From //STATiC

There are 38 more photos here.

  1. Captain Gordino says:

    Is this real? And are the rest of the photos like this?

  2. JPV says:

    Yep, it’s real all right…

  3. edwinrogers says:

    #1. yes, real. Guy lost his forearm to a wee croc, I think it was in the Philippines. That’ll hurt in the morning! Anyway, the rest are terribly sad and lividly spectacular, so it’s hard for me to decide whether they are good, or whether they tell us more about the person who judged them. Not suited to the sensitive, impressionable souls who often dwell in DU.

  4. The one up top here is the only one I liked. The dead eles were way too depressing. Many of the others weren’t much better. But, I love the human hand in the croc mouth!! That would be a way to recycle my body when I’m done with it, or nearly so.

  5. McCullough says:

    #4. Hey, if your donating, there are about 60 sled dogs on the property next to mine. They are always hungry, and they never shut up, till they’re fed proper.

  6. Mister Catshit says:

    #5, McCollough

    60 sled dogs? In Florida? Geeze, the things must be hot. No wonder they make a lot of noise.

  7. Phillep says:

    Sled dogs? They shed. Fairbanks reminds me of Tulsa in the summer, they should do alright in Florida.

  8. McCullough says:

    #6. Mr. Feline Fecal material, no not Florida, a little further west.

  9. FTS2090 says:

    Most of those pictures depict people in unfortunate situations ( the kid with no fingers, dead bodies, the guy up to his waist in who knows what), how does this ever become the “best pictures of 2007”

    man!! society is doomed!!

  10. Jägermeister says:

    Wow, this lady must be a babe…

  11. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Thanx, Hop – an excellent find, indeed. Some very powerful subject matter + high artistic values = great photojournalism.

    Now excuse me while I have a word with someone who obviously doesn’t get it…

    • • • •

    “Most of those pictures depict people in unfortunate situations, how does this ever become the “best pictures of 2007″

    man!! society is doomed!!”

    I don’t really know how to break this to you nicely, but you are apparently an idiot.

    Strong, vivid images of the often very tragic events that occur in the course of real human lives – and some of the people those things happen to – are great pictures. They serve to remind us that the world is a dangerous place, that many people live horrible lives. They’re a slap in the face, which is exactly what they’re supposed to be. They are not to be ENJOYED, you clot.

    ‘Society is doomed’ because some people have the guts to look at the parts of life that aren’t all smiley faces and cute puppies? That they want to remind people that they should remember, and be grateful, that their lives are much, much better than those of 100s of millions who live in poverty, disease and squalor?

    That takes today’s prize for truly moronic sentiment. Congrats.

    Sorry you feel so bad about being reminded that there’s a world bigger than you and your petty little life. Pfffft.

  12. Mister Catshit says:

    #8, McCullough,

    My mistake. For a second I was confusing you with our esteemed editor (of this post) from Florida. It just so happened to be the wrong second too. My apologies sir.

  13. David says:

    I would expect to see this kind of grotesque stuff on, but here? A little more editorial discrepancy, please.

  14. bobbo says:

    Discrepancy==YES===We need more of that.


  15. BubbaRay says:

    Thanks, hhopper, the pix are quite good!

    The article picture looks like the natural outcome of the Ultimate King Kahuna Moron Award.

    [off topic]
    Looks like I’ve only 11 mos. to select a new pic for the BubbaRayDipDork Award. I knew tying it to a pres. was a short term idea, darnit!

    Don’t forget the Award 2007 summary here:

  16. meetsy says:

    define “best”. I would have liked captions…because otherwise it was just a bunch of confusing pictures and ugly people


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