Forensic Anthropology Research Facility, Decomposing Corpse

The world’s primary research center for the study of corpse decomposition in Knoxville, Tennessee, is nicknamed “the body farm” and hosts up to 75 cadavers in various stages of decay. The skeletal analysis of human remains helps solve murder cases.

Simon said she was granted full access to shoot as she pleased, which, given the setting, was a bit disconcerting: “They gave me gloves, let me roam around and do whatever I wanted to do. I had a strange reaction to being there with bodies lying all around,” Simon said. “I was thinking a lot about how we handle and interpret and respect our dead.”

An interesting collection of photos you would not ordinarily see.

  1. edwinrogers says:

    Sorry, that’s one web site that I’m definitely not going to visit.

  2. GigG says:

    From what I can tell the only photo of the “body farm” is the one shown above.

  3. thadco says:

    Nothing secret about that forensic facility. I have personally seen a documentary on TV about it.

  4. mtnboy says:

    actually….. the body farm’s instigator-dr. wm. bass has written several books w/ great photos on this…. including one titled ‘the body farm’…..

  5. julieb says:

    Poor Knoxville. It only gets in the news because of some crime or this body farm.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    The body farm… the necrophiliac’s wet dream…

    #3 – thadco – …seen a documentary on TV about it.

    Same here.

  7. jdmurray says:

    There are “body farms” all over Asia, where excarnation is still practiced.

  8. bill says:

    I remember Grissom telling the students in his forensic class on CSI…. “the reason I do this is because the victims can not.”

    Good for Knoxville!

  9. Judge Jewdy says:

    I think it is a shame to publish this kind of information. You just know people will be sneaking in there for some buttsecks.

  10. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I read one of those books over ten years ago. Gruesome stuff, but completely fascinating. I believe this guy figured out that fly larvae development could be used to determine the time since death.

  11. satman says:

    I live in Western North Carolina and plan on donating my body here….I figure it’s better than having my bones harvested for donation…lol

  12. Jack of Spades says:

    Re: Poor Knoxville. It only gets in the news because of some crime or this body farm.

    julieb, Poor Beijing, it’s in the news for some other type of body farm– one to extract a few million more men:

    [WARNING: pixelated mild nudity but within context]

  13. Jack of Spades says:

    [damn it] uh… em, sorry julieb, on second thought the photos are probably inappropriate for you or lady readers of DU. Sorry about that.


  14. gregallen says:

    Was this really much of a secret?

    I think I remember seeing it portrayed on CSI.

    Man-o-man, I really don’t want to see pictures of it, though.


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