A conservative Christian pastor plans to launch a high-profile campaign Tuesday urging religious followers to load up on Microsoft Corp. stock, in an attempt to force the company to “stop financing ungodly ventures.” The Rev. Ken Hutcherson, who leads Antioch Bible Church in Microsoft’s hometown of Redmond, says that he will create a global and powerful group to promote traditional family values, including marriage exclusively between a man and a woman. The worldwide venture asks people to buy three shares of company stock and donate one to AGN.

It’s unclear what effect, if any, the initiative could have on the stock price. It would be difficult to influence company direction — just to gain a 1 percent stake in Microsoft, about 31 million people would each have to spend $104 to buy three shares. Microsoft has about 9.36 billion outstanding shares, and its largest holder is Chairman Bill Gates, with 858 million shares, or 9 percent of the total. Capital Research and Management Co. follows with nearly 557 million shares, or 6 percent.

At Microsoft’s annual shareholder meeting in November, Hutcherson told the group that he was gathering evangelicals, Catholics, Jews and Muslims to challenge the company. He told company leaders, “I could work with you, or I could be your worst nightmare, because I am a black man with a righteous cause, with a host of powerful white people behind me,” according to an e-mail update to his supporters. “I hope to hear from you and if not, you will hear from me.” The company was one of the first to offer employee benefits to same-sex domestic partners, according to its employee resource group GLEAM, which stands for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Employees at Microsoft.

Seems like just a novel way to steal from the sheep.

  1. moss says:

    “novel way to steal from the sheep” – isn’t that what pastors are for?

  2. David Kerman says:

    It seems to me that Microsoft probably ranks pretty low on the “ungodly” scale. Wouldn’t it make more sense to try to change an arms company, or perhaps companies that do business with horrible dictatorships?

    I just can’t see god having much of a problem with gays getting health benifits

  3. the answer says:

    Pyramid schemes of the 21st century were often misunderstood by the general public….

  4. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Black homophobia; nothing new, but largely invisible until recently. Discriminating against minorities is OK when it’s someone else’s minority, right?

    The lessons of the civil rights era are already forgotten by the beneficiaries, who, now being emancipated, become oppressors themselves.

    You can’t make this stuff up.

  5. James says:

    It bothers me how the leader of this group makes such a big deal about his race and the race of others who are with him.

    This effort is going to have no effect and be an incredible waste of time. I just don’t get why churches and church-goers spend so much money on frivolous church things (investing in Microsoft to eliminate their pro-gay policies, building HUGE churches, etc) instead of spending that money where it could be useful like feeding the hungry like Jesus told them to and stuff.

  6. cheese says:

    How about a REAL challenge… try to get MS to pay dividends.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Wow! What a great way for zelouts to push the stock price even higher!
    Let me see… create a demand for the stock which sends the price higher while giving Microsoft the cash to do more ungodly things!


  8. jim h says:

    “Stop financing ungodly ventures”… maybe he was talking about Vista?

  9. RBG says:

    I think the pastor is simply reacting to calls for religious groups to become more science-oriented instead of the usual reliance upon mere faith and superstition and practicing numbers as the sole basis of support for homosexual ideology.


  10. Jamie says:

    #2/David: When religious organizations get political, it’s rarely about anything other than political hot-button fear-based issues. Homosexuals having equal status is more scary and “real” to their congregation than genocide in Rwanda, for example.

    Oh, wait, your may have been a completely rhetorical (or ironic) question. Never mind. He probably just bought Halo 3 for his windows XP pc – found out that it requires Vista – and in a fit of rage decided to start an anti-gay campaign against MS.

  11. Calin says:

    “Stop financing ungodly ventures”… maybe he was talking about Vista?

    Great, now the guy in the office next to me thinks I’m nuts for laughing at nothing.

  12. Rabble Rouser says:

    Give me a break! This clown in a stiff collar has got to be joking. Any time I wanted to affect a company, I have always advocated for SELLING the company’s stock, thus LOWERING its value. One should look and see how much this preacher has invested in M$, and expose him for what he is REALLY trying to do. That would be make a quick buck off of his followers, aka, sheeple.

  13. DeLeMa says:

    Well, at the least, he could distract the kinds of people who would normally send the money to the PAC’s that supposedly represent their misbegotten ideals.

  14. DeLeMa says:

    I just noticed…what the heck is REVKEN R.I. all about ? I are cornfused ? Thought the article was based in Redmond ?

  15. McCullough says:

    #14. He gets around?

  16. Matt Garrett says:

    It’s a common practice. I saw a piece on 60 minutes a few years back about a pair of nuns who were doing the same thing over a host of social issues. Liberals tend to do it as well. Nothing to see here.

  17. DeLeMa says:

    Liberals as opposed to whom ? I’m really hoping you guys find another catch-basin word for your ignorant bashing of opoonents. It’s more than just old..

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    “The worldwide venture asks people to buy three shares of company stock and donate one to AGN.”


  19. Mister Catshit says:

    Yes Angel, “donate”. That way they get a tax deduction for giving to a charity. This is the way religious organizations claim to give so much more to charity than do non-religious people.

    Just another wack job. Probably related to that Utah asshole that thinks he owns everyone.

  20. floyd says:

    #20: That wackjob is likely to get very rich with this scheme. Plenty of money in religion; any denomination. That’s one reason I gave up religion for Lent many years ago.

  21. brucemlloyd says:

    There are children dying of AIDS in Africa, there is genocide happening there too. The world is coming apart at the seams, but let’s go after the gays!

    I want to find another planet to live on.

  22. Jägermeister says:

    Wouldn’t they be better off taking over Apple? I mean, they could put in subliminal messages in their products and turn the whole world heterosexual… well, at least the Apple fanboys. Just imagine someone listening to YMCA on their iPod:

    Young man, there’s no need to feel down. being gay is bad…
    I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground. come to God…
    I said, young man, ’cause you’re in a new town being gay is wrong…
    There’s no need to be unhappy. donate your money to us…

    Young man, there’s a place you can go. you love women…
    I said, young man, when you’re short on your dough. donate to the church…
    You can stay there, and I’m sure you will find men love women…
    Many ways to have a good time.donate your belongings…

  23. QB says:

    “I’ve met many ex-gays, but I’ve never met an ex-black.”
    Rev. Ken Hutcherson

    He’s also met many ex-straights. Although I’ve never met Michael Jackson, he probably fulfills the criteria for both.

  24. Jack Flanders says:

    I live in Seattle. I’ve heard and seen this guy (Rev. Ken Hutcherson) many times. He’s one of the biggest nasty bastards on the planet. A complete political tool. He really wants to run for a office but hasn’t had the balls yet. He’s ALWAYS sticking his nose in politics.

    “Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.” — Denis Diderot

  25. tallwookie says:

    lol ok – so 31 millions people purchase 3 shares each – but they’re still indiviuals. If they are indeed morons (aka religious) and they want their investment to suffer, then sure, they can go vote republican or whatever.

    Religion = nutjobs

    If I was the Shepard in Chief I’d start culling the flock in a serious way

  26. Patrick says:

    Wouldn’t this qualify as stock manipulation and blackmail?

  27. JimD says:

    This “Pastor” is just a MONEY-GRUBBING ***CLOSET CASE*** !!!

  28. Greg Allen says:

    What are the odds that Rev. Ken Hutcherson will get caught in some gay sex scandal?

    Recent events have given us plenty of reason to believe that anti-gay crusaders are highly likely to be self-loathing closeted homosexuals.


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