With the writer’s strike still going on, does he still have it?
Note: The Daily Show’s website is currently under maintenance, so if the video appears as just a grey square, you will have to try later until their issue is resolved.
With the writer’s strike still going on, does he still have it?
Note: The Daily Show’s website is currently under maintenance, so if the video appears as just a grey square, you will have to try later until their issue is resolved.
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John Stewart is funny most of the time, but that was weak.
I hope this writers strike ends soon.
It was like in the movie Transformers when that guy was running with cube. He was doing fine on his own but, in the end he really needed the help of his friends to kill Megatron.
cant see it, all i get is grey box :/
igor said
cant see it, all i get is grey box :/
I think it’s because thedailyshow.com is “down for maintenance”. Once it comes back, the video should be available again. After all, it’s not hosted on dvorak.org, just embedded. It’s hosted at thedailyshow.com.
Why dont they just let services like youtube host their stuff… Why can’t companies just specialize in what they do best instead of trying to do a bit of everything…
As a Brit, living in Southern Britland, I have never watched the US Daily Show before, but if that is the guy without writers, I can’t wait to see him with!
Tres amusant.
#7, If you get a freeview box you can see the ‘The Daily Show’ Mon-Fri on More4 at 8:30 pm.
Nice!…20 minutes of buffering for 7 minutes of mildly funny! Comedy Central needs to loosen their grip on content!
I thought it was entertaining.
20 minutes of buffering? WTF! It buffered for me in one second.
Jon Stewart is brilliant and funny at the same time. This episode was great in showing just how ridiculous the mainstream media is.
I wish he would do more of Glenn Beck. I thought Beck was good at first but now he is a total goof. he pretends to be funny but it’s not working.
#3 – It was like in the movie Transformers when that guy was running with cube. He was doing fine on his own but, in the end he really needed the help of his friends to kill Megatron.
I want to use similes like this in business meetings.
slow for me too. It rebuffers every five seconds or so. After 35 seconds of that crap, I put the counter back at the start, so I would have a 30 sec buffer. Well after 3 seconds it rebuffered, so the player doesn’t even keep memory.
#12 – I beat you to it. I used the same analogy in the morning staff tag-up. That lazy good for nothing Kiwolski was trying to get credit for Jamison’s work when I had to speak up. I think I really stunned our management. You could have heard a pin drop.
On another topic, does anybody have any leads on a good Software Development job?
He doesn’t need writers. True talent is like that.
This guy loves himself. He’s always laughing at his own (bad) jokes. I never saw the popularity of Jon Stewart.
Remember the Jon Stewart Show? His 1st talk show? He’s still the same today, trying to be funny, trying to be a good interviewer, but not even close to ANY talk show hosts today OR in the past.
Small clip: “So, uh, uh, what is your, uh, favorite, uh, well, what I mean is, uh, uh…
He’s got more “uhs” in his vocabulary than Ted Turner!
my 2 cents…
He doesn’t know anything about American Gladiators, does he?