For the last week the Republican controlled news media has been doing everything they can to stop Hillary from being president. “Nobody likes Hillary,” “Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton,” “Hillary Clinton in Meltdown as Panic Grips Staff,” “Talk of Clinton Dropping Out Engulfs Campaign,” “Hillary Clinton braced for a second defeat at the hands of Obama,” “Drudge: Hillary Preparing to Drop Out.” No one even mentioned the possibility that Hillary might win. 100% of them got it wrong! But in spite of all that slanted reporting the people of New Hampshire who live in the real world voted to give the night to Hillary. New Hampshire, like America, likes Hillary!

Tonight Hillary not only defeated Obama, she defeated the news media. Even though they were kicking her when she was down, Hillary has shown that she has the strength to win. And if she has that kind of strength it can only make me hope that those rich media types are going to have to pay their share of the taxes. For the last week the media has been laughing at her. But tonight as the old saying goes, “She who laughs last, laughs best.” In spite of what the media pundits say, I’m betting Hillary is not going to drop out of the race tomorrow.

My prediction is that history will record tonight as the day Hillary won the presidency. You read it here first.

Also, I’m really enjoying watching the pundits eat crow. I want to see how they explain being so totally totally wrong. SUFFER!!!!!

  1. Les says:

    Let’s see she’s won 50% of the TWO states that have had elections. Somewhere I thought that the US had 50 states.
    2 states down, 48 to go….

  2. richardbt71 says:

    Hillary or Obama, it really doesn’t matter.

  3. Uncle Patso says:

    I apologize in advance — this has nothing to do with the story above.

    A hilarious (well _pretty_ funny anyway) faux-news story at

    “Dvorak officially changes his name to”


  4. MikeN says:

    >Republican controlled news media

    That’s funny. The only tough questioning she got was from a former employee of a Democratic Senator.

    She feels she is entitled to the presidency, and no questions allowed.

    Yeah, if the media were Republican controlled, this would probably be a battle between Obama, Biden, Richardson, and Dodd by now, and Hillary would be in Elizabeth Doleville(who actually held 2 cabinet positions).

  5. turbo63 says:

    OH, my goodness. The new media always gets this crap wrong. Has nothing to do with Clinton.

    How does being the 1st Lady make her ready to be prez? That is like saying my wife would do my job well, because she is my wife. What a bunch of bunk.

    Here is to the rest of the country not being so dumb. My bet is the the Edwards and other Dem voters will now transition to Obama.

    Anyone but Hillary!

  6. McCullough says:

    I predict Al Gore will throw his hat in the ring eventually, bypassing all this stupidity and win the nomination hands down. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the ass.

  7. Named says:


    It’s not an election. Its the clusterfuck to see who’s going to run the party.

  8. ArianeB says:

    #1 actually she has won 30% and 39% of two states. This aint over by a long shot. A lot rides on what the other candidates do. If it is reduced to Clinton vs Obama, I bet Clinton loses.

    The Republicans are basically down to 2 as well: McCain and Huckabee.

  9. turbo63 says:

    One more thing. If the Republicans controlled the media they would want Clinton to win the primaries. The numbers of a R candidate vs a Hillary are better than that of Obama.

    Perkel get your own Political blog. Don’t mess up this one.

  10. BubbaRay says:

    My prediction is that history will record tonight as the day Hillary won the presidency. You head it here first.

    A gambling man, are you? This early in the race? Give me some odds, and I might just go for it.

    Holy FSM, it’s only Jan. — 10 whole months to go. I love bets like this, if the odds are right. Have you checked out the gambling boards?


  11. Jack Flanders says:

    How about fuzzy math on the Republican side. The newspapers, TV shows and web sites still talk about Fred Thompson like he’s a “real” candidate, like he’s really in the race. The same sources will “mention” Ron Paul, but completely utterly write him off as a fringe, and not even invite him to some debates. Fine. Except Ron Paul is pulling in MORE actual votes than Fred Thompson so far.

    Fred Thompson got 1% of New Hampshire, and 13% of Iowa. Ron Paul won 8% of New Hampshire and 10% of Iowa.

    Total between the two states 17,000 folks voted for Thompson overall, and 25,000 for Paul.

    So why is Ron Paul treated as some fringe “not serious” candidate like Dennis Kucinich, while Fred Thompson is talked about like a serious main line candidate?

  12. Awake says:

    I don’t care who wins in the Democratic party… all three of them are wonderful candidates. Now it is boiling down to two, and they both have great programs, very similar in goals, and that is to make America great again, an example to the world, and America that we can be proud of.

    Most significant to me is the comparison in the vote totals for the overall parties… the Democratic party sweeping the Republicans off the stage. Tonight I totaled about 200,000 votes for Democrats and 160,000 for Republicans. A huge difference in a country that in the last Presidential election was split 52-48, and 50-50 before that.

    So pay no attention to the nominee results… pay attention to the party results.

  13. Awake says:

    Speaking of gambling boards:

  14. Awake says:

    Sorry about the above.. it won’t blog correctly.. try:

    [Fixed. – ed.]

  15. Hmeyers says:

    The fact that Obama has done so well in 2 states filled to the brim with elderly white people is rather shocking.

    I mean, McCain is nearly 80 years old from the looks of him and he just won NH.

    It’s not surprising that Hillary won NH with all those nursing home age women who’d like to see a woman president before dying.

  16. keane-o says:

    Don’t mean to stray too far OT [as if it mattered]; but, MikeN #4, I used to think perhaps you were a college sophomore. Your latest flights of ignorance, your willingness to avoid the most basic facts of old media business have convinced me to alter that to – high school sophomore.

  17. Max Exter says:

    You lost me at “grips staff”.

    – me –

  18. keane-o says:

    Oh, and take a snapshot at any particular time, tonight, after the polls closed. In a state with 44% of the voters registered as Independent, the ability to vote in either party’s primary – the numbers at this minute show the top 3 candidates in each party with 235,996 D vs. 170,302 R.

    No matter how the Bubba Believers try to slice it, the folks who prefer anything but a continuation of the same old shit, turned out 58% of the voters.

  19. Thomas says:

    > it can only make me hope that
    > those rich media types are going
    > to have to pay their share of the taxes.

    Huh? They are already paying their fair share. Something like 40% of the tax revenue comes from the richest 1%. The top 25% pay 86% of the tax revenue. What an idiotic statement. What you really mean is that you want the rich media types to more than their already more than fair share.

    RE: Election.
    Why don’t we wait until Super Tuesday? Hilarity will still have a hard time winning the Southern vote. As crazy as this sounds, I think Obama would have a better chance of winning the South than Hilarity.

    The worst of all possible outcomes for the country is to have to choose between Hilarity and Huckleberry. That is so far worse than the choice between a shit burger and douche bag it makes me shutter. Obama is certainly far less of a pill than Hilarity and since I honestly do not believe McCain can win I think Obama would smoke whomever the Republicans put up. However, if its Hilarity and Huckleberry the country will be 10x more divided than the last election.

  20. JPV says:

    Oh joy… more corrupt corporate shills getting votes.

  21. Selvy says:

    As John might say, “What a bunch of baloney”. Is this the Hillary stump site or what? I see neither Iowa nor NH as representative of anything. And that ‘right-wing controlled media’ bit is asinine. I don’t think we’re watching the same news channels (CNN, ABC, etc.). Maybe if you’re living in France our news media could be seen as mildly right-wing, sheese…

    With regard to Ron Paul, anyone not representative of the two-party system is ignored out-of-hand unless the candidate in question is rich and eccentric, ala Ross Perot. Unfortunately the media was right at the time to say he was a bit ‘off’.

  22. David says:

    Any time now, Mr. Bloomberg…

  23. jbella says:

    >Something like 40% of the tax revenue comes from the richest 1%.
    >The top 25% pay 86% of the tax revenue.

    According to research done by Edward Wolff, a professor of economics at New York University, the weathiest 5% of all americans own 59% of all wealth. Put another way.. the richest 5% have more wealth than the remaining 95% put together. This was in 1998. All indications seemed to indicate that this inequality was the prevailing trend, and not some anomaly.

    Furthermore, it’s estimated that the richest 10% of us own 85% of all outstanding stocks in the US. As you know, income made from stocks is taxed at a MUCH lower rate than regular income.

    So yea.. I would say that the rich don’t pay their fair share.

  24. Brian says:

    Yes, the media had already pronounced her campaign over, already said she was dead in the water, and continues to say she finished third in the Iowa race (she finished second).

  25. mlewinsky says:

    She who cries on tv, wins on tuesday!

  26. ChrisMac says:

    toss around all the stats you like..

    the bottom line is “About face, this ain’t workin”

    Please continue the surge.. The troops look really cool there on TV.

    GO Hillary!

  27. tallwookie says:

    ok – I dont vote, and we’ll leave the long winded eplanation aside for the moment – but i’m rooting for obama.

    not because he’s black, but because he’s a MAN.

    Suck it feminists

  28. JPV says:

    I don’t vote, because only an idiot would participate in his own fleecing.

  29. JPV says:

    Voting in particular is an embarrassment, being a public display of weak character and low intelligence. Let us face the truth: Democracy, like spitting in public or the Roman games, is the proper activity of the lower intellectual and moral classes. It amounts to collusion in one’s own suckering.

    The United States of course is not a democracy but a wonderfully crafted pretense. We have separated the results of elections from the formulation of policy. It is a neat trick: Voting distracts the rabble without disturbing the government. You cannot possibly – can you? – believe that your vote will change anything of importance? That it will end the flood of semi-literate Mexican proletarians who join our own? Divert the schools from their ghettoish apotheosis of the mentally lame and halt? Cause governmental behavior to rely on merit instead of race, creed, color, sex, and national origin?

    No. These things are determined remotely by lobbies, by criminals, and by forces that have no name. If you are lucky, you may be able to change parking regulations.

  30. Jack Flanders says:

    {BEGIN Republican Logic}
    Yes, poor Hillary “only” got 39% of the state to vote for her. See how the public HATES her. She how unelectable she is!
    {END Republican Logic}

    Clinton=110,550 (279,356 total votes for Dems)
    McCain = 86,802 (228,531 total votes for Reps)

    McCain, the Republican winner, must be HATED by America more than Hillary and is unelectable I guess. And just like in Iowa, more Democrats came out and voted. Ouch.


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