Decorating children’s wards with paintings of clowns to create a nurturing atmosphere could backfire, research suggests.

A University of Sheffield study of more than 250 children, aged four to 16, found the images were widely disliked…

Researcher Dr Penny Curtis said: “As adults we make assumptions about what works for children.

“We found that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found them quite frightening and unknowable.”

“Children are much more happy with things stuck on the wall that have some sort of personal relevance for them, not images that are foisted upon them by adults.”

Adults choose clowns for lots of tasks – don’t we?

Maybe the kids are right?

  1. BubbaRay says:

    “For instance, some children thought they were being moved to a side room because they were going to die.”

    Do ya’ think? If I got moved to a sideroom with that picture, I’d already be dead.

    Good Grief Eideard!! I may not sleep for nights!

  2. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Kids, I heard that Ronald McDonald eats small children, and that’s where he got the idea for the name “Happy Meal.”

    Of course, that’s probably just a rumor, but just the same, don’t turn your back for a minute when you go to McDonalds 😉

  3. Gasbag says:

    Good God I just wet my pants seeing that image thanks

  4. Cinaedh says:

    Just imagine what Congress would look like if all the clowns were required to wear their makeup all the time!

    Oh FSM, what about Cheney and Bush? I’m imagining something like KISS.

  5. bobbo says:

    Not sure, but that looks like the clown from “It” by Stephen King.

    Interesting story. It tells the same tale from 5 different points of view. Tedious or revealing based on your preferences.

    But–yes–homo sapiens have an innate fear of teeth. Anything with teeth is threatening. Even works on vaginas, so clowns don’t have a chance.

  6. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Speaking of murderous clowns, Uncle Dave, you might recall that serial killer John Wayne Gacy was dubbed the “Killer Clown” by the media. That little fact makes this next item seem all the more bizarre. Here in the city where I live, there was (as of about 5 years ago) a small ice cream novelty truck making summertime neighborhood deliveries with the large logo “Killer Clown” (possibly spelled “Klown”). I never got a chance to ask the owner if he was aware of the Gacy connection, but even without that historical association, it struck me as such an odd logo for an ice cream truck serving children.

  7. Improbus says:

    The scariest clowns are the ones that run for public office.

  8. Phillep says:

    The only clown most kids have ever seen is McDonalds, so there just isn’t any connection.

    The PC crowd would wet their pants if someone tried to recreate some of those old slapstick routines with prat falls, water buckets, and clubs to the head.

    Ted Kennedy would make a truly terrifying clown. Ugh.

  9. Don says:

    I’ve always thought that clowns, and people who like to be clowns to be a little creepy. But that’s just me.

    I’m glad my parents didn’t decide to decorate my room with clowns, or I would have even more issues today!


  10. the Three-Headed Catâ„¢ says:

    I personally don’t recall ever knowing of a kid who actually liked clowns – and some just sorta go along with it, á la “Oh, well, this is another of those weird things grownsup do. Guess we should humor them.”

  11. BdgBill says:

    I have always hated clowns. I’m not afraid of them but since I can remember I have disliked them, especially in person.

    I am always disgusted by the place on their lips where the makeup ends and the bare lip starts.

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I find clones religiously objectionable.


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