The Denver Post

Pregnant students in a Denver high school are asking for at least four weeks of maternity leave so they can heal, bond with their newborns and not be penalized with unexcused absences.

The request is unusual in Colorado’s public schools, where districts tend to deal with pregnant students or new moms with specialized programs or individualized education plans.

Denver Public Schools has no districtwide policy, leaving it up to schools to work out plans for students to continue their education.

Two counselors from East High School approached the school board last month, saying the policy at their school is unfair and inconsiderate because it forces new moms to return to school the day after being discharged from the hospital or face being charged with unexcused absences. “My initial reaction is if we are punishing girls like that, that is unacceptable,” said Nicole Head, one of the counselors who brought the matter to the school board last month. “We’ve got to do something.”

Of course some will say this will just encourage teen promiscuity, then the same bunch will complain if the teen drops out of school to become a welfare recipient, or worse yet, opts for abortion. Its a no win situation, but a real problem that at least is being addressed.

  1. WTRickman says:

    “Of course some will say this will just encourage teen promiscuity”

    This would be no time to force your personal morality on the public policy….

    Not allowing mothers (teen, adult, or otherwise) to bond with their children, only hurts the child.

  2. jbenson2 says:

    Seems like there is an easy solution. Let them stay out for as long as they want. When they return, just make them repeat the grade.

  3. richardbt71 says:

    #1 – “This would be no time to force your personal morality on the public policy….”

    Who’s moral code should we live by?

    When I missed several weeks from school, I had to go to summer school. I wish I had the option of passing the finals, so I didn’t have to go to summer school.

  4. Stu Mulne says:

    If the blissninnies in charge would teach these kids how to avoid pregnancy, it might be a little better….

    However this still beats most of the usual alternatives.

    Got, unlike Hilary, my vote…. Burying one’s head in the sand may feel good, but it just makes your butt a better target.



  5. Russ says:

    I don’t see what’s keeping the mothers from bringing the babies to school. That way, the mothers can attend school and still hang out with the baby. Everyone wins.

  6. McCullough says:

    #6. So, day care centers at high school, really?

  7. old waterman says:

    McCullough I don’t know where you live but the local high schools here have had childcare for at least a decade. I live in a in a diehard fly over republican state. The ladies are expected to get back to their education as soon as is practical.

  8. The One says:

    Sounds like an education is needed before the pregnancy. Why must everything be done ass-backwards… so to speak.

  9. gquaglia says:

    You have to remember, 200 years ago, if you weren’t pregnant in your teens, you were considered an old maid. The human body is meant to start producing off spring as soon as menstruation begins. Its only our sense of modern morality that frowns upon it.

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – I don’t see what’s keeping the mothers from bringing the babies to school. That way, the mothers can attend school and still hang out with the baby. Everyone wins.


    I can barely tolerate babies at the grocery store or Target. I’d hate to think of what high school would have been like with a small army of shitting and screaming machines in the building. It would be like trying to learn in an East European ghetto.

    Babies belong sheltered in the home until old enough to walk upright and keep quiet.

  11. McCullough says:

    #10. Um yeah me too. As far as day care being common in High School, I have lived in many places, and thats a new one on me. And a shitty idea, if you’ll excuse the pun.

  12. MikeN says:

    They should get maternity leave. Unlike welfare, I don’t see how this encourages pregnancy.

    We need to get back to the idea that public schools serve the public and not the other way around.

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #9 – Economics driven not socially driven.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – But hey, keep pushing your liberal agenda, so those unfit to raise and support kids breed like rabbits.

    By unfit, do you mean poor?

    There is nothing about a so-called “liberal agenda ” that causes teenage pregnancy and you are surely not in any position (any more so than I am) to pass judgment on who is and is not fit to raise kids.

    It’s utter kneejerk bullshit to blab about a failure of the schools and families to explain that sexually mature (biologically speaking) teens get horny and fuck, just as they have been doing since the dawn of time.

    If anyone has failed, it’s the right wing asshats who want to keep sex education away from kids.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #16 – someone who is not able to get a job that gives enough money to support what a child needs (food, clothing, etc.) is not fit to be a parent.

    So says you… and just who are you?

    It would be great if the only people who ever had kids were successful middle class married couples, but that just isn’t they way it works. How do you want to address the problem? Do you want pregnancy to only be available to those who receive a special government granted license? How do you suggest we tackle the issue?

    And someone fighting for the right of teenagers to be pregnant or be parents is a complete loon.

    Nobody is fighting for a right for teens to get knocked up. You don’t want teens to get knocked up and I don’t want teens to get knocked up. But when a teen does, what you want is no longer very important, and what you are going to do about it is.

    So choose… Would you choose to use the opportunity to chastise the girl and use shame and derision to make an already difficult situation worse? That seems in keeping with our puritanically religious and backward thinking roots. Or do you want to set up a system that seeks to make an unfortunate situation better?

    It is not utter bullshit. It is the ultimate evidence that those surrounding sexually mature teens that get horny and want to fuck do not know how to handle the situation accordingly and are unable to teach them how to cope with themselves. Or do I have to asume that we are witnessing the dawn of the redneck mainstream?

    It is utter bullshit. It’s not “evidence” of anything. It’s nothing more that holier than thou judgmental scorn from the right, which is all the right is good for.

    And you must realize that ALL OF US surround sexually mature teens… And yet, kids get pregnant. You may not be aware of this, but getting pregnant is purely a biological function. That means it isn’t just the poor slut kids of the lower class rabble, that the right wing hates so much, who get knocked up. Middle class and rich girls get pregnant too. The daughters of politicians, ministers, CEOs, and military officers also sometimes get pregnant.

    Bury your head in the sand, or work to make things better.

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #18 – Bravo! an ode to irresponsibility.

    Is there somebody in this conversation whose posts don’t show up on my screen… because you obviously aren’t talking to me. I’m talking about making the situation better for young mothers. Oh… the sheer irresponsibility…

    I’m neither neither conservative nor liberal.

    I would agree that you don’t “claim” to be either… but having read your posts over the past year or more, I can safely guess which side you are on, despite your lack of declaration.

    The most important reason why not is because both use those “cushions” to hide their lack of common sense.

    Rather than cushions, what do you hide your lack of common sense with.

    Here is a common sense observation. The girl had a baby. That’s done. Now, what allowances would you allow to make sure she has the best chance at success with that baby?

    Or would you take the baby away? By force? You haven’t answered any of the many questions I’ve asked. None of them were rhetorical, so I have to assume that you prefer passing judgment on strangers based on your own ignorance about the issue and your own unrealistic expectations of others, rather than offering up a solution to what we all agree is a problem.

    That or maybe you are offering a solution, which is the standard solution that most conservatives and libertarians offer, which is “I got mine, fuck you.”

    There’s a reason why teenagers are called adolescents.

    Yes there is. It is because the definition of adolescent is being of the age 13 through 19 and in the state of development between puberty and maturity. Please, offer me another nugget of wisdom Webster.

    There’s also a big difference between liberty and libertinage.

    Again true… but also again, not important to this conversation.

    Get back to me when you learn these two things.

    How about we just assume that I know these things, and you are on the losing end of the debate… That is unless you actually want to answer the questions rather than skirt the issues…

    …the issues which, by the way, are not raised by the article. The article suggests that the school board should consider whether or not it should offer maternity leave to new mothers. It has nothing to do with the unrelated points you make about who is and is not fit to be a parent.

  17. webgirl says:

    Comming from a school that taught ONLY Abstanance,I personally feel that it is not enough! It has become obvious that no matter how much info is drilled into students about sex being wrong, they are STILL GOING TO DO IT! So why not change the way things are taught in schools instead of punishing students when they do get pregnant! No one wants to admitt that teens are having sex BUT NEWS FLASH, THEY ARE! So instead of freaking out when they get pregnant lets help teach them to practice SAVE SEX that way this problem isnt as big of an issue as it is now! It was mentioned in the news report that teen mothers leave school and attend alternative classes or move to homes for teenage mothers! My question is why is the mother to be sent off and hidden yet the father to be remains enrolled and no actions are taken against him! Im most cases he comes known among the students as “THE MAN” for getting some! If the view is that mothers to be need to be removed from the public school then it is only correct to remove the father to be as well.
    As far as returning to school the day after, any women who has had a child knows rest afterwards is needed! If a high school student were to contract a medical condition such as cancer in which they were hospitalized most schools would send homework to the student and do everything the can to help keep that student caught up! Why is this not done with teen pregnancies?

  18. only_gal says:

    i dnt appriciate this a bit

  19. only_gal says:

    i dnt appriciate this a bit?how cud this be…………

  20. Ok says:

    I am 17. I got sex education at the age of 12. I know what sex, a condom, and all those things are. If you are in high SCHOOl, and you have a child, you are a stupid whore. Why? Becouse you were too fucking stupid to wear a condom.

    Listen, I am all up for freedom and stuff, but when you have underage sex WITHOUT a condom or the pill, get pregnant, and still have the guts to ask for ‘maternity leave’?

    These girls are sluts who should be punished, and this tolerance is unacceptable. Underage sex is illegal, and if you do it and still think you have rights, you’re wrong. Once I have kids, I will make sure their high school would never even consider doing anything as stupid or reckless, I will make sure it doesn’t go through.

    • Tiffany says:

      Well youre the fucking stupid one. I was on the pill AND used condoms and still got pregnant. Dont justify people because your life is so shitty you have to criticize other peoples lives. Its just like saying someone who texts while driving and gets into an accident doesnt deserve rights to stay at a hospital or have time to recover from a brain injury because texting and driving is illegal. Your a fucking stupid cunt and deserves to be slapped in the face, whore.

  21. Isis says:

    I think it is just like motivating teen pregnancy.They shouldn’t been pregnant at such a age.Now girls will make excuses that they are pregnant & they want their maternity leave.


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