A former congressman has been charged in connection with his work for an Islamic charity accused of funneling money to an Afghan warlord, prosecutors announced Wednesday…

The money laundering, conspiracy and obstruction of justice charges against former Michigan Rep. Mark Deli Siljander are part of a 42-count indictment released by the U.S. attorney’s office in Kansas City, Missouri.

Siljander “vehemently denies the allegations in the indictment and will enter a not guilty plea,” said his attorney, James Hobbs.

Prosecutors allege Siljander’s co-defendants — the directors of an Islamic charity — hired him to get the organization off a list of agencies suspected of links to terrorism and paid him with stolen U.S. government funds…

Siljander is accused of lying to federal agents and prosecutors about his work for the group, which allegedly steered $260,000 to Gulbuddin Hekmatyar — an ally of the Taliban and al Qaeda.

Read through the details. As far as I can see, no one in this chain of charges has been found guilty of anything – yet. Though indicting a former member of Congress isn’t exactly commonplace.

  1. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Hmmm. Former Congressman, capitalizing on the connections he made inside and outside of government while ostensibly “serving the people,” accused of selling his own county’s interests out for personal profit. Interesting. The fact that he is a “very conservative” member of the Anything-For-Money Party must be purely a coïncidence. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  2. god says:

    “He traveled the world, almost as a missionary. He was a man of deep faith”

    Well, then – he couldn’t be guilty of avarice or fraud.

  3. Li says:

    Speaking of buisness, Sijander’s buisness, Global Strategies Inc., is deeply connected in our government, and I think we should all take a look at their web site. It is very illuminating. Let’s look at the list of services they offer:


    ■ International marketing and financing of advanced hydrogen fuel cells
    (Bush’s favorite non-starter energy flim flam)
    ■ Development for foreign trade and business requiring visits with heads of state
    ■ Project strategies for rebuilding post war Iraq and Algeria after the earthquake of 2003
    (Speaks for itself)
    ■ Funding of start-ups, expanding entities, emerging technologies and trade programs
    (Money for terror cells)
    ■ Servicing one of the largest insurance companies in Asia
    (We love you long time!)
    ■ Marketing of US Government Employees Association
    (Marketing for an employees association?)
    ■ Promotion and marketing of Boeing Aircraft in Southern Asia
    (I seem to recall there being all of these boing gyro chips hitting the black market in Asia lately, all the rage for cruise missiles. I wonder)
    ■ Expanding client base for a fund management firm
    ■ Identify and negotiate crude oil projects
    (Were they involved in the mysterious oil task force too? The one that gave UBL a big fat present in the form of the Iraq invasion?)
    ■ Negotiating settlement of foreign government debt for corporations & individuals
    (International aid bullshit)
    ■ Marketing large scale services such as maintenance and cleaning to private and government sectors
    (So they’re the cleaners too?!)
    ■ Coordinating international merger and acquisitions for over 25 clients
    ■ Establishing world-class board of advisors and directors for numerous companies
    ■ Expanding land development projects in South Korea
    (Isn’t there a huge land development scandal in S. Korea right now?)
    ■ Developing a national sales team marketing telecom services
    (Telecom companies. . .I mean, they wear horns around the office now, right?)

    I would like to know who actually arrested this man; if it was FBI I wonder if it’s from one of those field offices that ‘forgot’ to pay their citizen tap bills. That action struck me as an act of defiance (or insolvency) and this might be a strike right at the very heart of evil.

    Viva America!

  4. Li says:

    Let me make myself clear; it is apparent that this company wanted to at least give the impression that they were in control of the President’s agenda. If Siljander was indeed the Hensen to Bush’s Kermit, then what does this continuing financial support for UBL suggest about Bush’s loyalties?

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Good luck on this one. We can all see what’s coming a mile away. This guy will get off and nobody will every know if he was guilty or not. No one will ever be able to prove if he knew the money used to hire him was stolen or if he was lying about his client. It’s just another case of some prosecutor in the Federal Government trying to justify his paycheck.

  6. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Siljander’s book, A Deadly Misunderstanding: A Congressman’s Quest to Bridge the Muslim-Christian Divide, was scheduled for release in June 2008. Will his indictments for criminal activity supporting terrorism and obstruction of justice help or hurt sales of the book?

    This makes former legislators and administration officials who merely become lobbyists look like they’re taking the high road by comparison.

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Fortunately, I voted for the guy who replaced him in our district. Don’t remember why, anymore.

  8. morram says:

    But at the time wasn’t he supporting our friends who at this time are our enemies? Remember years ago we (USA) were supporting all the dictators of the middle east and only during the few pre Raygun years began using the religious fanatics as tools which has now gotta out of hand. I say give Siljander one of those medals of Freedom Bush has given so many other losers.

  9. cheese says:

    #7 Have you ever heard of the scandal in the 1990’s where money appropriated to the Michigan House Fiscal Agency was funneled to arm Croatian Rebels?


    Q: What do Mark Siljander, John Morberg, Charlie Wilson and Oliver North have in common?

    A: They are people who have acted on their own personal behalf to project significant foreign policy decisions (and spending) without express written permission of we the people.

  10. cheese says:

    So sorry about the messy link. My bad.

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    cheese, no I don’t recall that. I had little kids through that time, a demanding job, and probably didn’t even subscribe to the local paper, let alone the Detriot News. The good news though, is that today we have such severe term limits on state congress that nothing like that could ever happen again. In fact, nothing at all can happen because nobody stays long enough to care about the long term needs of the state. The clerks and office managers run the state, actually.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    If the guy can be arrested for GIVING money to terrorist collaborators, shouldn’t Giuliani be arrested for TAKING money from the same?


  13. Mister Justin says:


    No. Giuliani did it FOR ‘Merica. And especially 9/11. Always 9/11.

  14. eyeofthetiger says:

    The US Government paid Heka millions 20 yrs earlier to store more than pea shooters for the war against that one other failed nation-state. Heka is an engineer by trade. Much like the OBL kin, who built mecca, and shit. The article didn’t mention IMU??? Hundreds of millions handed over in cash and in Iraq billions missing. And the enemy of my enemy is not my enemies foe???

  15. gregallen says:

    eyeofthetiger said, >> The US Government paid Heka millions 20 yrs earlier to store more than pea shooters for the war against that one other failed nation-state.

    You make a good point. If this guy as a terrorist collaborator, so was Ronald Reagan, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney.

    But you don’t have to go back 20 years to link all these scoundrels. RIGHT NOW, the Bush administration is arming and supplying Afghan war lords.

    Most famously, Bush and Rumsfeld stupidly chose to out-source the capture of bin Laden to Afghan war lords who, of course, let him walk because they refused to betray a fellow Muslim and militant.


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