The next phase

Youths arming due to violence on streets

As cops prepare to launch a controversial program to seize guns from homes with parental permission instead of warrants, concerned youth workers claim scared kids are stockpiling weapons due to fear of being without protection on the city’s toughest streets.

“They would rather be caught with a gun by the police than get caught without one by their enemies,” said the Rev. Shaun O. Harrison, who has launched a new campaign to encourage youngsters to hand guns over to him, no questions asked.

“They (young people) are not as willing to hand in weapons, especially nowadays. They don’t feel safe. I have seen kids as young as 11 and 12 with guns. They’ve shown me them,” Jeremy said.

“They have told me that prison is like a club to them. They have a fascination with gangs and especially guns. It is ridiculous.”

  1. Calin says:

    How is this like a warrentless raid? The article clearly says “a controversial program to seize guns from homes with parental permission.”

  2. eyeofthetiger says:

    Asking the police to search your child’s room is rather ridiculous. I suppose that this would bring law enforcement closer with the parents of such potential offenders, but realistically this sounds a bit naive. Most of the type of street violence they are talking about has little to do with a cohesive family unit that have little knowledge of their child’s and their peers activities.

  3. Improbus says:

    If children can purchase a gun without the parents knowing maybe they shouldn’t be in that home.

  4. the answer says:

    I’m 29, and I am ready to carry a handgun thanks to today’s times. Thanks to today’s complete lack of brotherhood or diplomacy. BRING IT BACK!!

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    This is sad all the way around. Yes, it’s legal because the police are being invited in, therefore no need for a warrant. Yes, it’s very sad because some parents cannot control their children and NEED the police to go into their own kids bedroom to search for guns.
    I’m a parent and it’s tragic that so many “parents” shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near kids much less raise them.
    Don’t anyone say the these “parents” had no choice in where to live or how to raise their kids. My wife and I lived in West LA and knew we didn’t want our kids to grow up there, so we took our last $500 and a U-Haul and left. Glad we did.

  6. GigG says:

    BS headline and you know it.

    Not a warrantless raid. Hell, it’s not even a raid. So you used to scare words in the headline just to grab attention. Isn’t that exactly what you guys blame Fox News of doing?

    It is a program that responds to parents that are trying to get control of their out of control kids.

  7. DaveW says:

    Does anyone really think that parents who would subject themselves to this are the parents of the kids causing the problems? The problem kid’s parents usually think their kids are “angels”.

    A publicity stunt, not much more.

    Besides shouldn’t Alcohol, tobacco and firearms be an isle in the convenience store rather than a federal bureau?

  8. FRAGaLOT says:

    Gun control laws at it’s finest! Working out well isn’t it? 🙂

  9. Smartalix says:

    The problem is that many parents call the cops hoping their presence would make the kid “scare straight”, not realizing that the cops are not a parental tool and will haul their petulant baby off to jail.

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    #6: From the article: “with parental permission instead of warrants“.

    It’s peculiar that it is put that way. A cop can always ‘ask’ permission to enter and search. But why is it stated that warrants aren’t used unless there is an issue here? Why don’t they want to use warrants to be sure there isn’t a problem later? What happens if a parent says no? Will they go in anyway?

  11. ECA says:

    BLAME the kids…
    After the gov. killed ALL the Fed and state programs THAT gave these kids something to DO.
    Killed allt he programs that TAUGHT them how to DEAl with problems..

  12. Ranger007 says:

    Sometimes, it seems, there are no good answers.

    But, government run daycare (some would call them schools) and social welfare programs clearly aren’t working. Are they? Who will be the first to say “throw more money at it”?

    Even parents are afraid of their kids because they can’t punish them. I certainly don’t blame the kids for being afraid of other kids with guns.

    What else does the ‘nanny state’ have in store for us?

  13. Steve-O says:

    No, blame the parents or lack of parental guidance.

    Funny how my generation didn’t have some stupid whiny ass Federal program giving me something to do and I learned how to deal with problems.

  14. GigG says:

    #10 There are no warrants because there is no probably cause. There doesn’t need to be if the parents invite them in.

    I would assume that it is a quick reaction program (parent think little Johnny has a gun and calls PD to come and get it)and getting and unneeded warrant would just slow things down.

  15. Calin says:

    Why don’t they want to use warrants to be sure there isn’t a problem later?

    Because they don’t need warrants. Why bother a judge if it isn’t necessary? If the parents are the legal residents (and in most places even if they aren’t)…then they have the right to allow the police to search and seize anything on their property.

    If they do say no, and the police do it anyway, it’s a civil rights violation. However, the article says nothing about this happening. Just drumming up controversy towards the “fascist” state.

    I’m a big 2nd amendment guy, card carrying member of the NRA. And I have no trouble with this search and seizure. If the parents say the police can take it…they can. The child doesn’t have the legal right to own a firearm anyway.

    That being said, this program means nothing. If the parents say yes, the police can do whatever the parents said yes to. However, the kids carrying firearms in these types of neighborhoods don’t have the kind of parents that say “yes” to cops.

  16. Phillep says:

    A co-worker’s teen age son was always in trouble. The laws prohibited the father punishing the kid, and the kid knew he could do what he wanted and dear old dad had to put up with it.

    The father finally said “You’re on your own” and left town while the kid was out drinking one night. The kid learned about dad leaving town when the cops started trying to figure out where he was so they could dump the brat on dad again.

    I don’t know what finally happened to the kid. He and his father were both worthless wastes of air, different ways.

  17. Mister Catshit says:

    #16, Philleep,

    A co-worker’s teen age son was always in trouble. The laws prohibited the father punishing the kid, and the kid knew he could do what he wanted and dear old dad had to put up with it.

    Another bullshit piece. No State prohibits a parent from punishing* their child. AND, as far as I know, if the child is out of control the parent can ask the court to declare the child incorrigible and have him removed from the home.

    But I know, it is so much easier for the Right Wing Nuts to blame the “system” and “liberals” than it is to accept that the father in this case didn’t want to do anything.

    * unless “punishment” means beating the living crap out of the kid.

  18. steelcobra says:

    Gun control: attempting to solve violence by taking away a tool instead of fixing the root problem, which is why England, especially in Manchester, has such a high knife violence rate. Other countries, such as Canada and Finland, have easily acquired guns in civilian hands, yet don’t have the gang violence that illegal gun purchases usually precede.

  19. ECA says:

    BLAME the parents…
    The ones that are TRYING to put FOOD on the table.
    The ONES that need 2 JOBS just to pay RENT, Utilities, and buy FOOD.

    Where kids go to DRUGS, to make the TIME GO BY.
    They try the HARd drugs and get HOOKED, and end up learning to STEAL, ROB, and KILL…

  20. MikeN says:

    Deputize the kids unofficially, and train them to use their guns. Violence will go up in the short run, but in the long run the problem kids will be dead.

  21. ECA says:

    YOU HAVE to give people TIME to be with THEMSELVES and their kids…TO TEACH THEM, to play with them, to BE THERE when they have questions and problems…TO SHOW them HOw to deal with CRAP..


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