
New York Times and business news channel CNBC will share video and stories from each other’s Web sites in an alliance that could bolster them against an expected assault by News Corp.

Under the deal, New York Times articles will be posted on CNBC’s Web site, while the Times will use CNBC video for its site. Neither company will pay the other for its news.

“They have something we don’t have enough of — video — and we bring in-depth business reporting,” Larry Ingrassia, the Times’s business news editor, told Reuters in an interview…

Still, the deal is not specifically aimed to defend against Murdoch, Ingrassia said. “This is a world in which there is not just one competitor,” he said. “Clearly, the Journal is the main competitor of the Times … but this is not aimed at any single competitor.”

May as well work to stay ahead, anyway. So far, the Fox Biz Channel is a 19th Century dollar-sucking farce.

  1. the answer says:

    So CNBC will look like there finally credible because there now using news from NYT?

  2. Eideard says:

    Silly me. I thought people already knew CNBC was #1 in ratings for biz news on TV.

  3. James Hill says:

    Only a hack would try to spin this as anti-Fox. Realistically, this shows how desperate CNBC is, and how convinced they are that FoxBiz is a real threat.

  4. DeLeMa says:


  5. UWHawke says:

    Wait . . . Fox has a business channel? How’d I miss that? Oh wait, that’s right I didn’t care, my bad.


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