
Sacrificing chickens in a spray of blood, Benin’s traditional priests celebrated Voodoo Day on Thursday and declared their ancient religion would protect them from risk of infection by the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus. The small West African state, home of the Voodoo rituals carried by slaves to the Americas, last month announced at least two cases of bird flu in poultry which tests in Europe confirmed were of the deadly H5N1 strain that can be fatal to humans. Benin health experts have warned the country’s Voodoo priests their practice of sacrificing chickens — sometimes by tearing out the birds’ throats with teeth or drinking their blood — creates a major risk of contamination from sick birds. Voodoo practitioners, spurning the protective suits, gloves and masks recommended for handling suspect birds, declared their faith would shield them from infection during ceremonies in which sacrificed chickens’ blood is sprayed over the faithful and the ground to “purify” them and gain favor from the gods. “If you buy a chicken to sacrifice it to your God, he will not let you buy an infected bird,” said Dah Aligbonon, a Voodoo priest from Abomey, the former capital of the ancient African kingdom of Dahomey.

Something akin to snake handling, or what I like to call a mass Darwin suicide cult.

  1. the answer says:

    So the story is that there are religious nuts outside of the U.S.? Well isn’t that a relief

  2. Dallas says:

    Dvorak continues to attack the noble practices of faith based initiatives. Shameful.

  3. GigG says:

    These would be the same people that prescribe sex with a 8 year old virgin as a cure for AIDS.

    Ask me, it’s Darwinism in action. Let them have at it.

  4. Thinker says:

    🙂 That was a funny video. As for the article it…well its one of the challenges of living in ‘society’ isn’t it. : (

    Like lemmings toward a …

  5. Ubiquitous Talking Head says:

    The Secret Diark of Steve Ballmer and my band Balm

    Off topic, but this is getting annoyingly close to being spam.


  6. Dallas says:

    I also vote to get this “Steve Ballmer” creep out of here (whatever that link is suppose to do).

    Dvorak: You need to review the “uncensored” policy here , else you will draw in the spammers.

  7. Fixed…he’s gone for too many self promotion violations. Sorry he got this far.


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