Blu-ray: Early adopters knew what they were getting into

Blu-ray may have taken a commanding lead in the next-generation format war, but the group has a big problem looming: early supporters of the format will be left out in the cold when the Blu-ray Disc Association introduces BD Profile 2.0

Unlike HD DVD, which mandated features such as local storage, a second video and audio decoder for picture-in-picture, and a network connection from the very beginning, the companies behind Blu-ray took a different approach. Initial hardware players lacked these capabilities in order to keep costs down.
Representatives at the Blu-ray booth at CES told BetaNews that the PlayStation 3 is currently the only player they would recommend, due to upcoming changes to the platform.

“We should have waited another year to introduce Blu-ray to the public, but the format war changed the situation,”

So, does this mean we should have backed HD DVD?

  1. rectagon says:

    Well… the lead the BluRay was just enjoying should be out the window now!

  2. Wholly says:

    Some of us did back HD DVD just to try to ensure that Sony didn’t make 20% on anything sold on Bluray.

  3. Dark-Rane says:

    After reading all 35 posts it is pretty apparent that most people are absolutely clueless about the format war itself, ps3 and Stand alone BD players.
    Im going to explain it for you the best way i can. When it comes to the blu-ray players the Ps3 is indeed the best player to have AT THE MOMENT. Mainly because its upgradable and its price. Currently because the ps3 is the cheapest and the only upgradable blu-ray player on the market And YES it is upgradable because i have one and a BD profile update hase already been released for it late last year.
    And the reason why EARLY adopters of the BD players are screwed is because the format is new. therefore the BD player manufactorers didnt fully think out the process and realeased early non upgradable players. BUT that all is changing later on this year because it is becoming standard for BD players to have some sort of network interface similar to HD dvd players so they can be upgraded.Therfore when BD profile 3.0 comes out.
    those who have 2.0 players will NOT be screwed and can update their players. This type of miscalculation in foresight happens all the time when new formats and products are released. Just look at Microsofts 360. they have a rediculously horrible failure rate but still remains very successful. also sony did not rush the format out they played their cards really well and created a great format at the same time releasing a gaming system that uses it as a standard medium. which was very smart and part of the reason blue ray is winning right now. also last time i checked every bluray player was not made by sony so DONT blame sony for other manufactorers miscalculations.
    They released a new format and The manufacturers screwed you consumers over who adopted blu-ray too early. but then again it should have been known that adopting a brand new format too early would result in things such as this. and when it comes to the format war blu-ray currently holds about 73 percent of the hd market due to warner bros going exclusively bluray. the only major studios that is hddvd exclusive is i believe paramount and universal. not a hundred percent about universal studios. Its only a matter of time b4 the new format is solely HDDVD because face it.
    Companys are out to make money. if i knew more money is at a particular format by far i would only produce that format. actually i have alot more to say but im tired of all this damn typing ill continue this later on in another rant i guess.

  4. james king says:

    Mr Bean cracks me up and when I want to watch an episode I just head to and they have the complete series available to stream for free – thats the best thing for me with zero cash.


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