Within minutes of posting a story on CNN’s homepage called “Gender or race: Black women voters face tough choices in South Carolina,” readers reacted quickly and angrily.

Many took umbrage at the story’s suggestion that black women voters face “a unique, and most unexpected dilemma” about voting their race or their gender…

The story states: “For these women, a unique, and most unexpected dilemma, presents itself: Should they vote their race, or should they vote their gender?”

An e-mailer named Tiffany responded sarcastically: “Duh, I’m a black woman and here I am at the voting booth. Duh, since I’m illiterate I’ll pull down the lever for someone. Hm… Well, he black so I may vote for him… oh wait she a woman I may vote for her… What Ise gon’ do? Oh lordy!”

Tiffany urged CNN to “pull this racist crap off” the Web site and to stop calling Hillary the “top female candidate.”

“Stop calling Barack the “Black” candidate,” she wrote.

Bravo, Tiffany. I wish we had html for “sarcasm”.

  1. Janky-o says:

    I can’t believe that people would even think somebody might vote for a person because he or she has, well, similar experiences, outlook, race or gender. Or religious views. Or views about the role of the federal vs. state governments. I’m shocked that anybody would even think that about me. Shocked, I tell you!

  2. Steve-O says:

    Who gives a shit? If either of them become president it will be do I want to pay higher taxes to a black American or a female American.

  3. Brandon Bachman says:

    Actually, the WORKING poor does deserve a boost in funding. Notice, working.

    And about illegal immigration, “It’s always been a problem. Ask any Indian” 😛

    On that same note, I don’t care about “Illegals” so long they have some sort of ID to keep track of. Otherwise, anybody not in school, not working anywhere that requires an ID card or does not have a credit card and a cell phone should be whisked away for suspicion of affiliation with a covert group of terrorists. They’re like prostitutes in Amsterdam; they keep us financially afloat (so long as they buy American. That’s kinda hard to do due in part to the rest of the world taking over our shelves.)

  4. BillM says:

    Don’t forget Romney, “the Mormon candidate”

  5. bill says:

    Now they can play the stupid card and the politically criminally insane cards.

  6. gregallen says:

    I’m a white male.

    Do I have to chose between “white” vs “male” when I have to chose between Obama or Clinton?

    It’s insulting to suggest that black women aren’t considering things like: issues, character, voting record, background, campaign funding, etc. etc.

  7. JimR says:

    Hillary likes it on top.

  8. Angus says:

    CNN inplies that we choose people based on what they are, and not who they are and what they believe in. I hope I’m right and we’re a little more complicated than that. Regardless, it’s another example of the media looking down on us chattle.

  9. framitz says:

    Black women have the same choices as any other voter. This was the first thing I thought when I saw the asanine article on CNN.

  10. RockOn says:

    #9 Jim
    “Hillary likes it on top”

    Is that because Slick Willy only knew how to F’ up? 🙂

  11. JayT says:

    “For these women, a unique, and most unexpected dilemma, presents itself: Should they vote their race, or should they vote their gender?
    No other voting bloc in the country faces this choice.”

    Ignoring for the moment the inherent racism/sexism of this statement, what I want to know is, doesn’t CNN have fact checkers? Because as it turns out there is another voting bloc that would have to choose between race and gender in these primaries. Did they forget white guys?

  12. GigG says:

    These people can get as pissed as they want but history shows that blacks will vote for other blacks and that women will vote for women.

    Guess what? White males vote for white males more often too.

  13. bobbo says:

    #12–I think Willie Horton could get elected before another Bushie boy could. Stop with the prejudice.

  14. Sea Lawyer says:

    So you mean people don’t really want to be categorized into easily distinguished groups and told they have to make their decisions based on what everybody else in that group does?

    What will this mean for the future of the phony “diversity” industry in this country?

  15. Chris says:

    They have to do something at CNN to get people to look at them. Fox News has the bash liberals angle covered. CNN figures they can play two cards at once with this story: race and gender. It is nothing about their views. It is just pushing on areas in this country that we are sensitive about to get eyeballs.

  16. natefrog says:

    #12, GigG;

    I agree. History says minorities vote for minorities and women vote for women.

    It’s an interesting conundrum and would be very interesting to study from a sociological perspective.

  17. Montgomery Burns the Elder. says:

    #12, Gig,

    And neo-cons like to vote for neo-cons, racists for racists, and commies forcommies. So did you have a point?

  18. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    His point was that saying that blacks and women are the only groups confronted with whether or not to vote for a member of their own group is wrong. And he’s correct. It’s an idiotic statement for an allegedly professional news organization to make.

    It’s pathetic how reflexive it has become to ignore and disregard those who aren’t minority-group members.

    If blacks are presented with the issue of whether or not they should vote for a member of their race, then obviously whites are likewise presented with the same question. If women face this, then it necessarily follows that men do too.

    Not rocket science, figuring that out. If you’re still unclear, maybe CNN could use your ‘talents’.

  19. MikeN says:

    Well they’ve been teaching and living identity politics for decades, so why shouldn’t they run that article?

  20. Brock says:

    I’m 4 ft 2 inches. Who’s the shortest candidate?

    I have an IQ of 75. Who’s the stupidest candidate.

    I sleep through football games. Who’s the anti athletic candidate?


    Now I remember why I don’t get my news off the TV

  21. Obama’s attacks on Hillary are way out of line.
    Bill’s loving it!

  22. Mister Catshit says:

    #2, Brock,

    1 – Alan Keyes

    2 – That is a tie between McCain, Gulianni, Huckabee, and Romney for second place. The outright winner is Ron Paul

    3 – That would be Thompson, but he couldn’t keep up so he quit the race.

    4- That would be the incumbent.

  23. Prof. Johnnycakes says:

    I never watch CNN but the topic was a grabber. After a few minutes
    i was curious if the writer’s strike was effecting the Lou Dobbs staff!?!
    The facts, as Lou was spouting them, seemed half substanciated and
    were agitating subsequent guests. Lou’s staff needs more research,
    or their resumes up to date for their next job elsewhere, as Lou’s headed for
    Dan Ratherland.


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