• CES underway. Gates keynote called the “swan song.” How many times will this guy retire?
  • Robots being used in Asia according to the Washington Post.
  • Stop the presses! GM has a robot car.
  • Watch Cranky Geeks on TiVo.
  • Internet refrigerator back on the market.
  • Blu-ray now winning the battle.
  • I’ll be looking at new search engines.
  • I still have problems with the Yahoo toolbar. It would not go away when uninstalled.

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  1. GregA says:

    Ok, Im down with convergance, but what is the internet refrigerator for? Ive remember seeing those at comdex like 15 years ago now. Buuuttt. I still don’t get it. I would much rather have a toaster that was also an iPod dock…

  2. jescott418 says:

    John, I think Yahoo is turning into the next AOL. It’s a scary thought I know. But it seems the only way to guarantee they get viewers is to force you to view their site. Next thing you know you will go to the grocery store to buy Skippy and by the time you check out Peter Pan will be in your cart.I for one think it’s wrong for programs not to ask you if you want Icon’s added or to just add itself to startup.
    It’s now wonder computers slow down.

  3. ag3nt0sm1th says:

    Have you tried using Toolbarcop to remove the toolbar from I.E. after un-installing…


    [Please use TinyUrl.com for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  4. mogur says:

    By the way, Crank Greeks on TiVo look like VHS EP on a VERY bad day. The quality is simply horrendous. I’ll pass on this method.

  5. kmsasquatch says:

    On the toolbar there should be an icon that looks like a pencil. It’s the dumbest place in the world to put this, but click that and it should give you the option to uninstall from there.

    And yeah, there is simply no way to avoid getting the stinking toolbar. I hate it. Everyone should write a letter to Yahoo complaining about it and John should mention this in his column. Maybe then they’ll stop foisting software on us whether we like it or not.

  6. qsabe says:

    I’m stuck with Yahoo. AT&T DSL >>> I hate them. They are not a nice company. They are one of hundreds of not very nice companies around. Just like spam you do have to be observant when installing the latest of anything or upgrading the stuff you already have. Everyone from Nero to Adobe wants to make a few more pennies by sticking that crap on your machines for you. Don’t just click, read what your clicking on.


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