Two alleged gang members who taunted the Miami Dade Police Department in a video posted on YouTube have been arrested by U.S. agents and charged with federal firearms violations.

Rudy Villanueva and Tony Logan, alleged members of a Miami-Dade County street gang called the Bird Road Boys, were seen in the video brandishing a shotgun, assault rifle and handguns. Villanueva was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement late Tuesday evening, and Logan was arrested early Wednesday morning.

Villanueva, who goes by the names King Bird Road and Bird Road Rudy, is the alleged leader of the gang and is seen on the video saying, “Metro Dade Gang Unit, here I am baby.” Villanueva went on in the video to say “we’s out here fighting a Cold War” and that “they come at us if they want to.”

Logan appears in the video saying “come get it” while flashing gang signs and pulling the triggers of the two handguns he is holding.

The video, titled “Bird Road Getting in Trouble,” was posted Jan. 3 and has since been taken down by YouTube.

Don’t waste your time on the Video link at the ABC site. You have to work your way through commercials and other stories to get to this one.

  1. m!mic says:

    Whoa! Nice perma-thug black eye tattoo!

  2. eyeofthetiger says:

    This popular underground video “Hood 2 Hood” where the directors drive around the states and chat with people in bad neighborhoods. Usually, they interview some gang banger about how ruff their neighborhood is and how much pot they smoke and how many times they pointed guns at people. Several successful prosecutions have been supported with the video. heheh

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    Hood 2 Hood

    [pls use tinyurl for long url- ed.]

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Dumb and dumber…

  5. Steve S says:

    “Dumb crooks of the day”
    Don’t forget to also include the label “Fugly crooks of the day” too!

  6. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    It always cheers me up when these guys have the threshold level of stupidity needed to pull a gun on the cops and get blown away for their trouble.

    Thusly, the gene pool slowly improves…

  7. RockOn says:

    #6 THC
    “Thusly, the gene pool slowly improves”

    problem is most of these jokers have already spread their seed far and wide long before they get their head stuck in a one gallon can of beans and die…

  8. morram says:

    How come they aren’t in Iraq?

  9. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    …yes, sad but true. If only there was a street drug that would sterilize them. Crack with a spermicide, sorta. In one generation a new, smarter, more peaceful society. One can dream…

  10. RockOn says:

    …probably would work better if the contraceptive was in something they could steal rather than buy…you know make it appeal to their non-sensibilities…

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – THC, #10 – RockOn

    How about this?

  12. RockOn says:

    #11 jager

    That’s a good start! 🙂

  13. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    You said it…! Such news is so uplifting.

    • • •

    Reasons I Am No Longer A Capital-“L” Liberal

    Reason #43,962: I realized, way too late, that no small number of people really AREN’T worth wasting one single drop of compassion or concern on, which is better spent on worthy people.

  14. Aaron says:

    “Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity”.

    -Snatch (the movie)

  15. TIHZ_HO says:

    Hey Jägermeister, here’s his brother 😉


  16. bobbo says:

    Thats why we need Eugenics Redux wherein the STATE allows the practice but does not force the process. Right now, the evangelicals and born agains are preventing people from making sound eugenic choices of their own free will and values.

    Our future is either eugenics to prevent population increase OR starvation and population collapse. Choose your poison.

  17. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Thank you, bobbo, for not trotting out the old, tired arguments as T_H, bless his egalitarian heart, has done.

    There are two seperate issues. One is improving the human species. The other is how scientific knowledge and capabilities can be put to less than noble ends.

    Eugenics – literally meaning nothing more evil than ‘good genes’ is a desirable – actually, unavoidable – application of science toward the goal of improving ALL humanity, not a “special” group or another.

    This emotional, knee-jerk response of “But that’s what the Nazis did!!” is going to be heard a lot over the next 20 or 30 years, to be sure. Might as well face it, it will be repeated, incessantly and from every direction.

    The world as it is developing is facing crises that our “leaders” have neither the intelligence nor the character to deal with honestly or effectively.

    We are on the verge of being able to eradicate numerous diseases and conditions from the human genome, just for starters. But it is going to cause some extreme social unrest, particularly from members of those pops who are socioeconomically and culturally susceptible to being propagandized. HITLER! HITLER! goes one group – fundamentalist-leaning religions will chime in with PLAYING GOD! – Marxists don’t have a coherent propaganda policy in place yet but that won’t stop them from any and all dirty and underhanded tactics to halt the unstoppable tide of genetic science.

    The milk cannot be unspilt, the bell cannot be unrung and the genie refuses to return to the lamp. Just as with nuclear energy, the tech is here to stay, and we can either keep objecting to it, to no purpose, or we can work to prevent it being abused – to all of humanity’s detriment – as much as is possible.

    Make no mistake, there are present-day Hitlers out there, ethnic supremacists who would gladly pick up where Hitler left off. Do we hide our heads in the sand or seize dominance and control of the tech before it winds up in the hands of another Slobodan Milosevic?

    Parents – good, normal people, not genocidal maniacs – will naturally want to avail themselves of a means to ensure that their offspring will not have, develop or carry any number of horrible diseases and disabilities. And THERE IS NO PREVENTING IT.

    Others, with shortsighted, regressive ethnic loyalties, will seek to carry on the Nazis work. Instead of running from it, we must embrace it and master it – because only that way can we hope to stall the ambitions of the next Hitler wannabe.

    And then we have the modern, amoral Western culture of “anything for profit” to complicate the picture. The worst abuses of genetic tech may not come from politicians, but from corporations with loyalty to no genetic group, per se, but an unswerving devotion to profit over all else.

    • • • •

    …and yes – I would certainly like to see the genetic contribution of the individuals in this story halted. And maybe they would like the same of me and mine. The important difference is that I’m right.

    There are people like them – and the PC / Marxist lie that ‘everyone is as good as everyone else’ will work to blind people to the fact that people like them ARE inferior. Tippytoeing around it ain’t gonna fix anything.

    Tremendous legal, political, social, ethical and moral issues are waiting around the next corner for us with a blackjack.

    Or, as Fogerty noted sagely some time back, ‘There’s a bad moon on the rise.’

  18. TIHZ_HO says:

    #17 Bobbo – That is a slippery slope to tread upon. Where on the vernier dial do we set for go no-go and how is this ever a “sound choice” for others to make?

    Why stop there? We could just nuke most of Africa, hell any third world starving country – they are just a useless lot no good for anything.

    If the ‘born agains’ and evangelicals are a corruption of who and what Jesus was how we are certain that once Eugenics is given a go ahead it would not also slide into a quasi-religious state? Who controls the controllers?

    If it is population control you suggest then it is occurring right now in China with its one baby policy. Yes it has effectively reduced China’s population growth but there are many dead unwanted girl babies tossed into the scrub though less than what it used to be.

    Bobbo, can you agree to that?

    Its a tough call and one that I can tell you that the Chinese government did not take lightly, they felt more would die if they didn’t do it.

    I called a mulligan on my other post…you? 😉


  19. TIHZ_HO says:

    #18 Three Headed Cat, Bobbo I get all fired up when I see useless meat bags like these two guys and there is nothing better than to see them rot.

    Nothing in history has ever worked along these line as you speak. If you want to reduce the damage that people like these two prize idiots can do then take away the tools for them to use.

    Yes, I am going to roll out the China example…again. There are no legal guns in China and there is crime, there are murders but not on a scale that is seen in the west. If one uses poverty as a scale to measure levels of crime then China should be out of control.

    I have always wondered why China is not out of control with crime? The only thing I can think of is there is no real religion other than Buddhists (good one to have if one is to have one – non violent) and more importantly there is culturally a very strong sense of family and friends – unity – far and above what the west ever has.

    I am not saying I am correct in my conclusions but I do believe I am on to something here. Perhaps these two idiots were brought up as Chinese they would not be posted on DU for us to laugh at. 😉


  20. bobbo says:

    19–THZ–nope, no mulligan here. At first blush, any argument starting with Hitler is highly suspect?

    But in truth, I’m having trouble following just what your argument(s) is. Seems to go all over the place? Again, highly suspect.

    My answer gains a lot from 3HC’s post #18, and I thank him for his constant critique/help.

    Eugenics is BAD if you think of it as Hitler exterminating the Jews. OK. Yes, eugenics is bad if you take the worst twisted extreme use of it.

    Now–do what I suggested. Leave eugenics to the choices of individual people. I would free my own children from hereditary diseases. If you want to burden your children with such things to avoid the Horror of Hitler–then have at it.

    Now, population control does seem like an entirely different subject. Eugenics may come into it only in that if you are only going to have 2.1 kids, why not make them as fit as possible==or looking as much like Elizabeth Hurley as possible? (yes, a joke, but I’m still serious!!)

    Back up, take that second mulligan. Your track record still far out paces mine.

  21. TIHZ_HO says:

    A after thought – these two idiots are gang members and what is the attraction of being in a gang? Unity, family and brotherhood. It does sound like China does have something to teach the west. 🙂


  22. bobbo says:

    I thought the main drivers of Chinese peacefulness was poverty, racial homogeneity, and an overpowering fascist state?

    Adding the Buddhist religion does help as well.

    Makes me ask, how rich and capitalist can China be before revolution becomes unavoidable? Or, with the help of Google, how firm will fascist control become?

  23. TIHZ_HO says:

    Hey Bobbo here is a story for you.

    My wife’s old work colleague was pregnant and were very happy – ecstatic to start a family…well with just one kid.

    A few weeks ago during an ultra-sound it was discovered that the baby had only one kidney however everything else was as good as they could tell.

    They decided not to take the chance and to have the legal abortion at almost 8 months as they only have one shot at having a child.

    The baby was killed (tough to say aborted here as it would just have been a preemie at almost 8 months) and she delivered what looked like a completely normal baby – but dead.

    Now she and her husband are emotionally fucked up – very much so. They will never know if the baby by having one kidney was a good enough reason to abort or not. If the baby had brain damage or any other serious birth defect they would not be going through the hell they are going through now. They don’t know if they can ever risk trying for another child after what they are going through now.

    So what is better? Capping the kid for one kidney cause its legal and socially acceptable or just going through with it. Choose, what would you do? Me, I would have gone through with it. If there was not a legal means to abort and if it was not socially acceptable to do so that baby would be here…and probably pissing just the same with one kidney.

    Don’t get me wrong though. I do feel if the baby had serious birth defects there should be an abortion option up to a certain time – but not ruling out exceptions for serious complications or defects any time.

    Now onto why I brought up Hitler. Hitler was able to put into action many of the issues being debated today. In 1939 the Nazi government created the “Euthanasie Programme” where all babies born who had any birth defects had their medical file examined by three doctors who if two are in agreement made the call.

    The family would later be informed that the baby died from complications of an illness. This program once established moved on from new born babies all the way up to committed defective adults who died from the “flu”.

    I am not suggesting that this led to Jews being killed outright same as pot leads to heroin. What I am saying is that making a judgment on who lives and who does not based on IQ and other non serious birth defects is one not without ramifications.

    I do agree that people of sound mind suffering from terminal illnesses should be given an option for an exit plan.

    Sorry if I jumped around a bit – I had a long day and it is 10:30PM here. 😉


  24. TIHZ_HO says:

    #23 Bobbo – The sense of family unity is extremely strong same as with friendship. That is what turns and greases the wheels here in China.

    The old saying “A friend in need is a pest” does not translate at all here. A friend would do anything for another friend. This relationship is the basis of doing business in China called “Guanxi”.

    Chinese business people go to great lengths to build a relationship to establish ‘Guanxi’ with other business people far beyond what the west does. It takes time to develop and to maintain but once in place it was worth the effort.

    Example. Say you have a business and it fell on hard times, you lost a good customer for whatever reason. You have a very good friend who has a business outside of your industry and he learns of your bad fortune. This friend would think nothing of doing all he can to help you without you even knowing. He might go and see your old customer to try to convince him to not to go and so on.

    Its a hard thing to get a western mind-set around to understanding.

    Family is another strong unifying force. There is nothing a family would not do for any member of the family. Family is first – always.

    If you have a business you hire your family members without question even if they are thicker than three planks – there is no question about it.

    I do believe this is what holds China together. As far as an overpowering fascist state that died off when Mao fell off his perch. Its odd but the US government is more of a big brother than the Chinese government is.

    Yes there is internet censureship which many people in the government think is useless anyway. By the way it is not as organized as you think it is. When I was in Beijing a few months back Wikipedia is not blocked but in Shanghai it is but in smaller cities it is not…go figure.


  25. bobbo says:

    Thz–are you taking the mulligan or not? The posts you make support MY position making yours a mulligan, if I read them correctly?

    The Hitler scenario of Eugenics would tell your friends whether or not they could or could not have the child with one kidney. In your story, the family made that decision free of state coercion. In the GOUSA, there is too much pressure to make the couple have the kid.

    I SAY, let the family decide. The day is not far off that a similar couple will be told of their genetic disposition to have single kidney kids and do they want to correct it. Only the families should make that choice. Not Hitler, the State, or the local church/national church.

    I’ll bet you agree with me and are just being “contentious?”

    As to friends, as an American, such a concept is strange to me. I lead an isolated life with friends coming and going in a few years. Interesting concept. So, why aren’t groups of friends violent to other groups of friends? Is the communist party just one big group of friends?

    But all social phenomenon are difficult beyond simple descriptors.

    Don’t take the mulligan if you don’t want to, but try to avoid Hitler without it being 95% on point==which in your post, he wasn’t.

  26. TIHZ_HO says:

    Bobbo – Thanks but I’m not taking a Mulligan. I know it seems that I am supporting your position and damning mine. The problem is the line is very fine with no white or black only gray.

    Letting parents decide if a baby is to be born regardless of defects will need a line drawn to what constitutes a defect serious enough to abort. At the moment in China one can abort a baby for whatever reason up to the point where it would be born. If a woman is pregnant with an ‘illegal’ child the government can terminate the pregnancy even up to when the baby is due. Nasty stuff.

    Its a tough issue. Are we to be like a dog or cat abandoning a sick pup or kitten? On one hand this is natural selection in play. On the other hand we can make up for it.

    I can agree that if the day comes when, as you put it, a couple can be told that they are likely to have single kidney children so it is their choice to proceed.

    Well and good but…I worry about the abuses this can lead to. “Honey, our child won’t be having blue eyes after all, should we nuke it?”

    Having one kidney, which side of the line is it? And after making a choice can one live with it?

    Should we as a society spend time and money on people who need to be under constant care with no hope of change?


  27. TIHZ_HO says:

    Bobbo – I forgot – The Chinese communist party IS one big group of friends just like the Republicans and Democrats. The US differs only that there are two political parties while in China there is only one.

    The Chinese government has made progress in relaxing its one party principle and recently there have been two senor government officials who are not communist party members. In fact it is quite incorrect to refer to the Chinese Communist party as one coherent party.

    China is a long way off from having free elections – there is too much that the government needs to do first before it sticks its thumb up its ass. The Bush / Gore election had a great impact on how not to have elections.


  28. bobbo says:

    THZ–its getting worse. You “sound like” you are for forcing the couple to have the kid they don’t want??

    Can that possibly be true that you want to have the State’s Opinion forced on other people? So, you are not against Hitler forcing eugenics on a population as long as the right decision is made?

    You are right. If that is your opinion, it is not a mulligan, but something else entirely.

    Tell me it ain’t so!!

  29. The Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Y’know, the answer to the issue of eugenics is, not that it is a bad thing – it’s a bad thing to have the State in control of any aspect of, other than enforcing against abuses.

    No one is going to seek redneck idiot genes – or select for a violent personality type – we hope. But eugenic selection is possible now. Steps need be taken that neither politicians not for-profit corporations have any say whatsoever except to enforce ethical exclusions. The importance of keeping the moneygrubbers’ and the hatemongers’ hands off it is of vital importance which cannot possibly be overestimated.

    You want a kid with four arms, you say? Sorry, sir or madam, the ethical guidelines which we are required to follow do not permit that.

    But there will be borderline cases which some will approve of as a matter of parental choice and others will want to outright forbid.

    You want a kid with seven fingers on each hand? And you and your mate already are providing a genetic contribution which will maximize the chances of the child developing above average musical skill?

    Some would say, with quite a bit of justification, ‘go for it.’ But others, ranging from Luddites to religious fundamentalists, and others we can’t predict, will say that it would be ‘wrong.’ But they will be obligated to explain what exactly makes it ‘wrong.’

    Two people who are champion swimmers might want kids with atypically pronounced webbing between their fingers and toes. What objection can be made to that? And who has the right to object, anyway?

    These are the sort of issues that society will be dealing with very soon. And it has the makings of the biggest impact yet of technology on humanity, with the exception of the atomic bomb…

    BTW, folx, if you have not yet watched it, it is essential that you see Gattaca, an excellent film which came a bit too soon for the issues it raises. It becomes more relevant every year, rather than less…

  30. datbedaoneof dade says:

    ya’ll think dey were playin its a struggle all day in MIA FREE RUDY YOU PIGS


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