What the hell is going on here? Has something changed since we were this age that studies about too many expulsions are needed? I guess they just aren’t drugging them sufficiently before getting to school, right?

Study suggests ways to cut preschool expulsions

Thousands of American preschoolers are expelled every year for offenses ranging from biting to tantrums, but a new study says those numbers could be cut.

“We’re not saying, ‘Don’t expel children,’ ” said Walter Gilliam, director of the Zigler Center in Child Development and Social Policy at Yale University and author of the study released Thursday. (pdf)

“But we are saying, do something differently,” he said.
“She’s very happy and loving, but she’s got a mean streak in her,” Weiss said. “It’s difficult when you know that your child is the most wonderful person in the world.”

  1. Angus says:

    Let’s face it. In order to reasonably interact with others, children need to be “trained” to be sharing, empathic, and considerate. Looks like American parents are dropping the ball. Not a big suprise.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Yep, it’s parents. Some kids can be a handful all by themselves, but they can learn.

    BTW, Mrs. Baggins is a Head Start teacher, and the only way they can get rid of kids is if the pros come in and classify the kid as severely disabled, psychotic, autistic, or retarded. They get some nasty, nasty kids that don’t fit those disqualifiers. From nasty, nasty parents. One step-dad killed a student last year…punched him in the gut, punctured his intestine, and he died a couple days later. I am not making that up.

    There ought to be a license to have kids. And young step-dads should be watched carefully, or worse.

  3. the answer says:

    The numbers could be cut if any teaching or training was expected of the parents. Shit parents today are worse then Baby Boomers.

  4. green says:

    Blame the parents….. plzzzzzz

    Why not the system that forces most families to have both parents working and relying on a corrupt, money hungry system to help raise their children? A system where more wealth is being horded by few every day.

    Wonder why kids have problems…. It’s because adults are fucking idiots.

  5. Ben says:

    It seems to me more about parents being lazy. We have 2 kids, 4 and 1.5 and the amount of time and effort to make them behave is high but with a huge pay off. So many of our friends have kids and they just run wild. Our kids sit quietly coloring in a restaurant while these other children run around screaming while their parents site and quietly chat with each other. They do not want to engage their children they do not want to put in the time to make them behave. Then you talk to these parents later and they say wow you have such well behaved kids how do you do it.?? How do we do it we pay attention to our kids and use a system of punishment and reward just like the real world. Do well get new toy or a treat. Do bad and lose a toy or get a time out. I used to laugh at parents giving time out… But OMG they actually work when done right. My 4 year old will not only apologize when she is coming off a time out she will tell me what number rule she broke to get put here… I see many of these parents use pleading tones when reprimanding their children… Billy Please stop that Please…. WTF I don’t think I ever heard that from parents when I was growing up. Then they wonder why their kids run all over them.

  6. Cinaedh says:

    The media gives us a very skewed perspective on life and sometimes blogs seem to enhance the angle the skew.

    In this case, we’re talking about “thousands of American preschoolers”.

    How many thousands? How many preschools are there in the U.S.?

    The story does give some numbers but the numbers they give are a bit strange and they don’t seem to be relative to any kind of overall perspective.

    Are we talking, on average, about one kid, per-year per-school? Are we talking about less than one kid, per-year per-school or more than one kid, per-year per-school?

    I don’t mind being corrected but at first glance, this seems like a reasonable number of anti-social, wacko kids.

  7. A concerned parent says:

    2 words, Preventive Beatings.

    A proactive way to ensure good behaviour.

  8. Improbus says:

    2 words, Preventive Beatings.

    A proactive way to ensure good behaviour.

    That worked for my parents.

  9. Awake says:

    Expulsion is not used enough.
    Specially at the high school level.

  10. MikeN says:

    Why is preschool being pushed on everyone? The regular schools are bad enough, now they want mandatory preschool paid for by the government.

  11. Mister Catshit says:

    #6, Cinaedh

    I agree. There have been kids like this forever.

    All someone need do is read the short story The Ransom of Red Chief” by O. Henry. Written about 100 years ago it shows a kid who most would say is out of control. Right at the end of the story, the father tells the kidnappers that yes, he will take the kid back if they pay him and they drop the kid off at night so the neighbors don’t see, otherwise they might do something.

    If nothing else, O. Henry is still a great read and this, an enjoyable story.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:


    And Jagermeister is going to bitch about it.

  13. Mazinger says:

    #4, yes I blame the parents. The kids are their responsibility, not the government’s. If you and/or your significant other can’t handle parenthood, for whatever reason (economical, psychological, etc) then just stay off it. It’s very simple. Don’t blame the “system” for your shortcomings. It’s not like the government put a pistol to your head, is it?

    Seriously, if you want the government to do the raising for you, then let the government decide who can, and who can’t have kids. Let’s make it obligatory to have a “license to procreate”. I, for myself, am all up for it.

  14. Mister Catshit says:

    #13, Mazinger,

    So I see you’re still single. No kids either.

  15. Beverly says:

    Kids do not belong in daycare! This is the parent’s job. If you can’t afford to take care of them, you should not have them.

    I don’t care how much you pay for daycare or how much you “trust” the people who watch your child, daycare is wrong.

    I have seen so many so called caring nannies and daycare workers. There isn’t one that I would trust. What are these so called parents thinking? Didn’t they bond at all with their child?

    Okay, done venting…


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