Yeah, yeah, I know Ron Paul has no chance of getting elected. But a lot of disaffected people had pinned their hopes on his in-their-faces approach to the standard Republican party line during the debates, supporting him without really knowing him (Of course, how many voted for Bush without really understanding what he stood for and look at what a nightmare we got?). Paul’s beliefs may be further away from what even his detractors ever imagined.

According to the author on NPR today, Paul responded that the newsletters with his name on the top were published by others. For a decade. Doesn’t say much for his keeping on top of things being put out as coming from or approved by him. When he was quoted things from them, he disavowed only the ‘worst’ parts. Riiiight… How convenient.

Angry White Man

If you are a critic of the Bush administration, chances are that, at some point over the past six months, Ron Paul has said something that appealed to you. Paul describes himself as a libertarian, but, since his presidential campaign took off earlier this year, the Republican congressman has attracted donations and plaudits from across the ideological spectrum.
They were published under a banner containing Paul’s name, and the articles (except for one special edition of a newsletter that contained the byline of another writer) seem designed to create the impression that they were written by him–and reflected his views. What they reveal are decades worth of obsession with conspiracies, sympathy for the right-wing militia movement, and deeply held bigotry against blacks, Jews, and gays. In short, they suggest that Ron Paul is not the plain-speaking antiwar activist his supporters believe they are backing–but rather a member in good standing of some of the oldest and ugliest traditions in American politics.

Here’s one editorial about all this that touches on the other side of the argument.

  1. Rabble Rouser says:

    It looks like this is the fall of the Ronulans!

  2. the answer says:

    I’d vote for ron. His views are very close to Obamas. So if Clinton gets the democratic hot seat, I still got my “wild card” as it were

  3. itsjussttmee says:

    Just another smear attempt on Ron Paul. You won’t find any skeletons in this man’s closet, so the media just makes up shit. Wake up people he’s our last hope! He really cares about America!

  4. JPV says:

    Why are you guys spreading this bullshit swiftboating crap?

    Here’s some info on James Kirchick, the author of this right wing smear piece…

    Jamie Kirchick, assistant editor of The New Republic, appeared tonight on Tucker Carlson’s show to announce–with a smirk on his face the size of Manhattan– Ron Paul of racism, homophobia and anti-semitism would be appearing online the nextthat his hit piece accusing day–which, by astonishing coincidence happens to be the very day of the New Hampshire primary.

    I first met Jamie at a holiday party held by the venerable libertarian magazine Reason just a few weeks ago. When Jamie saw my “Ron Paul 2008” button, he snickered and said, “Oh, Ron Paul… I’ve been reading up on him. Have you read the stuff that guy’s written? Nasty stuff! Racist, anti-semitic, homophobic!”

    I emailed Jamie the next day to engage him further and to ask just what he found so offensive. His response:

    Hi Berin,

    Thanks for writing; and I’m glad you enjoyed by [sic] piece in the Boston Globe. I’ll try and make the [DC Log Cabin Republicans] party tonight, though [LCR President] Patrick Sammon isn’t particularly happy with me after I wrote this piece [attacking LCR for not endorsing Giuliani, whom Kirchick calls “the most pro-gay Republican White House contender in history”]

    Anyways, I don’t think Ron Paul is a homophobe; I’m just cynical and enjoy getting supporters of political candidates riled up. If you were a Giuliani guy I’d have called him a fascist. But I must say, the Ron Paul supporters are the most enthusiastic of the bunch! [Emphasis added.]


    When I responded to ask him when his article might come out so I could read more, he answered: “Patience, my friend :-)”

    Patience, indeed.

    Let me not mince words. Jamie is a muckraker, a charlatan, and a hypocrite. For being so careless about concealing all these, he is a fool to boot. His bottom-feeding journalism dishonors The New Republic’s history as a bastion of high-minded political discourse. His story was deliberately timed to inflict maximum political damage on a man of such uncommonly principled integrity that he is attacked for statements written decades ago by others in his name.

  5. MikeN says:

    Yeah, that’s a believable e-mail.

    Any group tends to get extremists attached to it, and the third parties even more so. In this case, the unnamed staffer is probably someone who he is close to, Lew Rockwell.

  6. JoshP says:

    January 8, 2008 5:28 am EST

    ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – In response to an article published by The New Republic, Ron Paul issued the following statement:

    “The quotations in The New Republic article are not mine and do not represent what I believe or have ever believed. I have never uttered such words and denounce such small-minded thoughts.

    “In fact, I have always agreed with Martin Luther King, Jr. that we should only be concerned with the content of a person’s character, not the color of their skin. As I stated on the floor of the U.S. House on April 20, 1999: ‘I rise in great respect for the courage and high ideals of Rosa Parks who stood steadfastly for the rights of individuals against unjust laws and oppressive governmental policies.’

    “This story is old news and has been rehashed for over a decade. It’s once again being resurrected for obvious political reasons on the day of the New Hampshire primary.

    “When I was out of Congress and practicing medicine full-time, a newsletter was published under my name that I did not edit. Several writers contributed to the product. For over a decade, I have publicly taken moral responsibility for not paying closer attention to what went out under my name.”

    [Please use for long urls. –ed.]

  7. Chuck says:

    Uncle Dave, since you jump in and buy this without checking into the background of this “article” and thus quickly judge Ron Paul, I will do the same based on what you post…
    you’re an idiot.

  8. BikerFunJoe says:

    I live in Ron Paul’s district in Baytown, Texas and have followed his political career for over twenty years and voted for him more times than I can count. Believe me, RON PAUL IS NO RACIST! The established media and their political benefactors fear Dr. Paul not because of who he is, but because they know his message of liberty and true freedom are a threat to their status quo. A man’s character is best measured by his works and if you take more than five minutes to review his congressional record you would understand the purity of his belief and his actions. No one in politics today can boast of a more consistent, Constitutionally-based voting record untarnished by special-interest money and political favors. WAKE UP AMERICA! RON PAUL IS A REAL PATRIOT AND AMERICA’S BEST HOPE!

  9. Me Again says:

    This comment is for Dave.

    Why wont you post my comments?

    This is attempt number 4

  10. MikeN says:

    PK, JPV, I misunderstood your post, and thought you were claiming to have written and received that email yourself.

  11. Again says:

    What the heck is up with comments? This is attempt number 7.

    Why won’t it let me post my thoughts? Why must a moderator look at them? Communists?

  12. Me Again says:

    Let’s try this in parts. Part A: Is everyone supposed to spend all day searching for anything written by someone claiming they are speaking for me?

  13. Me Again says:

    Part B: How am I supposed to get anything done if I spend all day doing that? Nice attempt at trying to paint him a nut.

  14. Wow Dave, you are really a hater! That is the most bogus hit piece I have ever read. I hope you put it up here to get his supporters riled up, and not because you believe it and hold it personally against Dr. Paul. If you read through his articles online, it will be clear that he is a top-notch human being who sticks adamantly to his beliefs. He is very proactive in his support of individual liberties for all people regardless of color, creed, etc.

  15. Me Again says:

    Part C: If your so very concerned about what he REALLY says, why not just go to the SOURCE?!? (see my website link if your inept)

    h t t p : / / www dot house dot gov / paul /

  16. Me Again says:

    Part D: I know… I know… It’s easier to claim he’s crazy than to admit the truth that he’s right and that we SHOULD eliminate as much federal govt as possible so that the state’s can manage themselves (as the consitution says).

    h t t p : / / www dot house dot gov / paul /

  17. Cursor_ says:

    Ron Paul is not the hope of America.

    He is another politicians like all the rest that are campaigning. They will do NOTHING different and will tow the line like all the rest.

    There can be NO real and lasting change in the US by playing the game on the inside of a broken government.

    Until someone will come along and dismantle the one we have now and build a new one, we will NEVER see change.


  18. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Just a hit piece floated out there by the Clinton machine.

  19. AslansTraveller says:

    At the very least Mr. Paul wasn’t paying attention to what went out under his name. But he should have especially as a libertarian.

    Unfortunately the libertarian banner tends to attract homophobes, racists and sexists. Not because the ideology is inherently any of those but because of it’s valuing of freedom of speech as an absolute and an antipathy to civil rights/anti-discrimination legislation, it becomes a convenient umbrella for those types. As a libertarian, he should have been aware of this and been more vigilant

  20. JPV says:

    Jamie Kirchick, the gay Republican author, of this right wing hit piece, said this about his own article, in an email to another gay friend…

    “Anyways, I don’t think Ron Paul is a homophobe; I’m just cynical and enjoy getting supporters of political candidates riled up. If you were a Giuliani guy I’d have called him a fascist. But I must say, the Ron Paul supporters are the most enthusiastic of the bunch!”

    And you MORONS still saw fit to post such trash.

    Even Matt Drudge, another gay Republican, had enough sense to take the links to this article down, off his site, after an hour or two.

    Doesn’t say much about you’re guy’s judgement.

  21. Ian says:

    Well Dave, thanks for choosing to disseminate unproven allegations against the only clean politician left and a true hope for America. If you took one second to look at the obvious here, you’d see that this is a well timed hit piece coming out of the establishment just before the primary in New Hampshire. And it is a sad but true statement the actual facts of the matter mean less than the allegation – whose damage is hard to repair – even if untrue. How many people will look beyond the headline and do the research necessary to get to the bottom of every headline they see? Or every allegation they hear? Who has that kind of time? Unfortunately we cannot trust the mainstream press for reliable news as it is all spin now.

    So what does that make you? A 3rd tier spin doctor putting out this crap to get attention. You should be proud of yourself for contributing to this.

    I for one am voting for Ron Paul, and I believe I heard Dvorak say he would as well on “No Agenda” with Adam Curry. That is if he is on the ballot (no thanks to you).

  22. Bizzell says:

    Short answer, No.

  23. Luther says:

    Even if he didn’t write any of these articles they where published in his newsletter. No matter how you spin it he is responsible for the comments. I swear Paul supporters are members of a cult. Paulontaulogist!

  24. JR says:


    You are a shill and a hack.

  25. doug says:

    Uncle Dave – speaketh ye not against the great internet prophet, or the tubes shall teem with the righteous fanboi faithful seeking to smite thee.

  26. Blonduxo says:

    This is just a rehash of something that was addressed long ago. Those words have nothing to do with the man. The established media and their political and economic benefactors fear Dr. Paul not because of who he is, but because they know his message of liberty and true freedom are a threat to their status quo. A man’s character is best measured by his works and if you take more than five minutes to review his congressional record you would understand the purity of his belief and his actions. No one in politics today can boast of a more consistent, Constitutionally-based voting record untarnished by special-interest money and political favors. If you’ve ever met the man as I have you would know his heart is pure and good and that his heroes are MLK and Ghandi. He is the most humble and courageous man and is the one to initiate the changes this country must make to remain viable. WAKE UP AMERICA! RON PAUL IS A REAL PATRIOT AND AMERICA’S BEST HOPE! THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN!

  27. Jdeb says:

    Come on people, its a hit piece and you all know it. This little old man, who I’d adopt for my own grandpa, is the farthest thing from a racist you can find. The constitution and limited government is the message and that’s what the establishment is afraid of. He wants to stop the war on drugs which seems to be slanted towards putting African Americans behind bars. WAKE UP!!! He’s been left out of debates and still gets great #’s, so the hit pieces will start flowing. Gimme a break.

  28. LouDobbs says:

    This has been put to rest more than once, wasnt his statements
    Nice sinister picture that your using as well
    This smear is so see through its not funny

  29. doug says:

    I aint buying the idea that the “establishment” is “afraid” of Ron Paul. Are they afraid of Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel, Duncan Hunter and the rest of the also-ran candidates?

    I for one would love to see a libertarian takeover of the GOP, seizing it from the would-be theocrats, neocon warmongers, Wall Street shills and “small-government” pork-shovelers who currently run it.

    but there ain’t much chance of that happening. net enthusiasm does not translate into real-world votes.

  30. Dallas says:

    I’m rooting for Paul as the lessor of the GOP evils.

    However, after Bush, it can only get better. I mean, what are the odds of getting another Republican lemon?


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