth from fiction. I agree completely with Rock_On that Oliver certainly does know how to make a buck. We all know the movie won’t be “fair and balanced” (given his past record), therefore the title is simply for the free advertising through media like this one.

    Since we (Liberal or Conservative) cannot trust his views, I’ll save my money for a movie with more facts in it, like “Enchanted”

  25. GregA says:


    Coincidence theorists agree! It is only a coincidence that it appears that liberal activists were being systematically murdered and assassinated all throughout the 50’s,60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.

    Yup a 50 year campaign of lone nut jobs killing liberal activists, and there was nothing at all behind it. There is just something about liberals that lone gun nuts hate.


  26. edwinrogers says:

    All men deserve fair portrayal.

  27. TIHZ_HO says:

    I can’t wait – you couldn’t make up dumber shit!

    #2 Animal Mother – “I wonder if any actor truely capture the depths of Bush’s stupidity. That would be Oscar-worthy.”

    Jim Carrey would be my choice! 😉


  28. TIHZ_HO says:

    Pedro – DAMN your right!!! I missed that one big time! LOL!


  29. ECA says:

    One big EDIT…
    Can you see the scenes where he cant SHOW anything because of national security?
    Can you see the scenes where they cant NAME the other person, as they couldnt get permission?
    Can you see the scenes where he is discussing WITH THE DEVIL??

    That would be neet. any scenes he ISNT supposed to show, insert the DEVIL..

  30. MikeN says:

    World Trade Center was pretty good, so we’ll see. The only thing is that you can get more facts 0 years after the fact than at the time. It took several years to find out that Joe Wilson was lying, and that Scooter Libby and Karl Rove weren’t the leakers. Who knwos what types of wrong facts would end up in a 2008 movie?


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