And this is what they’re waiting for.

I wonder if John was invited?

  1. Angel H. Wong says:


    That’s because 2 out of 3 mac users are gay.

  2. Named says:


    While I accept your philosophy, none of the other slim PC’s out there have that problem. Sony vaios have always been amongst the leanest with replaceable batteries. It can be done. Steve Jobs doesn’t like certain things, like uneven screw counts, so they have to be done with form over function.

  3. Judge Jewdy says:

    #35 – Are you saying you have blown 2 out of 3 Mac users?

  4. Peconi says:

    Here is a good review of MacBook Air, the thing they were all actually waiting and hoping for 🙂

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #24 – Al Cole – Apple introducing world’s thinnest notebook: MacBook Air.

    And the biggest question is… Will it blend?

  6. Caitlyn Cook says:

    Oh my god, I think I see a female!!

  7. TIHZ_HO says:

    #24 Al Cole

    Sounds like A completely useless fashion statement only good for posing and screaming “don’t I look good?” 😆

    Definitely not for someone who uses a laptop to do some serious work.

    I worked along side many graphic artists for years and they use a mac but many also use a PC when they have serious work to do. Funny isn’t it?


  8. BubbaRay says:

    And the biggest question is… Will it blend?

    At least that would make the “Mac Book Air” product name come true. My money’s on BlendTec.

  9. Wouldn't be caught dead with one... says:

    After seeing Bill Gates working out on video (have you ever seen thinner arms?), my guess is that he will be one of the first guys to go buy one of the thin laptops. That laptop should have been named the MacBook “Girlie-Man” edition. It should include a turtleneck shirt, a french beret and some clove cigarettes in the box.

  10. Brian says:

    haha sheep to the slaughter, where they’ll be told that the $400 iTouch they just bought will need a $20 upgrade to do email.

    And they vilified Gates and Microsoft. Jobs and Apple are way worse. Even better? The mindless apple fanboys will line up for a lighter laptop and happily shell out the $20 for the upgrade for their iPods.

  11. lakelady says:

    one – this photograph is NOT the line for the keynote. How do I know? It was very foggy that morning and it’s sunny in the this photo. This is a photo from the day before when the registration for the conference was screwed up by IDG, not Apple. Everyone you see here is going to a product workshop, not the keynote, the largest of which was for….Microsoft!

    two – the bashing back and forth makes all of you sound like high school nerds. Now who needs to get a life?

  12. Brian says:


    haha who needs a life? How about the one who knew the weather both days of the macworld conference? haha

    Again, sheep to the slaughter…a fool and their money will soon be parted when people drop thousands for the macbook air that’s a lighweight, nonperforming PoS.

  13. GregA says:


    Did you see I made another 10k today?

  14. JimR says:

    I’d believe you if you had toll me ahead of time that you’d be shorting and when you’ll be covering your short.

    Anyone can say they were in on what’s already happened.

    On the other hand, you suggested we buy VMW, and looked what happened. How much did you lose, or don’t you follow your own advice?


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