With the possible exception of “the dog ate my homework,” there is no handier excuse for human misbehavior than the midlife crisis.

Popularly viewed as a unique developmental birthright of the human species, it supposedly strikes when most of us have finally figured ourselves out — only to discover that we have lost our youth and mortality is on the horizon.

No doubt about it, life in the middle ages can be challenging. (Full disclosure: I’m 51.) What with the first signs of physical decline and the questions and doubts about one’s personal and professional accomplishments, it is a wonder that most of us survive…

But surely someone has had a genuine midlife crisis. After all, don’t people routinely struggle with questions like “What can I expect from the rest of my life?” or “Is this all there is?”

Of course. But it turns out that only a distinct minority think it constitutes a crisis.

Have a bud who goes for a beer – wearing his letterman jacket? He bought the jacket to go with his new car?

  1. moss says:

    The phenomenon is probably income and education-based. You can afford to have a “crisis” – instead of feeling fs%ked-up. You made it through Psych 201 and learned the feel-good power of rationalizing your hangups.

  2. Why is it that what we call a mid-life crisis is so far passed the middle of our lives. I crossed middle age 8 years ago. I’m 44 now. Think 50+ is mid-life? Where can we go to get that 100+ year life expectancy? Even Iceland doesn’t hit that number.

  3. Improbus says:

    For my mid-life crisis I bought a fast black (not red) car and grew my hair out to *nix guru length.

  4. ECA says:

    I had/have a problem with this.
    As I am handicapped, I went to my doctor, about a few problems.
    My Doctors(at the time) said it was JUST GROWING OLDER.
    Im sorry, IT WASNT…
    I really wish it was. But when the Pads, in the knees are GONE, IT @#$%#@$% HURTS..
    WHICH led to my getting PISSED, because the DOCTORS wouldnt look Beyond, the idea of “YOU ARE GETTING OLDER”, along with Lifes struggles, and ending up going to s Psych- And getting DRUGS.

    Old age DOEs sneak up on us. But AT LEAST have the Doctor LOOK at the problems, BEFORE they become worse to critical…

  5. morram says:

    Same here, 40-44 seemed harder the “Wow it’s going by Fast” feeling than the now 54 and coasting while letting the young squids punish themselves with false hopes.
    A while back I was waiting for the elevator when a co-worker looked down, noticed my helmet and asked “are you riding a motorcycle?” Me: no, my doctor wants me to wear it to protect my head.. The next day a bunch of us are waiting and another co-worker says “Oh who’s having a mid life crisis?” Me: Me? I’ve been working here for 18 years and I ride every day except when it rains! Where have you been??

  6. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    “…no handier excuse for human misbehavior”?

    As Bela Lugosi said, “I beg. To differ.”

    Convenient as it is, I’d say it’s got a ways to go, excusewise, before it catches up with PMS.

  7. fourtoes says:

    Starting around 30(years old), the human body really starts rotting at an accelerated rate. I’m 33 and one of my chin whiskers has already turned gray. I know, that’s pretty bad, but it really doesn’t bother me at all.

    As old as I am, I know the probability of my living another decade or two is fairly high. So, having any sort of ‘crisis’ is just a waste of time. I’ve led a long and full life, and that is good enough for me.

  8. Improbus says:

    I started going gray in my 20s. Thankfully, I still have all my hair.

  9. Stu Mulne says:

    I get a bit of a laugh out of the guys who buy the “girl getter” (or “ticket getter”) cars as a “midlife crisis” thing.

    I bought a new ’89 Town Car….

    In “Sheriff’s Brown”….

    Best car I ever owned, if you don’t count the second one (in 2000), but that’s another thread. The newer one’s silver, and was second-hand. (I was a very wealthy man until my wife found out about it.)



  10. RockOn says:

    When I was 31 (a few years back), I had lost some weight and was complaining to my Dr. that I wasn’t as strong as I was in my early 20’s. Dr. looked at my chart and said “that’s because you’re over 30” I about hit the floor! According to him we’re on our way down after 30, he was well into his seventies (R.I.P.) so he wasn’t some snot nosed kid fresh outta’ med school.
    I find the older I get, the easier life gets, it’s all good!

  11. RockOn says:

    #6 THC
    ” I’d say it’s got a ways to go, excusewise, before it catches up with PMS”

    Wow! did you type that out loud? 🙂

    Q: You know why they call it PMS?

    A: Because mad cow disease was already taken…he typed silently while looking over his shoulder…

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    It’s cute when men pretend they know something about PMS.

  13. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    It’s cute when girls pretend they know something about artificial testicles.

  14. Wally the Engineer says:

    Yeah, I heard the “mid-life crisis” cracks when I bought my current car. (RX-8)
    I didn’t buy it in red, and it wasn’t a crisis, I saw it, wanted it, could AFFORD it, and bought it.
    My son loves riding in it.
    but, I know that 37 for me was not middle age, especially, considering my family history.

    I’m not feeling the concept of the mid-life crisis at all. To those that appear to be having one, I say, ‘GROW THE Eff UP! Be responsible.

  15. floyd says:

    I’m 57. I haven’t had my midlife crisis yet. I’ve stayed active (I hike and explore caves) and kept my weight fairly OK (185, though it should be 165). Keep active and you’ll feel better.

  16. Bill says:

    #12 OhForTheLoveOf:

    >It’s cute when men pretend they know something
    >about PMS.

    Exactly. You must be PMSing.

  17. Old Guy says:

    He said he is 51.
    I’m sure he would like to live to 102, but the truth is he is Past Mid-life!!
    A Mid-life Crisis would be in the mid-30w to early 40s. He missed his chance!!


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