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Good looking people, don’t have to think. They don’t need to use their intellect and personality to impress others. They are not bad or superficial people, but they seem ambivalent to those personable stimuli that normal people need to use to get by in life.
I think that one nasty chick got the wrong impression. Maybe thats why she was crying.. “no no this is a hypothetical interview, how would u feel if you were hot”
You got a puuurrrdy mouth…
RockOn, loved it 😉
Nothing screams degenerate redneck quite like, “You got a puuurrrdy mouth…” Born on the bayou and never left.
That was lame. Ahh, pitty the poor pretty people. Are they going to get minority status now?
I want my 3 minutes back.
Without beautiful people (what I regard as beautiful, of course), life would be pretty fucking pointless. And I mean that sincerely.
Seduction is the reason we come to Earth: the blue planet in a dark universe is as seductive as the prettiest face in the world (julieb comes in second).
Good-looking has advantages over plain; and tall wins over short; just as thin appeals more than fat; and white dominates black. This discovery also reveals stupid defeats intelligent.
This is like an uber-genius bitching about being too smart because he can’t connect with normal people. Guess what? There’s still no such thing as a free lunch, even if someone gives you a pita.
Yet another excuse for someone to feel put upon. Guess what, life sucks. Move on and grab your free Pita’s while on your way to get first crack at the wealthy folks who want to shower you with gifts so they can be close to you for no other reason than they want to mate with you and have little babies that look like you.
#6 – THC
Imagine porn with ugly people…
It doesn’t matter if you’re a hottie or a fugly chud, whining about your looks is unattractive.
By the way, I declined to be interviewed for this piece because it just seemed so gosh-darn shallow. They really begged because they wanted to include the “good-looking infidel” point of view that is so often overlooked 😉
uhm is it just me??? or did some one them only look average???
#14. I thought pretty much all of them looked average, my standards are so fucking high.
You would think if you are going to do a documentary about pretty people and what they think about being pretty that perhaps they would actually put pretty people in the video.
Ya, I’d say only pita-girl makes it over the line, and she still ain’t no Charlize Theron…
• • • •
Gary – are you affirming that beautiful = dangerous? :>
Oh Feline Trinity, I’m fairly sure that the element of danger adds considerably to my attractiveness. I heard that women can’t resist the “bad boy” allure, and saw an opportunity worth exploiting. And to drive the point home, I’ve been known to run with scissors 😉
Being good looking never bothered me as a guy. It used to pull me in some serious booty before I got married. And with a 148 IQ, it was quite easy to play the “dumb guy” that most of these women preferred.
When I met the woman I was going to marry, she saw through all my BS from minute one. And she’s smarter than me, too.
To this day, I am amazed she puts up with me still.
With such a gay name, you are actually married to a woman?
Beauty fades, dumb is forever.
Well, given that all human attributes pretty much are evenly/randomly exhibited in the human race==why not go with beauty when you can and hope for an average distribution of the rest?
I’ve dated ugly and pretty and some were vain and others levelheaded. Some were whip smart and others uninformed. Turn the lights out, and couldn’t tell which was which.
Find comfort in the dark.
Long ago I saw a lady with a real SLUP.
She was very pretty, and the guy hit her, once in awhile.
I asked her WHY she married him.
She answered.
He was the first to ask me.
What has two thumbs and likes blowjobs?
I’m with #14 and #17. These people aren’t exactly cover models.
Besides, who cares what they think? I want to know who’s giving out free pitas!
[Message deleted – See Comment Guidelines. – ed.]
@ # 11 Jägermeister
You just aren’t looking hard enough.
I just have to ask..was the question important enough to be asked in the first place ?!? A mini-documentary on really pretty hookers, where the best are and how much they get..yeah..that’d be worth a mini something or other..
Where was the “Ask a Ninja” guy? He would have this problem and tell us so.
That first chic need makeup.