For the last week the Republican controlled news media has been doing everything they can to stop Hillary from being president. “Nobody likes Hillary,” “Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton,” “Hillary Clinton in Meltdown as Panic Grips Staff,” “Talk of Clinton Dropping Out Engulfs Campaign,” “Hillary Clinton braced for a second defeat at the hands of Obama,” “Drudge: Hillary Preparing to Drop Out.” No one even mentioned the possibility that Hillary might win. 100% of them got it wrong! But in spite of all that slanted reporting the people of New Hampshire who live in the real world voted to give the night to Hillary. New Hampshire, like America, likes Hillary!

Tonight Hillary not only defeated Obama, she defeated the news media. Even though they were kicking her when she was down, Hillary has shown that she has the strength to win. And if she has that kind of strength it can only make me hope that those rich media types are going to have to pay their share of the taxes. For the last week the media has been laughing at her. But tonight as the old saying goes, “She who laughs last, laughs best.” In spite of what the media pundits say, I’m betting Hillary is not going to drop out of the race tomorrow.

My prediction is that history will record tonight as the day Hillary won the presidency. You read it here first.

Also, I’m really enjoying watching the pundits eat crow. I want to see how they explain being so totally totally wrong. SUFFER!!!!!

  1. mperkel says:

    #26 Maybe Obama should try crying?

  2. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    If another Republican makes it to the Oval Office, I’m leaving this country.

    …and what you Dem ideologues don’t get is that the fucking-over of the majority of America will continue unabated with corporatist Hillary in that office.

    She’s no better than a piece o’ shit Republican.

    Grow up, Perkel. It’s corporatism that’s destroying America.

    w0Ot Edwards / Gore ’08!

  3. jlm says:

    Hillary is a republican, her party tag just doesnt properly show it

  4. Joshua says:

    It’s not the Republican media trying to sink Hillary, it’s the Liberal media that’s doing that.If you look at who was claiming that Clinton was finished, it was all of the top liberal/left newspapers and networks.

    If you truly understood the media of this country (actually most countries) mperkel, you would understand that the media may be liberal or in the case of Fox, conservative, but they are money making enterprises first and foremost. While a woman winning the Presidency would be a great story for several months, a BLACK man would be a God send, stories and leads for 2 years at least. Thats why the media frenzy when Obama won Iowa, the media, in typical fashion attempted to drive the story, they needed an Obama victory in NH because not only would Obama be beating a women, he would be beating a former First Lady, wife of a much loved Democratic President (much loved by Dems) and probably the most reviled female politician in the country. Christ, what a story….but, oooops, voters got in the way.

    On top of that Mr. mperkel, why in the hell would the Republicans want to sink the one Democrat they can beat next November. The only Rep. she gets over 50% against is Huckleberry, and McCain beats her with 6% in a head to head.

    Oh, McCain is the only Republican to beat ALL of the Democrats in head to head polls (he ties Obama, but Obama and Edwards beat all other Reps. by 9% or more). But the Religious-right suicide voters don’t want McCain because he wants to be humane towards illegals, and he passed the Campaign Finance Reform and voted against Bush’s tax cuts because they hurt the middle class and helped the wealthy.

  5. Pharaoh90 says:

    Crying, laughing, changing. White folk voting for a black guy and a woman. And knuckle headed pundants only barely able to bring up race and gender constantly.

    Wonder what would happen if they talked about issues concerning America more? And I don’t mean fake ones like social security and immigration.

    Paul/Hunter ’08 – w00t :p Really Ombama/anybody ’08 but Hilary or Edwards or Richardson or …

  6. Dave McMurray says:

    Dvorak just does this to get hits.

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    #28: “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” –Plato

    #37: John didn’t post this.

  8. Angus says:

    Which Republican Controlled media? CNN, NBC, CBS, or ABC? A two point win in in a state of 1.2 million and all is well again?

  9. Libertican says:

    Does this mean the party conventions will actually be dramatic versus canned boredom?

  10. SCADRAGON says:

    Republican controlled media?
    What planet are you from?
    Everyone knows the media is controlled by the Liberal Democrats. CBS is the worst. They used to call that network the Clinton Broadcasting System. Iremember when the day came that 2o some odd indictments in the Whitewater scandal were handed down, most of the networks ran that as their lead story. NOT CBS. They ran some old film footage from Dallas shot on the day JFK was shot and it was about NOTHING– just footage of people milling around outside the hospital. And they ran that for the entire first half of the news that night.

    Iowa and New Hampshire. 2 whole states down and your’re willing to jump to conclusions about the outcome. Hey it aint over till it’s over.

  11. snoitpo says:

    If you were an undeclared voter in N.H., and were leaning towards Obama, and heard a poll that said “Obama wins handily”, you might be tempted to be contrarian and vote for Clinton. Or McCain. I suspect enough of that happened to nudge the results.

    ((I could live very happily with two of the Dem candidates, and hold-my-nose-and-vote for 2 other Dems or McCain. Disclaimer: I’ve given money to one of the candidates.))

  12. gquaglia says:

    New Hampshire, like America, likes Hillary

    Its not that they like Hillary, its just they like her better then the other candidates. And in this years lot, that’s not saying much.

  13. B. Dog says:

    Without the Hillary Watchtm banner of authenticity, this info must be a joke.

  14. Thinker says:

    Uhhhh….take a look at the percentages and delegates. Clinton and Obama are in dead heats, and Iowa was a three way tie. Wait to crow until Super Tuesday. : )

  15. Vince says:

    The people that believe Al Gore will enter the 2008 presidential race probably also still believe in Santa Claus.

    I live in America, and I’m not voting for Hillary. Actually, I haven’t really found anyone worth voting for. I’ve seen plenty I’d vote against, however.

  16. Baron says:

    Chris Mathews said this morning that the only way the polls got it wrong is that people lied to the pollsters. Obama has to take 10 points off his poll numbers because of the prejudice of people who say one thing in public but do something else in private. Prejudice in the northeast liberal elite? You bet. Love to support the idea of a black candidate in our resorts and coffee shops but give them real opportunity for power? Nah!!

  17. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Timely reminder: if you vote for Clinton because she’s female or Obama because he’s not white, you are every bit as bigoted as David Duke or Al Sharpton.

  18. MikeN says:

    Stop confusing wealth and income. Here I thought this blog was improving since people were objecting to property taxes taking away seniors’ homes.

  19. Thomas says:


    First, tax is based on income not wealth. Second, if the richest 5% are worth more than the other 95% combined, it still does not figure that they should pay 96% of the tax. The objective should be maximizing tax revenue not punishing the rich. If you increase income taxes on the rich, you do not increase tax revenue. The way to increase tax revenue is to encourage the rich to invest in more taxable investments.

    So, yeah, you’d be wrong. The rich already pay more than their fair share and then some.

    RE: Election

    I still think it is way too early to even guess who has the Democratic candidacy locked up. While Iowa is conservative, it is not the same as the South and NH is not New York. What is best for the country IMO is McCain and Obama. In fact, here’s how I see it
    Hillary – Romney : Winner = Hilary (barely)
    Hillary – McCain : Winner = McCain (too much Hillary hatred)
    Hillary – Huckabee : Winner = no one. Armageddon
    Obama – Romney : Winner = Obama (comfortably but closer than people think)
    Obama – McCain : Winner = Obama (nail biter. really too close to call IMO).
    Obama – Huckabee : Winner = Obama (in a landslide I hope.)

  20. MikeN says:

    If Hillary is the nominee, then wouldn’t it be in Illinois’ interest to vote for the Republican? Would a Pres Hillary allow Barack Obama to do anything for his state?

  21. mildewproduction says:

    Wow, talk about a fanboy. All reasoning went out the window last night huh?

    John McCain won New Hampshire in 1999.

    Enough said.

  22. Jack Flanders says:

    The Republicans are now talking about how important ‘bipartisanship’ is…now that they may loose. When they had Congress and won the White House in 2000, the implemented the K Street Project ( in an effort to kick out ALL Democratic lobbyists. Then they implemented never before done procedures to ENTIRELY eliminate Democrats from committee meetings and conferences and would only hear bills submitted by the Republicans. It was part of Karl Rove’s effort to make Republicans the “permanent party”.

    All fine and good. They have the right to be sore winners and be as partisan as they want. But now that Democrats (barley) control Congress and might win the White House, now they’re talking about how IMPORTANT bipartisanship is and how both parties need to work together for ‘consensus’ and meeting in between on important issues.

    Gee, they sure didn’t give a f**k about that when THEY were in charge. Now that they may be out of power again, they’re telling the Democrats they need to give in and go half on all issues…even though when the Republicans won they told the Democrats to f**k off.


    I’m sure if the Democrats tried to implement anything like the K Street project, or kick out all Republicans from bill hearings you’d hear Rush Limbag and Matt Drum SCREAM and SCREAM about how the evil Democrats were abusing their power. Not that you heard a single f**king word from these folks when the Republicans did it….huh.

  23. RBG says:

    “Republican-controlled” CNN had Bob Woodward on last night. Woodward read out his original notes from the early evening when he was sure Clinton had lost. Something to the effect that America was now tired of dynasties.


  24. MikeN says:

    Where are all the nutroots to tell us that polls are never wrong, and that Barack was the real winner, and George Bush stole the election with rigged voting machines?

  25. MikeN says:

    Jack, get your facts straight. The Kstreet project was way before 2000, and after 2000 the House and Senate were about split equally. The Senate even had power sharing with equal representation on all committees. The House has been run brutally by the majority party for a few decades now, getting worse with time.

  26. Sean says:

    Why was this site so quick to point out that Clinton actually came in second with Iowa delegate votes, but just as quickly ignored the delegates this time around, and declared Clinton the winner?

    She in fact came in second AGAIN in NH!

    Delegate votes from the NH primaries:
    Clinton: 11
    Obama: 12

  27. James Hill says:

    Without question the worst editor on this blog. And that’s saying something.

  28. bill says:

    Are there ‘odds’ in Las Vegas yet?

    This is going to be ‘entertaining’ at least.

    I really don”t think it matters anymore who wins.

    What will change?

  29. iGlobalWarmer says:

    A moist, steaming turd compares favorably with any of the Democratic candidates, however, many of then would be survivable.

    It would be far preferable for all life on Earth to be exterminated in a horribly slow and painful way than for Hillary to be President. If nothing else, we should only elect true humans as president, which she most certainly is not.

  30. rivieracadman says:

    Never responded before, but I had to this time.

    For those that love Clinton I’m sorry, but I had watched a debate with her some years ago, and I can honestly say that was the very first time I was ever furious from watching or even taking part in a debate. I was so mad I don’t even remember what was said during the talks, but until that time I havn’t had an opion of her. I get this putrid taste in my mouth when ever I hear her talk about anything or importance. I will vote for primorial ooze before even considering her to wash my car no less run a country. What is wrong with these people.


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