WWJWDD (what would Jesus’ wiener dog do)?

Holding Jesus Hostage
Anonymous residents on Lindy Lane claim Jean Mansel isn’t picking up after her dogs, so to entice her to do so, they took something close to her heart.

Those residents say their Mansel’s wiener dogs leave their leavings in their yard.

So, they stole her 80 pound statue of Jesus.

  1. bobbo says:

    29–Cursor==”This is why humans suffer. They embrace their traditions and make them laws and things to be worshipped.”

    All 7 billion people thinking and doing the same thing huh? And all like Gawd has nothing to do with it.

    Pass the plate and give me an Amen.

  2. Mister Apeshit says:

    Angel, Gasoline on the lawn spelling out NO SHIT should work. It’s not the dogs fault, it’s the owner.

  3. Mister Catshit says:

    #25, TH,

    In fact the gospels disagree with each other on where Jesus was born. One says in a manger the other in a house.

    STOP STOP, they are both right!!!

    Many larger houses and inns would have the sleeping quarters on the second floor and the animals staying on the first floor. Because most of the animals had a hard time negotiating stairs, this usually worked out OK. Also, especially in a desert during winter, it got cold at night and the animals heat would rise and warm the upper floors.

    Visitors and overflow guests were often put up downstairs with the animals when there was no room upstairs. It was not the big deal it is made our to be today. Smaller houses would have the animals in the same room as the people anyway. People were not as averse to smells as they are today.

    So it is most probable that Hey Zeus was born on the first floor in a house or possibly an inn. It is also possible he was born in a regular house and the only room was over by the animals.


    What is unconceivable is why they were traveling to register for taxes. Herod had his own tax collectors and thus did not need Roman help. (He also payed a tribute to Rome) For tax purposes the custom would have been to register where one lived / worked.

    Also, it is also unknown why they would have been traveling when there was so much unrest in the area. Palestine was in rebellion around this time. It would be more understandable they were fleeing the violence as they went on to Egypt where they lived for two years. When they returned to Palestine, Joseph and Mary went to Galilee, not Nazareth.

  4. Mister Catshit says:

    As for the dog poop?

    Clean it up, put it in a paper bag, put the bag in front of her door, light the bag on fire, ring the door bell, run. Hey, worked when we were kids.

  5. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    – – – “were”…?

  6. TIHZ_HO says:

    #33 Mister Catshit – While I see your argument about the stable or the house you left out the important bits connected with the house or stable…

    1/ Jesus lineage

    Matthew: Jesus was a wealthy aristocrat descended from King Solomon via King David.

    Luke: Jesus was descended from King Solomon and King David but was not an aristocrat

    Mark: Jesus was a carpenter (which has the basis of “poor carpenter” – though now seen as a error in translation)

    2/ Jesus birth and visitors

    Luke: Jesus was visited by shepherds

    Matthew: Jesus was visited by Kings

    3/ Where Jesus’ family lived

    Luke: Nazareth and journeyed to Bethlehem for a Roman tax census – though historically it is doubtful that Nazareth existed at this time and there is no record of Rome ever doing this.

    Matthew: Jesus’ family was wealthy residents of Bethlehem all a long but was forced to flee to Egypt and later made their home in Nazreth.

    4/ The day of Jesus’ crucification

    John: On the day before the passover

    Mark Luke and Matthew: On the day after the passover

    Jesus’ last words on the cross

    Matthew & Mark: My God My God why hast thou forsaken me? (WOW!!!!)

    Luke: Father into your hands I commend my spirit

    John: It is finished

    Seems odd that something so terribly important as the final words of Jesus could be so confused!

    To continue with the discrepancies between the gospels and the texts of the new testament would mean writing more than I can.

    The gospels have been edited revised over hundred of years to conform to church dogma (the Vatican now admits this) so it may be argued this is the reason for the contradictions. However these very same reasons casts a shadow over the veracity of the gospels, the biblical text in general and the Christian church.

    Christians have the habit of quoting lines out of the bible to support what ever they are promulgating. This is completely misleading but is believed by the faithful who are lacking any depth of knowledge of their religion. Well this explains why it is done now doesn’t it and why the church decided to be the exclusive holders of all knowledge.

    Am I the only one NOT taking the ‘blind faith’ pills? 😉


  7. Montgomery Burns the Elder says:

    #35, Three Headed Moran,

    – – – “were”…?

    Yup. Most of us grew out of that stage though. If you are still trapped within the bounds of your childhood, or even just revisiting, sorry, I can’t help.

  8. Mister Catshit says:

    #36, TH,

    There is no evidence that Hey Zeus was wealthy. His lineage is touted for legitimacy purposes only as bastards were not well received. Early texts gave credit for his birth to Joseph as the father. Even granting King David, that predates him by some 25 – 40 generations (depending who was counting) Since Israel had seen much upheaval in the between times, there would not have been any wealth left.

    Also, considering the state of record keeping, I find it highly dubious. It might have been more likely that the lineage could be traced back to the tribe of King David.

    A carpenter was not a landowner and as such, was socially beneath peasants who did own land. That was better though than the outcasts, beggars, and thieves.

  9. TIHZ_HO says:

    #38 Mr Catshit – But the evidence is right there in the bible…read…

    Matthew was clear about Jesus descended from King David and the family was not poor hut well off and in high standing. Joseph of Arimathea as well as other notables were buddies…

    It also has been accepted that the whole carpenter bit was a mistranslation so “fffttt” to that.

    Its right there in the bible and the bible is never wrong…right?

    Or if it is which parts are wrong and which parts are correct. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats the problem… and my point.



  10. Mister Catshit says:


    The bible isn’t one of my favorite discussions.

    Ffffttt to you too.

    And a big cheers as well.

  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    Mr Catshit

    It was a friendly Ffffttt 😉

    By the way, are you ‘Mister Mustard’ under a another name? Mister Mustard is MIA and your style is similar to his from I can tell.


  12. Mister Catshit says:

    #41, TH,

    As we used to say,


    My previous handle had more to do with making things one than a condiment. We didn’t always agree but I do miss ole MM.

  13. bobbo says:

    Catshit–I don’t think you are Mustard. He was more obstinate than any of us here except perhaps the Global Warming clan. Mustard is smarter than them too.

    HEY EDITORS—you know, for communication of standards, and the sense of community, it would be “nice” if you could establish a sidebar listing the folks that have been banned? and if applicable the terms of the banned–ie is it one strike forever, or what.

    Over at some site for atheists they used to have a section for banned members where they and the moderators and those for and against whatever the issue was got into it==constant cagematch sort of thing. Probably takeup too much of your time, but it was interesting, and about 20% of the time, the moderators back down for having their own biases tweaked.

    I know I dropped out for a month or two a while back. ((No one notice?—HAH!!!)) But I’d like to know if Mr Mustard, Ghoti the Fish, BertDawg, etc just found something better to do or got banned.

  14. TIHZ_HO says:

    Bobbo – Good idea – a “DU Rogues Gallery” of sorts might be interesting along with the posts that lead to their…”appointment”. As sort of a lesson to others. I wouldn’t put it on the front page sidebar but somewhere else for the so inclined can find.

    Yeah Lauren the Ghoti is MIA…maybe her/his Mac died… 😆

    I tried my best chumming for Mac-ers(Zoolander Air and iToast) but these waters are dry…



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