Is this what made the Pope burst into flames?

A Polish man got the shock of his life when he visited a brothel and spotted his wife among the establishment’s employees.

Polish tabloid Super Express said the woman had been making some extra money on the side while telling her husband she worked at a store in a nearby town.

“I was dumfounded. I thought I was dreaming,” the husband told the newspaper Wednesday.

The couple, married for 14 years, are now divorcing, the newspaper reported.

And no one asked the husband what he was doing there?

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “Yes, I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain. I’m not much into health food, I am into champagne.”

  2. Perry Noiya says:

    As to the question of what the husband was doing there, I suspect he was doing a lot less business.


  3. benbeltran says:

    Hmm. They were doing exactly the same, but one was making money and the other was wasting it. We all know who should win the custody case.

  4. Mister Catshit says:

    Is this what made the Pope burst into flames?

    No, it was the burning sensation in his dick from the untreated gonorrhea. The same condition had been rampant among all the preteen boys all summer.

  5. Matt Garrett says:

    I’m curious. What does this have to do with the Pope other than “’s” passionate bigotry against people of faith?

  6. Angel H. Wong says:


    For starters, people of faith smacked a couple of airplanes into the World Trade Center.

  7. The DON says:

    I think you meant:
    misguided people of faith smacked a couple…


  8. Scott says:

    #5 How can you be bigoted against stupidity ?

  9. raffi says:

    I’m with Matt and the Don (#5 and #7). For a while I stop looking at the blog because of this kind of crap and I take a peak and this is what you get. Shameful.

  10. The reason for the picture of the Pope is because the editor doesn’t know any better.

    Eideard, we get it… you harbor a particular hatred for Christians… why don’t you put a picture that is on topic?

  11. AdmFubar says:

    #6 & #7…. there is a difference???

    Polish article, polish pontif…
    How is it a rip against christians?????
    Sinners cause pop to burst into flames….
    any different than every time you masturbate kitten dies???

    #4…. i…i… man what heavy duty drugs are you doing… it has no connection to this what so ever………

    #9… you stop(ped) looking because of this kind of crap, but you keep coming back to sneak a peak???(and take the time to complain too!!) yes YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!! but it appears not…
    You must be the one rubbernecking at all the accidents on the road, slowing traffic down…

    and at the top!!! (but really the bottom)
    #1….. wow are you on the wrong article… :))

  12. anonymous says:

    I’m with #9, #5 & #7. This is classic Dvorak flame bait, pun not intended. Eideard (and the rest) *may* actually be indifferent towards Christians, but adding that image there gets all of us pissed off and little arguments erupt in the comments, leading to more publicity, more page views and finally more money. I remember a thread around a month or so ago with more than 400 comments.

    The best tactic IMHO is to simply not bite. Ignore the post, don’t comment. Jackasses (or jennyasses? I can’t tell) like Angel H. Wong are always ready to respond to anything you might say (with absolutely ridiculous retorts and conclusions) and that is exactly what the editors want.

  13. John says:

    A man goes into a brothel to spend the last $11 in his pocket. The madame asks if he would like to choose or let her select a lady by random. He says he’ll gamble this time because he has only has enough money to cover the room and none for the optional tip. He enters the room and removes his clothes and draws a happy face on his belly with his ballpoint pen. The door opens and to both of their astonishment they realize their situation. They both stay quiet and continue as if they were just prostitute and john. The wife points to his belly and says, “your happy to see me so I’ll blow you for free”. The husband remains silent through the whole thing.

  14. god says:

    I guess we’re supposed to presume – as the whiners obviously do – the Pope was never in a Polish brothel. Poisonally, I think the illo is as humorous as the article.

    And the whiners are as hypocritical as the husband.

  15. keane-o says:

    #14 – have you been reading The Fiver, again? You’re displaying the sort of pro-humor, anti-superstition, reality-centric rhetoric characteristic of all dangerous science. Like accepting a chuckle for what it is – instead of what it may be in some True Believer’s dementia.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:


    In that case all those who doesn’t worship the spaghetti monster are misguided.


    Grow up or even better, stop listening to what the Reverend says.


    “Jackasses (or jennyasses? I can’t tell) like Angel H. Wong are always ready to respond to anything you might say (with absolutely ridiculous retorts and conclusions) and that is exactly what the editors want.”

    Your bitching rant says that I pwn you.

  17. chris says:


  18. tallwookie says:

    well, he was there visiting his wife, huh!


  19. moss says:

    Rock on, Angel!

  20. Gasbag says:

    I think he is just pissed now that he has to pay for sex

  21. Surprisingly, the man did not appreciate that his wife was beautiful enough to make it in that business and that he was getting for free that for which others were willing to pay.

    Further, that he has to pay for sex rather than getting paid for it, means he had a really great deal going!

    (Ah, it’s not easy living in my warped brain.)

  22. anonymous says:


    >>(with absolutely ridiculous retorts and conclusions)
    >Your bitching rant says that I pwn you.
    Q.E.D. Have a nice day.


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