Cringe worthy would be a good way to describe it.

  1. Ubiquitous Talking Head says:


    The Shat cringes all the way to the bank.

    Lenny Nimoy’s musical efforts weren’t all that, uh, musical either. I doubt if he’s ever lost a minute’s sleep over it.

    It’s pretty obvious that they don’t take themselves too seriously.

  2. tzerkit says:

    This has been around for, what, 30 years. Much better version is Stewie’s from Family Guy.

  3. BigE says:

    Must be a slow news day……

  4. Ben says:

    I still like Stewies parody of William better.

  5. JFStan says:


    Actually, Shat DID take himself seriously. That was his problem throughout the 70’s and half of the 80’s. He didn’t “get” his own joke.

    Once he realized his place in the world of pop culture, he became a much better person and finally even won those Emmies he honestly felt he so richly deserved back then.

    That aside, can’t you just hear what Bernie is really saying when he introduces this piece? “When Elton John and I wrote Rocket Man back in ’72, we never dreamed that one day William Shatner would wipe his ass with it on national television, and right here in front of me.”

  6. Improbus says:

    I’m a rocket man .. rock … it … man! I don’t think he is smoking a cigarette.

  7. RockOn says:

    #5 JFS
    “He didn’t “get” his own joke”

    I find it hard to believe Shatner thought he was doing anything but a cheesy joke!
    Shatner may or may not have been “full of himself” like most men are in their youth, but I don’t think he was too dense to see the joke!

  8. buffalodavid says:

    This was the first audio file I ever downloaded back in, ye gods, “94? I remember I was using Mosaic.

  9. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This still ranks as one of our worst space disasters to date.

  10. Improbus says:

    This still ranks as one of our worst space disasters to date.

    Are you kidding? This is a priceless bit of Americana! It makes me grin every time I see it.

  11. LeftBankHook says:

    I actually like his “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” interpretation better. (I’m unwilling to call it singing.)

  12. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    JFStan got it right – Shatner – and Leslie Nielsen and Burt Reynolds – snapped and took that advice to heart that so few ever do – they lightened up and stopped taking themselves seriously. And their careers took off immediately.

  13. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    If this were American Idol, Simon Cowell would probably ask, “Where are the exploding rocket booster fuel tanks when we really need them?”

  14. Improbus says:

    Simon Cowell should be strapped to exploding rocket booster fuel tanks. He is such a prick.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 – This still ranks as one of our worst space disasters to date.

    Only made worse by the realization that Major Tom was a junkie…


    Oh… Sorry… Just realized that is the wrong song.

    Oh well, I’m gonna post this anyway. 🙂

  16. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #14 – Simon is one of the best parts of that show. I would love to audition on Idol just to hear “What the HELL was THAT?!?” (which is the proper response to my singing 😉 )

  17. Improbus says:

    The proper response to my singing would be: The pain! The pain! Someone shoot him!

  18. Rabble Rouser says:

    I liked the Futurama episode, “Amazon Women in the Mood” where Zapp Brannigan breaks in on Kif at the Karoke, and clears the restaurant while singing his rendition of this.

  19. the answer says:

    That’s what I’m talkin’ about!!!

  20. groapy says:

    Wow, the 1970’s look much scarier than they do on ‘That 70’s Show’. I feel sorry for all of you who had to live through those backwards times.

  21. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #20 – Wow, the 1970’s look much scarier than they do on ‘That 70’s Show’. I feel sorry for all of you who had to live through those backwards times.

    The 70’s rocked.

    All eras look at past eras with disdain. I look back at the 80’s and remember that my friends and I made fun of bell bottoms. If only we had the foresight not to be wearing parachute pants while we did it.

  22. McCullough says:

    I think its gonna be a long long time for me to get that out of my head. And now, for something completely different.

  23. Vinny says:

    Oy. Each of those videos makes me physically uncomfortable. I have an extremely low ‘no-talent performance’ threshold.

    Excuse me whilst I hork.

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Is it me or is Shatner not really smoking that cigarette at all?

  25. Thomas says:

    Talk about excruciating mental pain… I still say that the Bilbo song by Nimoy is worse (but only slightly) because of the choreography.

  26. jim h says:

    Hey I thought it was cool. It certainly captured the 70s and Shatner has always been a unique performer. #10 said it, this is real Americana.

  27. gadlaw says:

    Shatner was great and Shatner is great. The version of Rocket Man was introduced by who? The guy who wrote it. Where? Science Fiction show. A pretty good interpretation and sure it’s dated, but then so is every one of us no matter how superior or snarky and witty we think we are.

  28. TripHamer says:

    No, he’s not smoking that cigarette. He’s just puffing on it, never inhales.


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