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Metro-North Railroad representatives say a man riding on top of a train has been badly burned by a potent shock from its power lines. Spokesman Dan Brucker says the incident Friday night was the first of its kind in the commuter railroad’s 25-year history. The Stamford, Conn.-bound train’s power source was being switched from the third rail to overhead wires as it pulled into the Pelham station around 7:45 p.m.

The power suddenly shut off, and the engineer went up to the roof and found Ricardo Chavez with his clothes aflame. The crew put the fire out with an extinguisher and rescuers got Chavez off using fiber glass arms because his body may have been electrified, Brucker said. Brucker says Chavez was exposed to 11,000 to 14,000 volts of electricity, though he may not have touched the wire directly. Metro-North spokeswoman Marjorie Anders says Chavez, who is in his 30s, was in good condition at a hospital late Friday.

Damn, I almost got to use the Darwin Award Banner.

  1. XPR says:

    Who cares about how many volts, it the amps that matter!

  2. Dan says:

    I’m going to take a wild shot in the dark and guess this guy is an illegal immigrant.

  3. edwinrogers says:

    Or, he could be a seventh generation American with an impulse management problem.

  4. pjakobs says:

    maybe he’s been up to something like this:


  5. AdmFubar says:

    now that is getting buzzed………….

  6. BubbaRay says:

    #4, pjakobs, that was a great video. The man is totally bonkers! And I thought a snap roll on takeoff was rush…

  7. pjakobs says:

    #6 bubba, what’s your toy? Extra? Pitts? Snap rolls on takeoff are not everybody’s idea of starting a recreational flight 😉

    My flying is not quite as g-loaden, but I bet the inital acceleration is better 🙂

    (sorry, German only)


  8. BubbaRay says:

    [off topic]
    #7, pjakobs, Toy was a new Citabria with inverted fuel and oil, until 3000hr TTAF&E. I can still rent a cherry Stearman with the big radial.

    Snap roll on takeoff(20 sec):

    The Air Tractor 802 is fun in the Hill Country of TX. If you’re a pilot, you’ll like this video (5 min):

    Had to turn down a job as a pipeline flier for Amoco — couldn’t get life insurance. And I thought crop dusting was dangerous.

    But not as crazy as train surfing!

  9. BubbaRay says:

    [off topic]
    #7, pjakobs, darn I forgot to ask, how much for that tow? Cool!

    Here near DFW, you can get one from a C206 or C210 pretty cheap. I’d love to fly a sailplane. In the spring and summer, plenty of lift below the cumulus.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #4 – pjakobs

    Very good video. That guy is a nutter.

    #7, #8 – pjakobs, BubbaRay

    That’s one of the things I would like to learn… flying. 🙂

  11. pjakobs says:

    #8&9, Bubba, A friend of mine keeps sending me cropdusting videos from New Zealand. They just dump a whole lot of whatever it is they spray into the planes, then they take off from some unpaved road. I guess that’s a blast.

    The Tows are dirt cheap. Roughly 6US$ for 400m 😀

    Aerotow is much more expensive, probably 30-35US. Anything that involves burning avgas is going to hurt in the wallet area.

    #10, Jägermeister: just do it! Especially soaring is relatively cheap (I pay about 20US$ per flight hour plus the tow).


  12. Jägermeister says:

    #11 – pjakobs

    I’ll try it one day. It looks like a lot of fun!

  13. BubbaRay says:

    [off topic]
    #12, Jägermeister, you can get an introductory flight (with sales pitch, but who cares) at most FBOs at smaller airports. Cessna dealers run a very good program. Cost? About 100-150 bucks, some even free. You’ll have way too much fun in one hour if you’ve never flown a small plane. Highly recommended.

    Just google: Cessna flight demo [your town or airport]

    Safer than train surfing!

  14. pjakobs says:

    [off topic}
    #13, Bubba: but then, the glider pilot in me would argue that converting fuel to noise in a drag generator with wings bolted to it isn’t considered flying 😉

    Check out the forum on and see if Tony Condon can tell you how to locate a gliderport nearby.

    But in the end you’re right, it doesn’t matter in what airplane the bug gets you as long as it does get you!
    A friend of mine even claims that driving helicopters is considered flying.


  15. TIHZ_HO says:

    #1 XPR – “Who cares about how many volts, it the amps that matter!”

    Uh…no you are not correct!

    Volts are required to overcome resistance which determines how much current will flow.

    Ohms law I=E/R

    I is current in Amps

    E is Voltage

    R is Resistance in Ohms

    Human skin has a natural resistance of about 100,000ohms or 100Kohms and 0.07Amp through the heart is enough to cause it to stop so by plugging in 120volts and 100kohms into the formula the current flow is 0.0012amps which ought not to be enough to stop the heart.

    Water or salt greatly lowers the skin’s resistance and higher lethal currents are then the result.

    If the voltage is higher say substitute 11,000volts (11kv) for 120volts the current is 0.11Amps which is considered lethal.

    What about mosquito zappers or tazers you say? They have between 7.5 to 50kv so…?

    While Ohm’s law will calculate what the current should be it is the ability of the power supply to provide the current.

    A mosquito zapper or tazer can only supply micro amps of current (millionths of amp) so all you get is a nasty shock. In addition the AC frequency for mosquito zappers and tazers is far above normal household line frequency of 60 or 50hz (hz – cycles per second) and goes up to the megahertz – millions of cycles per second which tends to not penetrate far into the body.

    Here is an interesting web site


  16. BubbaRay says:

    Too late to post again, darnit.

    pjakobs, “drag generator?” Yeah, they’re noisy but they do generate much more thrust than drag. But you knew that. I still want to fly a BD-5J, and the Stearman has enough torque to flip the plane on takeoff.

    TIHZ_HO, absolutely correct. You can get knocked on your behind by a 1,000,000V Tesla coil from 10 ft. on a dry winter day, and live to tell about it. Although it does make one very sensitive later when contemplating proximity to any high voltage source. 🙂

  17. Norman J McSweyn says:

    I play with trains for a living. It’s a real rush to do (ride the side of the equipment). Did it today as a matter of fact. Only 30mph though. (Not as much as flying. I have my private.) That guy (video) will be a darwin candidate. Can’t imagine the forces acting on his little suction cup when the train goes through a crossover at 60+mph.
    Dirty side down..


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