Mailing Cows Head to Wifes Lover? No The kicker to this whack job story is that his ex thought this was so charming that she took him back. Gak!

A man who mailed a bloody cows head to his wifes lover has been sentenced to probation and community service. Jason Michael Fife “understands that in a civilized society a person cannot send a severed cows head to anybody,” said his defense lawyer, Henry Hilles.

Authorities in Lower Pottsgrove, northwest of Philadelphia, arrested Fife and charged him with stalking, terroristic threats, disorderly conduct and harassment after he allegedly sent threatening messages and pictures to the victim between May and September 2006.

The victim received a package containing a cows head with a puncture wound in its skull on June 1, 2006.

Police said Fife, 31, got the cows head from a butchers shop, claiming he wanted the dried skull for decoration. Instead, he mailed the head frozen, so as not to alert parcel carriers to the contents, police said. The box became bloody after sitting on the victims doorstep on a warm day.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    So in Philadelphia, you can do acts of “stalking, terroristic threats, disorderly conduct and harassment” and send “threatening messages and pictures to the victim” including sending a cows head in the mail and get community service?

    Well, considering it’s mob history I guess that would be par for the course..

  2. Dan says:

    Is it weird that when I saw the title I thought it took place Philadelphia or some small East Europe nation I never even heard about?

  3. Aaron says:

    “[…] in a civilized society a person cannot send a severed cows head to anybody.”

    Way to ruin it for the rest of us!… I guess everybody’s getting cards next year for Christmas!

  4. Mister Apeshit says:

    All the damn money I wasted on flowers…

  5. Cinaedh says:

    This story begs the question: what does a butcher in Lower Pottsgrove normally do with a severed cow’s head?

  6. Dallas says:

    If it was honey baked, nobody would have complained.

  7. Jim Lunsford says:

    and in other news:

    “Pig prank: Fetuses impaled on car antennas in Iowa high school parking lot”


    [Please use for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  8. James Hill says:

    Hopefully the woman is murdered by this wack job soon, so something good can come of this.

    No, that’s not a joke.

  9. Steve S says:

    “understands that in a civilized society a person cannot send a severed cows head to anybody,”

    Unless he was asking for it, which in this case, he was. If you are caught having an affair with another man’s wife, you deserve what may happen to you, regardless of “civilized society”.


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