His last comment is quite interesting.

found by Howard Harawitz

  1. RockOn says:

    B.S. meter anyone? would he really show his face and his childrens faces in public while announcing he was an executioner?

  2. bill says:

    Maybe we can hire him here in the US to clear out death row.

  3. Cursor_ says:


    It is an honoured profession in the Muslim world. So he can show his face without fear. He is the avenging hand of Allah to them. And seeing how Muslims are like Jews in that regard of eye for an eye; it is accepted.

    For myself I have always believed that capital punishment is not-profitable as is any murder or war. But in their culture it is part of their way of life, just as it is here in the US who despite what all the Christians rail on about conducts itself as Jews or Muslims more than Christians.

    But then most American Christians act more like Jews than Christians. Especially when they thrust the ten commandments onto us more than the two they are supposed to follow.


  4. Rich says:

    Sooooo… the Islamists are into scaring hell out of little kids in the name of Allah?

  5. eyeofthetiger says:

    More proof the Islamic world is stuck in a tribal society. No matter how much money we hand over with glee; they have to rid themselves of this cancer. Allah is a suicide bomber – get over it – or don’t. Taser your God.

  6. phiend says:

    1412…. what the fuck is wrong with these people…..
    oh right

  7. Judge Jewdy says:

    Well, if it’s any consolation I fart to the east.

  8. Creator of the Creator of God says:

    What? His last comment was that he got used to the sight of killing, praise to Allah. And? Everyone gets used to their profession. They’d better or else state mandated killings whether they are beheadings or lethal injections could never be followed through. If Allah gave him that empowerment then the creators of Allah have done their job well.

    Praise Allah! (and you too, God)

  9. Greymoon says:

    This Allah fellow is turning out to be an asshole.

  10. alphgeek says:

    It’s a great thing that the civilised countries don’t kill their citizens, unlike these savages….oh wait…

  11. alphgeek says:


    Totally agree with you. Why, I have heard that some OTHER group of freaks tells kids that they have to worship the One True God or else they will burn in torment forever. Can you believe that?

  12. Eric says:

    Anyone have a transcript? It seems the video got pulled.

  13. Eric says:

    Eh, scratch that. It now works. I dunno.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    Another reason to abolish the death penalty in the USA is because it puts us in league with countries like Saudi Arabia.

    The world sees the USA as barbarians in much the same way that many of you see the Saudis as backwards and brutal.

  15. TIHZ_HO says:

    #14 Greg Allen – I agree that he is no different than fundamental evangelical Christians who are also unwavering in their belief.

    Careful who you vote for as we can easily become the Christian Saudi Arabia or Iran. 😉


  16. TIHZ_HO says:

    #9 Greymoon – Well the God that Christians believe in is also quite the arsehole too with all the smiting and cleaving of tounges. What’s so different?

    Seems one of the perquisites in being a “God” is to have a certain ‘arseholy air’ about them. 😉


  17. TIHZ_HO says:

    #7 Judge Jewdy – You fart towards Europe or is it the UK? Well don’t worry Europe (and everyone else) is farting on the USD in exchange. 😉


  18. TIHZ_HO says:

    #11 alphgeek

    Exactly! And they also say the world is less than 6,000 years old too! Rubbish I say! The great turtle which supports the Earth is much older than that!


  19. Winston Smith says:

    #9 “This Allah fellow is turning out to be an asshole.”

    “Allah” is merely the Arabian word meaning God. Allah is the same God that Christians and Jews worship, the god of Abraham.

  20. Greg Allen says:

    # 19 Winston Smith said, “Allah” is merely the Arabian word meaning God. Allah is the same God that Christians and Jews worship, the god of Abraham.

    You’re half right. Allah is, indeed, simply the word for God.

    However, that doesn’t mean all of us “people of the book” (as we are called) have the same concept of Allah/God. I’m a Christian but I’m pretty sure my concept of God is quite different than bin Laden’s, for example.

    Furthermore, there has been a deliberate decades-old effort by Muslims to “own” the name Allah and distinguish it from other names (and concepts) of God.

    – – – –

    15 TIHZ_HO said, #14 Greg Allen – I agree that he is no different than fundamental evangelical Christians who are also unwavering in their belief.

    I agree but the barbarism of the death penalty isn’t strictly a religious fundamentalist thing. There are non-religious people who love it, too.

    In America, anyway, it isn’t a strictly liberal vs conservative issue. In my mind, it is a civilized vs primitive thing.

  21. zybch says:

    #18, but what about the 4 elephants (of course it was once 5 elephants, but one fell off, did a parabolic orbity thing and crashed to earth creating the Hymalayas)? Are they older or younger than the turtle??

    Either way, what more do we expect from these savages. They obviously have the same god as Bush does, and its empty words seem to be pretty much identical.

  22. justanotherbozo says:

    Wow Christian haters abound….Has anyone stopped to think about the process for execution in the United States as opposed to Sharia law?
    Many many Christians furiously oppose capital punishment.
    Bush obviously has the same God???? that’s a about as shallow minded as branding a whole society with the infidel title. The words of either the Koran or the Bible are anything but empty. just a reminder….Bush is the President…not a spokesperson for the Christian faith.

  23. Cursor_ says:

    The problem here is not with any gods or goddesses. The problem is with the adherents and how they hide behind piety when they wish to commit atrocities.

    So they summon up a god and say, well god said to do it.

    Once again proving that humans are the true evil on this planet and they foist blame on anyone but themselves.


  24. BubbaRay says:

    Once again proving that humans are the true evil on this planet and they foist blame on anyone but themselves.

    I’m sorry, but that is entirely too logical for posting on a religious thread, and both our comments will prob [Ed. Deleted — See holy comment guidelines]

  25. bac says:

    Trying to keep track of all of these gods is confusing. It is like linux distributions. How are the common folk suppose to adopt a god when there are too many gods to choose from? The religious leaders need to create one god that is easy to use with a nice GUI interface. Too many choices is bad.

    Does a god need humans to perform the killings? Wouldn’t a god be able to do his own killing? Are the gods fashioning themselves after the Mafia? I just don’t know about this god thing.

  26. TIHZ_HO says:

    #25 bac said – Good point, what use is there of a god who can’t even do their own killing and smiting? Sheesh!

    It seems in Genesis one typo started the whole damn mess. It was meant to read “And Man feeling lonely created God in his own image and likeness.” and not the other way around.

    Pay minimum wage and this is what you get… 😉


  27. Cinaedh says:

    #25 bac

    “It is like linux distributions.”

    Now that just cracked me up but it is an absolutely perfect comparison. One kernel, created by a Finn and many interfaces, created by a world of geeks. Linux system administrators would have to be priests, wouldn’t they?

    No-one ever seems to notice but all executioners are, by definition, serial killers. Note this gentleman’s avid interest in human intestines as a mere child…

  28. Animal Mother says:

    “Trying to keep track of all of these gods is confusing. It is like linux distributions.”

    I just shot mils out of my nose.

  29. RBG says:

    1 RockOn. “B.S. meter anyone?”

    I’ve read similar matter-of-fact interviews from this fellow in Saudi English papers.

    6. phiend. “1412” Islamic date starts with Mohammad. What, they should start the date from the Year of your Lord like you do?

    14. Greg. “…because it puts us in league with countries like Saudi Arabia.”

    By that logic we should abolish medicine too.

    20 Greg. “Furthermore, there has been a deliberate decades-old effort by Muslims to “own” the name Allah and distinguish it from other names (and concepts) of God.”

    I doubt Muslims are trying to distinguish the God of Abraham and Moses nor the “People of the Book” when they use the name Allah and proclaim “There is only one God.”

    I was once asked by Saudi officials whether an Arabic Museum should use the English “God” or “Allah.” I chose “Allah” just because it sounded cooler. They didn’t care which.

    I love it when anti-death penalty advocates pretend there are no other reasons for putting killers to death – like to prevent them from escaping or killing innocent guards, prisoners or citizens as happens otherwise.

    21 zybch. How do the rates of murder and violence in savage Saudi Arabia versus civilized New York compare? (Hint: NYC murders 2003-2005 1,662)

    23. Cursor_ “Once again proving that humans are the true evil on this planet and they foist blame on anyone but themselves.”

    ‘cept you and me, of course.

    25 bac. “Trying to keep track of all of these gods is confusing. It is like linux distributions.”

    Check out Islam. It’s more like Apple.

    26. TIHZ HO. “What use is there of a god who can’t even do their own killing and smiting? Sheesh!”

    Check out “Acts of God.”

    27. Cinaedh. “No-one ever seems to notice but all executioners are, by definition, serial killers.”

    I guess ditto police officers, soldiers; doctors performing euthanasia & abortions also by your definition.


  30. candyman says:

    The word Allah is Arabic for God.
    Arab Christians and Jews also use the word.
    This is why all three religions are united by the one God.

    “People of the book” is a form of unification, not distinction.

    It is the same mentality of labeling “the other side” that unites all those who are “always right” with the likes of Bin Ladin.


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