For the last week the Republican controlled news media has been doing everything they can to stop Hillary from being president. “Nobody likes Hillary,” “Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton,” “Hillary Clinton in Meltdown as Panic Grips Staff,” “Talk of Clinton Dropping Out Engulfs Campaign,” “Hillary Clinton braced for a second defeat at the hands of Obama,” “Drudge: Hillary Preparing to Drop Out.” No one even mentioned the possibility that Hillary might win. 100% of them got it wrong! But in spite of all that slanted reporting the people of New Hampshire who live in the real world voted to give the night to Hillary. New Hampshire, like America, likes Hillary!

Tonight Hillary not only defeated Obama, she defeated the news media. Even though they were kicking her when she was down, Hillary has shown that she has the strength to win. And if she has that kind of strength it can only make me hope that those rich media types are going to have to pay their share of the taxes. For the last week the media has been laughing at her. But tonight as the old saying goes, “She who laughs last, laughs best.” In spite of what the media pundits say, I’m betting Hillary is not going to drop out of the race tomorrow.

My prediction is that history will record tonight as the day Hillary won the presidency. You read it here first.

Also, I’m really enjoying watching the pundits eat crow. I want to see how they explain being so totally totally wrong. SUFFER!!!!!

  1. Joshua says:

    #50…Thomas….go to the real clear politics site if you have a few minutes to spare. They aren’t a polling organisation, but do the 3 day running averages of all recent polls.
    They have a head to head section, thats interesting to say the least.
    Hillary beats all Reps. Except McCain…he beats her outside the margin of error.
    Edwards beats all Republicans, except McCain.
    Obama beats all Reps. except McCain, they are tied at the moment.
    What surprised me the most was the huge percentages that Obama and Edwards beat all the Reps.(except McCain) by….I was stunned actually. Thus my comment above about suicidal Rep. voters.
    The worst candidate for the Dems. vote wise appears to be Hillary. She didn’t get out of the 40 to 49% bracket for any Rep. except Huckleberry.

    #58…James Hill….Uncle Dave isn’t a bad editor, it’s his choice of topics that makes him appear that way. It’s hard to post fantasy, sci/fi, and conspirosy theories and look serious. 🙂

  2. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    #60 – iGW

    “A moist, steaming turd compares favorably with any of the Democratic candidates, however, many of then would be survivable.

    It would be far preferable for all life on Earth to be exterminated in a horribly slow and painful way than for Hillary to be President. If nothing else, we should only elect true humans as president, which she most certainly is not.”

    Which is, as my English relatives would have it, as may be.

    But it makes no diff how bad she is – and she is, no argument there.

    A one-legged, syphilitic, shit-eating dog with rabies is a better choice for leader of the Free World than any of those human colostomy bags with the (R) after their names.

  3. Thomas says:

    > A one-legged, syphilitic, shit-eating dog with
    > rabies is a better choice for leader of the Free
    > World than any of those human colostomy
    > bags with
    > the (R) after their names.

    Don’t just pick on Representatives. The Senators are just as bad. ;->

  4. Mister Catshit says:

    #64, Thomas,

    Well, besides knowing nothing about running a business or microeconomics, you also know nothing about Civics. A Representative is called Congressman. They don’t use a letter to signify their station. The same as a Judge, Senator, or Governor.

  5. Mister Catshit says:

    #60, iHotAir,

    A moist, steaming turd compares favorably with any of the Democratic candidates, however, many of then would be survivable.

    Now if you could find a Republican Presidential candidate that could rise to the level of a moist, steaming turd then the Democrats might have some competition in November.

    It would be far preferable for all life on Earth to be exterminated in a horribly slow and painful way than for Hillary to be President.

    Have you contemplated suicide? Obviously you have “issues”. Have you been taking your meds? Ya, those green and cream capsules. Or are you on the mottled tan capsules? Whichever, maybe you should see your health care provider and see about maybe upping the dosage.

  6. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    #65 – Mister Catshit

    I think you missed that Thomas was making a sly joke there – we used to have a fella who posted here often, one Mister Fusebox, I think it was, who occasionally did the same thing and took some jokes literally. You wouldn’t know him, because he vansished mysteriously the day before your arrival here at DU. 🙂

  7. Thomas says:

    Did you actually get a degree in economics since we last talked? No? How about taking a class on microeconomics? No again? Do you even know what is entailed in the subject of microeconomics? No again? How about actually running a business? No again? Perhaps, you should stop talking out your sandbox and confine your responses to subjects other than those in which it is firmly established that you clueless.

    Clearly someone understood the jab. Let’s add sarcasm to the list of items to which you are clueless.

  8. Terry says:

    Folks should learn more about how the system works. Ms. Clinton may have squeezed out a few percentage more votes than Obama, but the total is so close that they will both go to the DNC convention with the same number of New Hampshire delegates (9 each). John Edwards came in third, but still gets 4 NH delegates pledged to his campaign.


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