There were rumours sweeping the markets all morning of a looming interest rate cut from the US.

And the confirmation of that speculation is intrinsically disturbing: though some investors will have made a killing…

It hasn’t cut rates as much as three quarters of a percentage point for as long as I can remember. And it made the decision to slash a week before its scheduled meeting. If it looks like panic at the Fed, smells like panic at the Fed, and quacks like panic at the Fed, well many will say it is panic at the Fed.

And what if the evasive action doesn’t work..?

Calloo, Callay, O frabjous day.

Let’s all run out and buy a house. Or two!

  1. Li says:

    MikeN, the anti-Cassandra, speaks! Unlike Cassandra, MikeN is always wrong, but luckily, no one listens to him either.

  2. old waterman says:

    Warren buffet was ask years ago during the last round of rate cuts if he thaught cutting the rate whold be enough .His reply “I’m no econimist but they will have to stop at 0%”.
    Am I the only one who see’s that making money easier to borrow is not the answer. I maybe wrong but I feel this may be one of the reasons why we are in this mess

  3. MikeN says:

    Well it was a mistake for them to raise the rates to begin with. They really don’t have a handle on how to control inflation. Here’s a hint: Don’t print too much money.

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #27 – Yes, works well for those who want an answer. Not good for those looking for a discussion, education, new idea, dialectic.

    The reason to look for a discussion, education, etc., is to get an answer.

    If you want to masturbate with your gray matter, go get a philosophy degree. 😉

  5. bobbo says:

    #27–OFTLO—sorry to see you go off on the wrong track. Answers without explanation can only be taken on faith. Answers with an explanation can be understood on their merit.

    I thought you weren’t the religious type. Now I see it is only the subject matter that controls your idolatry.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #36 – …

    #24 – can a society last for long if it devolves into a service economy only?


    Answers without explanation can only be taken on faith.

    Bullshit. But then, that’s your forte. Dude, you asked, I answered. You want more? Then ask the right question.

    I thought you weren’t the religious type.

    I’m not religious, but it doesn’t matter as you final comments are non-sequitors.


    I find you to be irritating, smug, petulant, and pedantic. If you lived nearby, I’d probably hang out with you frequently.


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