Obvious threat to society

A young blonde Icelandic woman’s recent experience visiting the US — Signs of the Times News — Read this whole thing. It is fascinating in light of the fact that the country is crawling with illegals from Mexico who are never deported. Not only that but some convicted felons who served jail time and were illegal aliens are not deported. Why this girl? And EXACTLY how does this benefit the USA and the tourist trade? Seriously.

During the last twenty-four hours I have probably experienced the greatest humiliation to which I have ever been subjected. During these last twenty-four hours I have been handcuffed and chained, denied the chance to sleep, been without food and drink and been confined to a place without anyone knowing my whereabouts, imprisoned. Now I am beginning to try to understand all this, rest and review the events which began as innocently as possible.

Last Sunday I and a few other girls began our trip to New York. We were going to shop and enjoy the Christmas spirit. We made ourselves comfortable on first class, drank white wine and looked forward to go shopping, eat good food and enjoy life. When we landed at JFK airport the traditional clearance process began.

We were screened and went on to passport control. As I waited for them to finish examining my passport I heard an official say that there was something which needed to be looked at more closely and I was directed to the work station of Homeland Security. There I was told that according to their records I had overstayed my visa by 3 weeks in 1995. For this reason I would not be admitted to the country and would be sent home on the next flight. I looked at the official in disbelief and told him that I had in fact visited New York after the trip in 1995 without encountering any difficulties. A detailed interrogation session ensued.

I was photographed and fingerprinted. I was asked questions which I felt had nothing to do with the issue at hand. I was forbidden to contact anyone to advise of my predicament and although I was invited at the outset to contact the Icelandic consul or embassy, that invitation was later withdrawn. I don’t know why.

I was then made to wait while they sought further information, and sat on a chair before the authority for 5 hours. I saw the officials in this section handle other cases and it was clear that these were men anxious to demonstrate their power. Small kings with megalomania. I was careful to remain completely cooperative, for I did not yet believe that they planned to deport me because of my “crime”.

Then there is this news report in the Rocky Mountain News:

A federal study last year found that illegal immigrants in prison had been arrested an average of eight times. Another federal study released in May found that it would cost $1.1 billion for enough detention beds to ensure the deportation of all criminals.

Here is the federal study
. This is an excellent collector’s item for people who are following these fiascos. Amazing amount of information. (caution PDF)

found by Eddie S.

  1. Haha no one was molested.
    She was detained and sent back home. She may have drank too much wine on the plane.

  2. Smartalix says:

    “The fact remains the United states of America was attacked on 9/11/2007 and if means kicking some chick back to the cold country she came from it goes with the territory. So be it.”

    And so the terrorists win.

  3. Sying Flaucer says:

    You’d think with all the information being passed around, that she would have been told, maybe when she tried to buy the tickets, “hey they have a problem with you in the U.S.”
    She could have saved her time and money and went somewhere she was welcome, maybe one of them sex tours in Africa…

  4. qsabe says:

    A band of criminals hijacked airlines and destroyed a couple US buildings. The government was aware they were about to do it. The government needed an excuse to carry out their own criminal attack of a small country for it’s oil and the money Cheney could acquire from arms sales.

    Get off the war crap, the war is against the American people and conducted by the republican vermin infesting our government.

  5. Alan says:

    DHS and INS know when you leave because when you enter th USA as a foreign national you fill out a landing card in duplicate. One copy they keep, the other they stamp with date of entry. When you leave you surrender the stamped half to them – they then match the two halves and examine the dates.

    If you lose the second half of the card, or they forget to register it for some reason, you can get into “overstay” trouble.

  6. I miss the days when the USA were the good guys. Now they seem like
    “Ben” on the TV show “Lost” …”We’re the good guys” says Ben.

    The “institution” has become more important than the individuals.

    There has never been a more pressing argument for the right to bear arms. Just as our forefathers broke from the tyranny of the British crown, we may have to one day rebel against oppression once again.

  7. George says:

    Why does everyone feel entitled to stay here as long as they want to?

    The point is that the immigration laws do need to be enforced. If you come to this country for a visit, you are only a guest in this country. Overstaying your visa is a big problem. It’s being a poor guest, and being a poor guest, its likely you won’t be allowed to come back again.

    My in-laws from another country were visiting us when 9/11 happened, and we kept up on the law and their status, and renewed their visas when they were running out because we knew that overstaying a visa meant that getting another one in the future depended on it.

    This Icelandic chick screwed up if she stayed too long and she gets to pay the price.

    As far as the illegals, they need to be treated the same way. The problem is that they don’t show up at a port-of-entry with documentation that enables them to be summarily deported. They show up on the streets without ID or any records of their entry, and therefore are presumed legal unless an ICE agent suspects otherwise.

    Icelandic chick should have gone to Mexico and walked across the border illegally, then she could have stayed as long as she wanted.

  8. TIHZ_HO says:

    #31 Richard Brill said –

    “Please explain?
    5 million Jews where killed!”

    Closer to 6m killed actually not counting the Russians and Poles.

    I was saying that there never was a “Jewish conspiracy” that the Nazis needed to eliminate. So there was no threat from Jews while the threat of terrorism is real.

    My point was and still is that the propaganda then and now, German and American is very similar. Get it?


  9. TIHZ_HO says:

    Riachard Brill said

    “The fact remains the United states of America was attacked on 9/11/2007 and if means kicking some chick back to the cold country she came from it goes with the territory. So be it.”

    See what I mean? “We are at war!!!”

    That is my point! Nazi Germany got everyone thinking “We are at war…with the Jews – and communists too” and the general public were willing to dismiss things they normally would not have because they were in fear and the government is going to protect them. Thank you Richard for supporting my point. BTW the it was not 9/11/2007…

    Why isn’t the US “at war” with these US Patriots hording guns and wanting to overthrow the government? The US was attacked by them too – the Federal Building…?


  10. TIHZ_HO says:

    #41 OPPS My bad that was #34 Smartalix not Richard Brill in my #41 post

    Sorry Richard!!! šŸ™‚


  11. bobbo says:

    #39–George and #40 Thiz==combo shot.

    Ironic that Hitler could well have won WW2 if he had not persecuted the non-Aryans?

    So, countries/leaders often fail directly because of their express choices that hurt their greater interests.

    And so it is with the GOUSA today as exemplified by our lack of competent border controls. George, I’ll leave that for you to figure out.

  12. TIHZ_HO says:

    #37 Alan said- “When you leave you surrender the stamped half to them – they then match the two halves and examine the dates.”

    I was correct then it is the Airlines who pass on the stamped half of the “landing card” at the check-in counter…and if they lose it…

    Seems rather a slack way to do this in light of all the security panic the US has at the moment.

    I say this because of what happened on my last trip to the US when was checking in on my flight back to China from Chicago – which I almost missed as thanks to TSA we were very late. I have a Chinese residence visa in my passport.

    Before China has residency visa’s they had Z class working visas which were the same as all there other visas excepting it was a “Z class. The visa would indicate single, double or multiple entry.

    When China adopted the residence visa it only has the issue and expiry date and RESIDENCE PERMIT for Foreigner and Purpose of Residence: (Working) but in Chinese.

    The lady checking me was not going to let me board the plane because she said my visa was not valid as it didn’t have how many entries shown and could not understand that a RESIDENCE visa is automatically ‘multiple entries’. !!!

    We then showed her my wife’s USA Green card and tried to get her to understand I have a Chinese “Green Card”. With that she got very huffy and uncooperative and said this is not the first Chinese visa she has seen and stated that we have to wait for someone to look at it because she has to consider the security of the country. (!!!!!!!)

    What security I asked? She snapped back “We are at war with the terrorists and I don’t think this is a valid visa.”

    Thankfully before I could open my mouth a supervisor came and looked at my passport and visa and immediately rushed us through the check-in while this lady shot venom from her eyes at me. The door to the plane was about to close they said when we arrived at the gate looking at us like we were the arseholes…

    GOUSA!!! GOUSA!!!

    I can see exactly how this girl felt and I can see how dumb the US system is! There is no other way to describe it but DUMB, is there?

    Americans with a little power are gods unto themselves – puffed out chest and the “We are at war and we will kick your arse if we like” attitude.


  13. OldPhart says:

    It is no wonder the world looks at the leadership of this country with awe. After the first time we voted for a president, the world looked at all the blunders made and pointed the finger at him. After the people voted him back into office, they now wonder what is wrong with the people.

    What happened to this unfortunate Icelandic woman is a sign of what is coming to be the norm, not just an isolated event.

    The welcome sign at ports of entry should display “Home of the Brave, Land of Lost Freedom”

  14. TIHZ_HO says:

    #43 Bobbo – Yes indeed, if Hitler hadn’t tried to make the master race we would all be saying GONAZI! LOL!!

    Even if Hitler did win the war he still would have lost as the Reich economy and government administration was a mess!!

    The only thing that prevented the Reich economy from collapsing was the looting of the gold from all the conquered countries, the fact it was cheaper to just conquer a country then to pay back your debt and last but not least was all the slave labour the Reich had.

    On that point check out the NAZI Fortune 500 company brands we have today. A real eye opener! :0



  15. whoami says:

    ALl of this is so ironic… People talks about the way US authorities treat foreigners. That’s not the issue.. The bottom of all of this is that there is people detaining them that are not fit for the job. Those people must be tained in universal history.. Maybe some kind of degree, before letting them even get their badges, so they may be able to RESPECT people as it is. I’m a little of a history buff so that’s what I’ve learned so far. In Mexico where I live, people is even more ignorant about that so they treat central americans even WORSE, and that doesn’t mean just detaining.. Before that authorities strip them, steal anything of value from them, and then they take the detainees to the inmigration center.. Pretty cruel.

  16. morram says:

    So how many mexicans fly first class shopping trps to New York?

  17. TIHZ_HO says:

    #48 morram – Same as the number of wealthy Chinese, or Indonesians et al.

    Whats the point?


  18. gregallen says:

    # 13 the Three-Headed Catā„¢ said,

    Yep. Not using statistical profiles brings about this very sort of waste of time money and manpower, while bringing the law to bear on exactly the people the law was NOT intended to address. The time wasted on fucking with her couldā€™ve been better spent trying to catch someone who had actually done something wrong.

    “Profiling” make emotional people feel good. IN real life, it’s a counter productive time waster (not to mention a civil liberties nightmare.)

    It’s a sad commentary on you that PROFILING is the lesson you would take from this.

    The real lesson is that law enforcement should be head-up and use common sense — not that they should let pretty white women pass and detain anyone with an ass darker than khaki.

  19. Angel H. Wong says:

    She’s a terrorist threat because an independent white woman would inspire young christian girls to seek out an university degree instead of marrying before her 20s and give birth to 2 to 3 christian children before they hit 30.

  20. gregallen says:

    whoami said, .. The bottom of all of this is that there is people detaining them that are not fit for the job.

    That’s another good lesson from this.

    I’ve entered the US more times than I can remember since 911 and I’ve noticed a real dumbing down of the border authorities.

    There are some real dummies looking at your passport these days.

    I had one guy stop me and give me (and my family!) extensive questioning because I had “Arabic” on my dirty laundry bag! (it was actually Urdu).

    I had another agent tell me that I would need a letter from my employer to explain my travels before I’d be allowed back in next time!

    I had another tell me that 911 terrorists snuck in without visas (every informed person knows they came in on student visas.)

    Mostly, however, I’ve met good, smart agents but you just gotta know that the poorly trained dummies are messing up the system and detract attention from real threats.

  21. bobbo says:

    Gregallen===what in your mind is the difference between profiling and

    1..law enforcement should be head-up and use common sense, or
    2..real threats.

    Profiling is most naturally just common sense and separating the real from the unreal. True, it can be used as an excuse for abuse, but then thats not profiling–its just an excuse.

    So, is it the excuse you are against, or common sense you are against?

  22. edwinrogers says:

    The US holds no monopoly on being inhospitable. Here in NZ we used to fumigate planes when they landed, with the passengers still on board.

  23. MikeN says:

    >illegals that work off the books, Pay no taxes, send their money back to their homeland contributing nothing to our economy.

    They do contribute their work. If they’re sending the money back and this money doesn’t get spent in America, then it means we are getting labor in exchange for pieces of paper. If they are using the dollars to buy something from America, then it’s a fair trade of labor for goods.

  24. TIHZ_HO says:

    #53 I agree there is an alarming amount of ‘minimum wage earners’ doing this job.

    You story and others sounds like all those WWII movies we’ve seen. Actung! Papers Please!

    Imagine traveling to the Third Reich on holiday (yes, site seeing was encouraged) and having something that looked like Hebrew on your bag? Would your reception been any different? You would have been taken out of line and questioned as a suspected enemy of the state.



  25. gregallen says:

    # 54 bobbo said, Profiling is most naturally just common sense and separating the real from the unreal. True, it can be used as an excuse for abuse, but then thats not profilingā€“its just an excuse.

    Sorry. Not buying it.

    Think about it. How many bearded, brown Muslim-ish young men are there? Ones who look, act and seem like the 911 bombers? Half a billion, maybe? And how many of those fly on airplanes? Untold hundreds of thousands everyday I assume.

    Besides clogging the system with useless leads, profiling tells the terrorists EXACTLY who to send out on their suicide missions.

    And I guarantee you, they can find people who look nothing like young, brown Muslim bearded males to do the job.

    Because the police will be so pre-occupied with endless useless leads, the “non Muslim looking” terrorists will walk right by security.

    Nope. Sorry.

    But the most effective way to do counter-terrorism is the old fashioned, hard work of investigation, undercover surveillance, and other normal tools of law enforcement.

    I know Bush and the neo-cons mock law enforcement as a tool for counter-terrorism but they are fools to do so.

  26. ECA says:

    Min wage earners, and Companies that are getting Paid, ALOT of money to hire them.

  27. TIHZ_HO says:

    #58 gregallen – One question for you.

    Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?

    It seems that you are advocating a re-loading of McCarthyism substituting Terrorists for Communists?

    From Wikipedia which puts it so nicely:

    “During this time many thousands of Americans were accused of being Communists or communist sympathizers and became the subject of aggressive investigations and questioning before government or private-industry panels, committees and agencies. The primary targets of such suspicions were government employees, those in the entertainment industry, educators and union activists. Suspicions were often given credence despite inconclusive or questionable evidence, and the level of threat posed by a person’s real or supposed leftist associations or beliefs was often greatly exaggerated. Many people suffered loss of employment, destruction of their careers, and even imprisonment.”

    What goes around comes back around.

    I am sure that you fall back on 9/11 “we were attacked”, “we are at war” and the threat of terrorism is real et al.

    But the new “Reds under the Beds” is getting a little out of hand, don’t you think? šŸ˜‰


  28. bobbo says:

    #58–Gregallen==in the best view, you simply don’t understand what profiling means. Your argument is similarly defective on every point.

    Profiling is NOT a conclusion, it is a red flag only. One element amoung many that calls for heightened scrutiny. ALL (ok 99% for a buffer) terrorist bombers in GOUSA have been 25-40yo young middle eastern descent males. Now, why are we denying entry to young, blond, icelandic women? Because “in the future” ben laden might recruit a blond woman is not good profiling.

    So–is being a muslim male enough to get denied entry? NO. Proper profiling would look further at the young male. Roundtrip ticket, purpose of visit, taking lessons at a flight school, etc.

    Good profiling and skillful interviewing could have caught the 911 terrorists at our border. The type of profiling you are against would never work I agree, but as stated–what you are against isn’t profiling, its an excuse for abuse, and pretty stupid don’t you think?

  29. MikeN says:

    So hunting down terrorists is a bad thing? Keeping them out of government? Denying them jobs?

    Yeah this is just like McCarthyism…

  30. the Three-Headed Catā„¢ says:

    #61 – bobbo

    “Profiling is NOT a conclusion, it is a red flag only. One element amoung many that calls for heightened scrutiny. ALL (ok 99% for a buffer) terrorist bombers in GOUSA have been 25-40yo young middle eastern descent males. Now, why are we denying entry to young, blond, icelandic women? Because ā€œin the futureā€ ben laden might recruit a blond woman is not good profiling.”

    Right you are, Brother b. And even that does not take in two other fundamental realities;

    1) The reason why so many terrorists fit the profile is obvious: they are overwhelmingly male. They are all devout, fanatical, fundamentalist Muslims. And, by that very definition, no matter how much “education” they may’ve received, it makes no difference – they are stupid.

    The set of rational, intelligent people and the set of believers in primitive, barbaric fairytales being literally true do not intersect.

    2) Good luck trying to find people NOT meeting that description who are willing to aid, abet and commit terrorist acts against Western soc.

    They’re gonna recruit blonde Icelandic women? Little old American granny-ladies? Japanese teenagers? Hispanic housewives? Middle-aged Chinese business executives?

    Please show me where people of unsuspicious, non-Muslim backgrounds and appearance are to be found who are willing to help these brainwashed, gullible sheep destroy innocent lives.

    You’re gonna be looking for quite some time. Suicidal traitors to their own societies are somewhat rare, to put it very mildly.

    Listen: If Muslim terrorists were not stupid, we would be incapable of stopping them. But their very ideology precludes the membership of people smart enough to thwart us…


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