Click on the picture above to see a photo slideshow done by the New York Times about a female circumcision ceremony. The picture above shows female circumcisers and their attendants waiting in an elementary-school classroom, where they do their work.

  1. Don Coyote says:

    I can understand the need for male circumcision to supply the banjo makers of the world with skins but female circumcision is just brutal.

  2. bobbo says:

    #31–JimR==how culture bound can you be? Mothers and Fathers taking their kiddies to the local butcher to get this thing done–just as my parents did with me. (They claim it was just foreskin, but I know they took the last 6 inches of my manhood–only 8 inches left!)

    Read the article. Its done to “balance the womans psychology” and to make her more beautiful, What more could loving parents do? Allow the kiddie to grow up with her own ideas? Thats blasphemous!!

  3. TIHZ_HO says:

    #31 JimR – Seems we might have a “God gene”.

    Just like a cat scratching a tree or our furniture regardless if it has been de-clawed or not its hard wired into our genetic makeup.

    Here we go back into Eugenics again… LOL! šŸ™‚


  4. the Three-Headed Catā„¢ says:

    No, I agree that it is no more an accepted Islamic practice than snake handling is an accepted Xian practice. And it may not have started with Muslims – but just as snake handling, being practiced by fundamentalist Xians, is perforce a Xian practice, likewise, not being practiced to any noticeable degree by any other than self-proclaimed Muslims in NE Africa, must still be regarded as an Islamic practice, whether accepted by the mainstream Muslim authorities or no. One can call it a ‘custom,’ or a cultural phenomenon, but that culture still calls itself Muslim, which we have no standing to dispute.

  5. JimR says:

    #33 Bobbo, that brings new meaning to “playing my banjo”.

  6. JSaidSo says:

    OMG – not sure where to start. Calling female circumcision “brutal” is like saying the sun is sorta maybe kinda hot. F**k me running, that’s just so completely wrong. And to find that the majority of the posts here argue about where the hell it takes place – oh that’s right, you appear to be mostly guys. Hmmmm….does male circumcision prevent ejaculation? Nope, not at all. Does female circumcision prevent orgasm? Apparently so…some vague phrase about “effort” indicates that maybe it doesn’t completely preclude it. Wow.

    I agree with #24, Bryan P – if you’re going to practice some cracked out religious ceremony, whether it’s snake handling or being a Mormon wearing magic freakin’ underwear – fine. Just limit it to maiming or killing yourself. Leave the rest of the clitoris-having population out of it.

  7. JimR says:

    THIZ HO, “#31 JimR – Seems we might have a ā€œGod geneā€.

    Possibly, but I would describe it more as a weakness to accept supernatural explanations for the incomprehensible.

  8. bobbo says:

    #38–Now JSaid, lets not get “hysterical” or we may have to cut that out too, just for your psychological comfort.

    So–where do you start? Brutal is a very wrong adjective? Simpleminded to criticize without providing a better word. I can think of “really brutal”==but I’m sure you will provide us with “le mode juste!”

    Since everyone posting agreed this was really something way more than brutal could ever describe–other relevant subjects were covered. Don’t you think WHERE is one of the 5 elements to any good story? C’mon now–admit it==you never went to journalism school and have no idea how to present a story beyond the first notion that strikes you.

    So, clitorectomy does not prevent clitoral orgasms? Better get that written up real fast. Glad to hear there is only one kind of female orgasms and no amount of tissue removal can interfere with it.

    Another post indicating women are no better then men. Sad really.

  9. JimR says:

    JSaidSo… definition of brutal is “savagely violent”. I think it’s an apt description of female circumcision.

    Have you got a better word? It’s easy to criticize when you don’t offer an alternative.

  10. GW says:

    This is not about religious freedom. These girls are children; children who are too young to make decisions.

    BTW: This makes waterboarding look like civilized and humane method of interrogation.

  11. Sir James says:

    Its in Indonesia ..

    Disgusting beyond words.

    To the people claiming this isn’t an Islamic practice – ask the people performing these disgusting rites why they do it… they will point at their holy book

    This type of thing needs to be removed from our universe. Totally.
    It is an affront to the real God.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    If the women and the girls in these photos were white, blond & blue eyed they would be a hot seller in Japan.

  13. JimR says:

    Um bobbo, I like your rebuttal better. I didn’t know it was there when I posted. šŸ˜‰

  14. bobbo says:

    #45–JimR==I liked yours better. Go with the definition==brilliant.

    Neither of us could get a reply though? Too bad, winning by default always leaves a good response forfeit.

  15. julieb says:

    Those who say it’s not Islam are retarded. Of course its done for religious reasons. Only religion could motivate a person to something so horrible.

    BTW, there is no god.

  16. bobbo says:

    Sorry #47—religion is not the only kind of ignorance there is.

    Is electroshock therapy religiously motivated? Was bleeding religiously motivated?

    Lets just recognize that religion is the major motivator/enforcer of this practice but is not the font of all evil.

  17. the Three-Headed Catā„¢ says:

    You just climbed out on a flimsy limb, there, bobbo.

    ECT and bleeding both, were, by the standards and knowledge of their respective times, state-of-the-art therapies. We know now that they were misguided, but they were done with the most sincere of good intentions and – unlike FGM – the best scientific input available.

    And don’t look now, but ECT is still in use…

  18. bobbo says:

    49–3HC==I think we are agreeing. Read again more slowly and read #47 first. Many people think bleeding (of 2-300 years ago) or EST today is barbaric. Those procedures were not religiously motivated but rather motivated by an honest desire to do well by the patients.

    Same with female circumcision if you support it, or female mutilation if you are against it. Well motivated, but ignorant, and yes, mostly religious based.

    So, again, not all ignorant medical procedures are grounded in religion.

  19. the Three-Headed Catā„¢ says:

    …back to that Never-Never Land, a country with rational laws – the law there would prohibit any permanent alteration to a child’s body, period. Only informed consent would permit such things, and minor children are deemed not competent to do so.

    IOW, let the kid decide – WHEN he or she is old enough to do so… just as with foregoing proper medical care for religion-based “medicine.”

    Sooner or later, this insanity of parents damaging and/or endangering their children out of their ignorance and stupidity must stop. Children have relatively few rights, and for good reason; but they’re certainly entitled to not be damaged or killed. Parents simply have no more right to harm their own child than they do someone else’s.

  20. Mister Apeshit says:

    I was circumcised as a baby and it hurt so bad I didn’t walk for a year.

  21. the Three-Headed Catā„¢ says:

    Ladies and gemmuns – give it up please for my good friend, Mr. Henny Youngman…

  22. Don Coyote says:

    #52 Still laughing, Mister Apeshit.

    #41 “Itā€™s easy to criticize when you donā€™t offer an alternative.” How about cliticize?

  23. Montgomery Burns the Elder says:

    #50, bobbo,

    not all ignorant medical procedures are grounded in religion

    In this case however, it is grounded solely in religious belief.

    Male circumcision, on the other hand, does have some medical basis to it due to the cleanliness acquired when soap was essentially non-existent and washing unknown.

  24. majid1122 says:

    dear frends in kordestan a part of iran some people do circomcition for women some remove cilitoris and some only rmove libia minor becuse those are very big and ugly but they have more sensation


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