Liberal Senator Mobina Jaffer is under investigation by the Law Society of British Columbia for allegedly overbilling one of her legal clients, including charging for 30 hours of work in a single day

Brad Daisley, a spokesman for the law society, said it opened the ethics investigation because “lawyers have a duty of honesty and integrity.”

The Oblates of Mary Immaculate, whose B.C. headquarters are based in New Westminster, fired Jaffer and her son, Azool Jaffer-Jeraj, three years ago after receiving bills of $6.7 million dollars. They had hired the Jaffers to defend them against dozens of claims of abuse in residential schools…

CBC News has obtained forensic accounting reports filed during the lawsuit showing that Jaffer, on one occasion, billed 30 hours on a single day. Twenty-seven of those hours were for “finalizing accounts” — which means preparing bills.

I’ve been fortunate enough to know a couple of lawyers who had “honesty and integrity”.

The rest are in politics.

Thanks, Cinaedh mac Ailpin

  1. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    I’m shocked – shocked, I tell you – that immigrants from cultures where corruption is a normal, accepted part of life would dare come to NA and import said corruption.

    Being a lawyer helps a lot in importing third-world corruption, of course. If you don’t believe me, just ask Alberto Gonzales… 🙂

  2. Cinaedh says:

    I thought it was kind of cool she charged 30 hours for one day and 27 of those hours were supposedly devoted to writing up the bills for the victims themselves.

    You’d think, if you were going to rip someone off, it would NOT be an Order who’d taken a vow of poverty – or maybe that’s exactly the right people to target?

    I dunno. I suppose it depends on your perspective.

  3. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    “You’d think, if you were going to rip someone off, it would NOT be an Order who’d taken a vow of poverty…”

    Well? After all, corruption and dishonesty are hardly products of intelligence. 😛

  4. bobbo says:

    Hard to tell what the real scandal is. $425/hour regardless of service rendered? Sloppy internal procedures to prevent double billing, or billing in excess of 24 hrs per day. Or a vow of charity generating 6.7MM in legal fees etc.

    Bet shes still in office?

  5. JimR says:

    What if she had 4 associates working for her and each of them also worked 6 hours that day for that client?

  6. JimR says:

    Sena tor, Mo bina,
    banana-fana fo-fina

    Sorry, it just had to be done.

  7. Fahrquar says:

    “lawyers have a duty of honesty and integrity.”
    Bwah-ha-ha,that’s funny, aha-ha-ha-ha, stop it, ha-ha-ha-ha, *reading it again*, *ROFL* bwah-ha-ha-ha, no more, no more, ha-ha-ha-ha!!

  8. Montgomery Burns the Elder. says:

    #6, Jim,

    OK, I’m with you on that one.

    (later) You dork, now I got that stupid song running through my head. May the Jehovah’s Witness come every Thursday and twice on Saturday.


    A few years ago a good friend was going through a divorce. The lawyer’s secretary phoned three times in one week to say they were still waiting for some documents from the other lawyer. None of the calls lasted more than a minute. Later when the bill came, she was billed at 1/2 hour for each call at the lawyer’s standard rate.

  9. This would never happen in the U.S.
    Canadians are exceptionally passive
    Words that you will never hear from a Canadian’s mouth to their politician “If you do so and so , pass such and such or follow such and such a path.. I will not vote for you in the next election !”
    Canadians are bribed with their own money.
    They vote in the politicians that will give them the most benefits ( their money – or what is left after mismanagement , corruption , nepotism and downright theft”
    By the way – the power in Canadian politics is in the elected house of parliament
    The Senate and Senators are an appointed pork barrel position where the Senators have little powers except to put in time and take benefits
    One Senator did his job from Mexico
    Once in a 100 years they stand up for something ( mainly to embarrass the party in power)
    Canadians are among the stupidest people in the world.


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