Associated Press – January 15, 2008:

A Girl Scout who was robbed while selling cookies led police straight to a 12-year-old suspect — who wrote her name and address on a cookie order form before the theft.

The Girl Scout, 10-year-old Nicole Grant, told police she was selling cookies with a friend Sunday when a girl ordered cookies from her, then snatched Nicole’s zip-top bag, containing $28 in cookie money, and fled on a bicycle.

Savannah-Chatham County police said they tracked down the suspect using the order form the girl had filled out. The Girl Scout later identified her as the thief.

  1. Cinaedh says:

    I suppose this is an example of a criminal education starting at the lowest possible level. Does anyone want to hazard a guess at where the parents are currently incarcerated?

  2. m!mic says:

    I don’t see a problem with this. Damned Girl Scout carterl and their sporatic selling of overpriced delicious, tasty Samoas, Tag-a-Longs, and Thin Mints.

    No but seriously, do you think the alleged theif was also the one that steals other kids milk money? Maybe she hates cookies and milk.


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